The secret about Facebook and instagram you ignore...

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Fapstronaut

    So It's almost 7pm, I am studying at home, but I wanted to write something... and this came to my mind.
    Something I've noticed while dealing with my addiction is that posts we think are normal on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, or tweets or whatever trigger my urge to MO. I think it's important, or even necessary to limit what your eyes are seeing. The eyes are the doors to our mind, and our brain is the biggest and most important sexual organ. So I started by deleting some girls on my social networks who keep posting those sexy pics, I'm also trying to limit my time on social networks and on the internet in general and rather using it for other stuff, more important stuff. I really need to find ways to hold on temptation and I've got to help my self. Just wanted to share that, maybe you guys do experience something similar, if you do I invite you all to share your experiences and help each other.
    Good evening

    And be strong!
  2. I'm trying to limit Youtube, which is the only social network that I pretty much use. I recently started to unsub from many stupid channels that does no good for my brain. Like all the drama, pointless vlogs or stupid comedy channels that all they do is waste time. I'm planning to limit internet all together eventually. Gotta do reboot from internet soon.

    You are on the right track. Internet can be just as big of a killer like porn. Keep it up man!
  3. Fapstronaut

    I agree with you
    YouTube can be another candidate for review
    Thanks man
    Take care and keep going
  4. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    i quited all social networks long time ago, and i feel good about it. just use emails, skype. "facebook: connect everyone together" connect my ass, biggest lie ever. "technology is created to help people save time" yeah save my ass. the only social network i'm using right now is quora, not much though.
    KiKopowa and Sleeping_Beauty like this.
  5. Never used Quora but I assume it's kinda like Yahoo Answers? I have used YA for long time in the past. I was like max level there with thousands of answers. My answers ranged from many paragraphs long and in depth, serious, informative answers on the subjects I knew a lot about down to short troll ones, simply to amuse myself and possibly offend some people for fun. It was big time and productivity drain! Oh my god! Was extremely addictive for me and huge waste of time. In the end of a day I quit it cos I noticed how much of a waste it was. Also the whole system of how it's structured started to piss me off as well. Kinda afraid to even check the Quora out cos that might turn to be another hugely addictive substitute for YA. Ugh.
  6. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    @Shugi Shugi : personally i think quora is more professional and informative than yahoo answer in academic topics such as software engineer, biology, math.... however, like any other social network sites, there are recommendations features which become huge distractions, plus overloading information.
    yousuff likes this.
  7. I understand what you're saying and to me it makes sense especially during reboot. But the actual reality is that we have to live in the world and learn not to be triggered by things. There are, always, different reactions possible. As you know women used to be way more modest in their appearance, but then men would swoon at a flash of bare ankle. I'm not saying your circumstances and environment don't matter... but I think it is totally possible to be just as messed up sexualy growing in a porn-free culture as it is in it... the probability it will happen is different is all.