The STRUGGLE is real this week!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. I'm a sub and I'm contemplating taking a day off work so I can watch porn.
    My SO is always home and I never have time to watch it anymore. All week we work, then all weekend we are together or we're at the in-laws.

    This is a great thing because life isn't giving me time to watch porn but the thoughts and urges keep moving in. They are tempting and I feel like I'm loosing my mind here. I feel like I'm going crazy as it's all I can think about. I had to throw myself into the shower and I just sat there thinking about it. I eventually popped a gram of tylenol and just laid down. These are the type of urges I'm getting. I feel it in my legs, can't sleep and thoughts coming on rapidly. I rushed home today just to peek at it for about ten minutes. Extremely strong but I'm putting up a fight. I feel it's not even worth it to fap again because I just don't have time for it.
    Christoph108 likes this.
  2. Keep up the good fight man! It is hard but you are handling it! All urges pass. You CAN beat this! And you will feel great once you do. Sometimes on those brutual days I would post on a forum like multiple times on hour, whatever it takes you can do it!
    TurboBull92 and Christoph108 like this.
  3. Thanks. I haven't given in yet. I will probably cave soon, but for now I fight to see another day!
  4. mondhamray

    mondhamray Fapstronaut

    How is it going now?
  5. Some urges but I'm doing just okay. Kind of want to get back into KETO. You really feel the effects and benefits when you adjust your body to a healthy diet.
  6. mondhamray

    mondhamray Fapstronaut

    I did a whole 30-keto blend thing for 40 days recently and it helped a lot. It’s also good with establishing self control in general.
  7. I felt more clarity, confidence, and strength on Keto.
    I really believe carbs and refined sugars stunts T production.
  8. mondhamray

    mondhamray Fapstronaut

    I hadn’t thought of that but I would imagine having more T would make nofap so much harder. I feel like I have too much as it is at time.
  9. All I can say is you get into a serious and vibrant zone. You just feel the testosterone pulsing and your mind is sharp and ready. The urges are extreme too. Keeps you up at night but you don't even need to worry about coffee in the morning because your so wired.
    mondhamray likes this.