The real world is a real trigger

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ImDaniel, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. ImDaniel

    ImDaniel Fapstronaut

    How do you guys, manage not to be triggered by the world? I mean, if you live in a city, you go out and you see advertising banners showing hot girls. You walk in front of shops selling sexy lingerie. And of course, all the hot ladies taking the bus or the train wearing suggestive clothes.
    This all makes my mind thinking about sex, porn and I always have urges to masturbate when I arrive home. Sometimes it's bearable but some days it is really hard to avoid masturbating.
    Do you have some tips to control your mind and not start thinking about sex in such situations?
  2. RiBo

    RiBo Fapstronaut

    I always try to distract myself by thinking about childish things like cartoons, or think about my interests like gaming. If my friends are around, I start talking to them to avoid my mind from going crazy. I haven't experienced any urge by seeing others, probably that's because most people wear modest clothes here and I think I'm doing pretty well for now. Just today I caught myself rating figures of girls I saw in my college campus, and I realised "why am I doing it? Seems pointless" . Then I stopped and carried on eating (this happened in cafeteria).
  3. We must use our energy wisely. Do not linger, get moving.

    We need a daily organized schedule that keeps us up and vibrant. Exercise, work, study, skill drills, and for god sake cold showers!

    Build willpower slowly and over time become a master of the mind.

    Say it with me out loud, everyday: I did not masturbate today and I'm sure as hell not going to fap tomorrow. I live life to the fullest, as the fullest. I am pure energy, master of my mind, body and emotions.

    Solid Stance, Brother in Arms to Heirs of the Sun. Holding the light for 29 days.
    iLoveHer likes this.
  4. ImDaniel

    ImDaniel Fapstronaut

    I started to practice meditation, however I never achieved to enter in a meditative state. Even if I meditate at home alone in a calm atmosphere I'm always distracted by something (issues in school projects, problems in my relationship with my girlfriend... there is always something that distracts me) and cannot fully concentrate on meditation. So meditating in public transportation or in a crowded place seems impossible for me at the moment.

    I think reading a book is a great idea! I will buy some books, this also will prevent me to spend too much time on my smart phone!
  5. A good beginner mediation is at home with your eyes open and fixed on an object. Use a flower for example. Think about the flower, its creation, lifecycle, etc. When other thoughts come in, say "no, not now, Im meditating on this flower." In this way we train our mind to only think in a focused and methodical way.
  6. bm12

    bm12 Fapstronaut

    You obviously can't just look away if you're driving down the road and feeling tempted fromantic something yout see. Something I've tried before that has worked is to keep the thing that is tempting you in your peripheral vision only. Don't focus on it. When we are lusting at an image or physical body of someone we usually are focusing directly at it. But if we keep it (a billboard of a woman or a jogger) in the peripheral then we know it's there but we can't really focus enough on it to lust. Doing this will allow you to keep driving without crashing or walking without walking into a wall.