The N Word

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. What are your views on the use of the n word?

    I was once went to this party and met this pretty cool black guy. After the party I was hanging out with him and his friends (who were also black) and all of the sudden they were calling each other n****r. TBH I was completely shocked that they saying this because he didn't seem like the kind of guy to use such a word.

    The daughter of my old Pastor is black and sometimes calls her boyfriend my n****r (her boyfriend is black).

    Is it ok for a black person to use the n word but not any other race?

    Charlamagne has some interesting views on this issue.
  2. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    I don’t get offended by words. The more vulgar the better! :p

    Anyway, that word isn’t really part of my vocabulary but if a situation arose where I needed to say the word, I’d do so without hesitation. If someone who heard me decided that I wasn’t allowed to say that word, it would be their problem. Not mine.
  3. BonjourEsteban

    BonjourEsteban Fapstronaut

    Words are funny. They are made of a general definition, the base meaning of said word. Then we throw in our personal translation. We also have to think about what movies/tv/news, has taught us about the word. They aren't as set as you think.

    Words like love. Make us feel warm, happy, and think of tons of shit that is marketed. But there is a duality to love. Has anyone been in a toxic relationship? People have used love to rationalize tons of shitty behavior in themselves and in their relationships. A good love and a bad love exist.

    Shame and guilt are words that humans feel. Sure they don't make us feel good when we read them. But I think they are powerful motivators. I shame myself if I look at porn, and I use guilt to get out of bed early and get my errands done. They don't have to be bad things.

    As for hot topic words and how they are used. The words are never going away. Comedians, Writers, Rap Artists, will always use them, as they see fit. The social stigma of it has made them a big deal. But I think if we really want to solve the headache these words can bring, be emotionally intelligent. Even though someone said it. Try to understand the context and make the word less powerful than it is. No one can hurt you unless you let them.

    Someone called me a faggot once. In a small town. My boyfriend at the time insisted on my holding my hand. I just looked at the guy and replied with, "you have nice eyes". Why would I let someone I am never going to see again hurt me? I am not clearly. He thought he had a weapon in a word. But I love being a faggot, I have changed my personal definition of it so its awesome to me. I would think of it as a plus.

    The n word means a lot of things to a lot of people. But it doesn't have to mean anything. Change your reaction to it. Don't react when someone says it in a hurtful way or in any way at all. That's how I feel.
  4. I'm sorry, but did those guys call themselves n***ers or n***as, bc there's a distinct difference (although I don't necessarily agree w it).

    What I've heard, from whites and black people both, if you're white you can only use the n***a (not n***er) word like sparingly. Or at least not 5 times every time they open their mouth, which alot of fake white dudes would do when theyre trying to pretend to "be cool."

    I doubt your buddies were throwing "the hard r" unless they were joking bc there's a dark history associated w it.

    I'm hip hop you'll always hear "n***ga" but never "n***er," unless it's a joke.

    I never use the "n***er," word bc I'm not racist. And I don't really use the "n***ga" word unless I'm singing along to songs or saying phrases (non offense, hiphop related).

    But yeah, that's generally the rule. But I don't really agree with it. I think people should say what they want, and if they are assholes throwing "n***ers" around at blacks, they should get beat down and everybody moves on.
    Gotham Outlaw and HatePorn like this.
  5. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    I dont think there is a law in this world where you are not allowed to say a word like the one below.

    Nibber for me is just a word, a slur, but hoomans give them power for some reason. You can use good words to insult and offend someone, and you can also use bad words, slurs to reward someone. Depends on the person, I sometimes use nibber in funny ways or when surprised I may say "Oh sweet nibba!", even in front of my black friends, they are ok with that and they dont seem to care like what words I use.

    What I noticed is that the once who get offended are actually whites, mostly americans. I know my opinion might be in a minority here, but I think white americans gets offended by nibba word because its a mainstream thing to do, because everyone else gets offended, I know there is history of slavery and stuff, but the way they say it..... sounds more like an excuse to me, if the majority will stop giving this word such a power then it wont have such an effect, regardless of what history this word had.

    And the reason why I censored this word is because I believe most of moderators on this forum are white americans and unfortunately I think they might get butthurted and ban me.

    "What???!!!! How dare you use this N word???!!!! Didnt you learned about slavery and stuff???!!! The History Man!!! History!!! You are not allowed to use this word because of history! Not because the media says we are not allowed to use it.....but because of history!!!""
  6. Spoony

    Spoony Fapstronaut

    Its been used that many times it no longer has that ring to it that makes it offensive. So no, i no longer consider it as offensive but its not really in my choice words either so i rarely use it.
  7. My nigga it's cool as long as you use it to refer to someone who's not black. Like, I wouldn't call a black guy that in America even if he's my friend. But I would still refer to someone who's not black as a nigga around my black friend. I'd say something like, "Ay, you see that nigga's shoes? That nigga got the memory foam 11's" and the guy would be a non black lmaoooo.

