Tired of it all

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Dark_Danny, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Dark_Danny

    Dark_Danny New Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    last year there was a period where I did NoFaps having reduced my ejaculations down to just Sundays. 7 days was my streak but during this time, I had some of the best times approaching women. I had a new found sense of drive. Though eventually, I stopped and got back into bad habits. These habits have been a COG in my life and i'm tired of losing out on success because of my sexual urges.

    Porn has not been my only challenge, chatroom erotic roleplays as well. I've eliminated all that and I hope to stop going back to them.

    I hope to push myself by doing a 30 day challenge and eliminating Fap Sundays. Though I am curious, does having a FWB technically stop me from doing a reboot? Shes a great girl and would hate to lose that.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  2. C0)))

    C0))) Fapstronaut

    I used to do that too. I would grant myself one day a week to look at porn but then it started to consume more days of the week. I know I shouldn't be looking at it at all since it's been something I haven't been able to control.

    As for the FWB, I had a few of those too during that same time but I realized I was using them as a masturbatory tool and I wanted more from a relationship. I think it might depend on what your goal is ultimately. If you want a satisfying, healthy, long term relationship then a FWB isn't the way to go, obviously.
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  3. Dark_Danny

    Dark_Danny New Fapstronaut

    I guess I would be using the nofap to heighten the pleasure with her. I don't see myself stopping free sex. I just started to get it after years of waiting!
    Foxtrot12 likes this.
  4. Dark_Danny

    Dark_Danny New Fapstronaut

    btw dude, it looks as if both our display pics are going for a bro fist bump
  5. C0)))

    C0))) Fapstronaut

    Total bro fist. But yeah, sex is a healthy thing! I had no real drive when I was deep in porn. After I would stop for a few weeks my desire would immediately come back in an insane way. Good luck!
    Foxtrot12 likes this.