    "Nigger" on the other hand is no no due to historical reasons. Just don't use it useless you're reading it in English class. Lmaoooo.

    So, in conclusion every non boujee non black person can say nigga as long as they use it with a non black race, which most white people never will, but for some reason a lot of them want the privilege of calling black people that and that's where it gets interesting. They like to pull the "Oh, just 'cause I'm white, I can't say it? That's racist." card, but that's a bunch of bullshit. I'd like to see the day where a guy, white as light pulls up to someone who's just as white and says, "Ay, what's gucci my nigga?" but you're never gonna see it and that's why it's racist because they ain't even about it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2018
  8. Wait, white people call eachother nigga all the time. Do you mean a white guy saying it to a black guy? Because one of my friends likes t see it to me and I'll say it back. Like I'll say "what's good nigga" kinda thing, and he happens to be black.

    There's racist white people and then there's non-racist white people, then there's anti racist activist white people. Same with black people. Theres racist black people, non racist, and activist against black racism
  9. What I'm saying is there's all different types of people regardless of race, gender, or religious preference.
  10. I was talking about white people who would typically never say it with each other until they see a black guy. That's what I meant by "white as light", a straight edge. Should've been specific.
  11. In my opinion, saying “nigger” makes you sound like a racist, and saying “nigga” makes you sound like an idiot.
  12. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

  13. Are you sure it was "nigger" and not "nigga"? Black people and other races tend to say the latter a lot more often in public.

    If it was the latter, do you not meet a lot of black people in general? When black people hang out with each other, that word will come up every so often.

    Now strictly talking about "nigger", anecdotally speaking, I've never met a black, white, etc person that said that in public right in front of me. ( I tend to intimidate people with my appearance, so that could be part of it )

    But the fact that the word is regarded as offensive is ridiculous to me. It gives the person using it power over said black person. I agree with @HatePorn.

    Funnily enough, it's usually white people ( americans specifically ) that enforce the "rule" that they can't say "nigga" or "nigger", at least not in public. Again, anecdotally speaking, I said it in front of two music teachers I have that were white and the both of them got extremely uncomfortable. From personal experience, it's white people ( again americans ) that are more offended by either word than black people.

    To tell a small story from personal experience, this white kid on PSN was in a chat party that I was in with another white kid and a few of his friends. The white kid that joined the party started spouting off how black people love chicken, attempting to use it as an insult.

    The other white kid I was associated with got way more upset and way more defensive than I ever did. I didn't even react. ( Yes, I'm black. )

    You should be allowed to say whatever the hell you want. I just think people should keep a certain level of civility when dealing with those that they have no true relationship with.

    My personal rule is that I only call black people I'm good friends with/related to as "nigga".

    EDIT: I swear if I get banned for typing the words in a non-aggressive manner...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2018
    Gotham Outlaw and HatePorn like this.
  14. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    Can we just let the word die already and carry on ?
  15. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Words only have whatever power you give them. The only times I can remember using it was in my American literature class in highschool. In those cases they were either a quote or a discussion about a quote. The teacher actually had no problem with it. He read the quote and used the words in the context of the book. Then we would have a discussion about it. If i was talking to a friend I would use it in the same joking way I might call him a cocksucker. In both circumstances I'm not using the word in a derogatory way. If someone has a problem with me saying it in a non derogatory way they can go fuck a cactus.
    HatePorn likes this.
  16. GeneralismoKilgore

    GeneralismoKilgore Fapstronaut

    It can be a bit imposing sometimes when you run into people who use words which you've been conditioned not to like. I've never understood the seeming taboo around the word, when the black community seems so free in the use of it within their own community. But its one of those things that if you comment on, it can be a complete minefield. If your black, feel free to say that you dislike the word because you find it offensive. If your any other color, unfortunately the best you can do is ignore it, or if they are understanding let them know you don't like the use of the word.
  17. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    People are offended by the correct pronunciation of words now! Ghetto blacks have a weird accent and they don't say the "er" sound they say "ah" instead. Motha, fucka, craka, all said with ah instead of er. This distinction between the two pronunciations of the N-word is a big crock of shit!
  18. I am not a fan of the huge double standard when it come's to racism. I don't know why It's ok for black people to say it and not white people. It's a huge double standard. Racism is always only directed against white people if anyone talks bad about white the media has little or nothing to say about it and oddly enough they will some time encourage it. I get tired of people pulling the race card and I think it's going to lead to major problems in the future.
    Cel mai drept ideal likes this.
  19. Agreed!
  20. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    My post above has nothing to do with racism or double standards or whatever I'm simply pointing out what I think is factual about the two pronunciations of the N-word.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2018