To go on a Date - You must have a Million Dollars ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Mr.Tony, Aug 4, 2021.

  1. Excuse my question... It might look stupid.

    But I believe that in the west, In order to go on a date with a hot blond beautiful lady One must have:

    - An Appartment
    - Nice car
    - And of course that famous 1.000.000$

    - Of course some other requirements are needed, but this is usually the very first ones, Right ?


    I don't live in a western society, so that what've been seen on Tv and on YouTube, Just question if it's the case...

    How many men in the west have these based on the general population statistics ?
  2. I'm talking about a successful date... Not failure one! :p
  3. Atticus

    Atticus Fapstronaut

    That's all nonsense, friend. Being stable and secure is the way to get and keep a good wife. Bonus points if she's hot, but even that comes with downsides - in the form of other men.

    Being rich does help, but think about all the users (Gold-diggers) you'll have to deal with.

    I will say this though: It is better to marry at equal economic levels. Over here, at least. Unsure of how it's done where you are at, Mr. Tony.
  4. You got a point!

    In here if you don't have what i mentioned above, it is difficult to get a Wife.

    You gotta hustle like a slave to achieve that.
    Atticus likes this.
  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I just dated a hot blonde and only spent 4 dollars in 2 Gatorades. I don't spend money on girls unless I feel they deserve it.

    My first dates are usually in a park and we talk and maybe I buy a drink or two, that is it.
    Forget about money to get a girl, most girls are not gold diggers they hate being labeled like that. It's not the money but the person you are they fall in love.

    The guys that believe that only with money or looks they can get the girl, they usually suck at dating and lack game, emotional intelligence, mistery, understanding of female psychology and their complex emotional world.
  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Also I truly believe the money you spend on a woman is money you lose, they are not an investment they can leave you at anytime it doesn't matter how much money, time and energy you spent on them.

    But it feels good to give something to someone if it comes from your heart and they deserve it. I don't regret any money I spent on girls.

    But also by knowing this I'm careful not to spend too much on girls. So be careful of spending too much on gifts and things like that, they also don't like it too much it can look as if you are buying their love and they look down on a man who does this.
    SickSicko and Mr.Tony like this.
  7. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Haha sorry but a million dollars
    That is a funny tittle

    I used to date with less than 50 dollars a all month when I was broke and a student. It helped me to be creative do, and offer more than money to girls. Which usually refused rich men to be with me.

    These guy's even offered them as gifts to the girls to own their own business, apartment and car to be with them.
    Mr.Tony likes this.

  8. I believe so...

    Everyone's life is different including ours, Some are born Tall, Some Are Shot, Some are Midget... Some are shy, some are confident...

    Some are wealthy, some are not... Some lucky and some are not...

    The truth is that you gotta fight with what you have in order to succeed no matter what life throws at you!

    Broke and Jobless with no place of your own and no car is a Game Over! You are put inside the category of loser!

    At least somehow, if you managed to make money, you'll accomplish a lot! and by that i mean a lot!

    A Million dollars at least helps you have a house of your own, a car and you can enjoy life.

    I believe i can make up to that number, it's hard but it is possible to achieve, Not sure about many guys in here but i believe it's average.

    The girls you've been dating, what were their Jobs ? What were their Economic Status and their Education level ?
  9. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Money doesn't help at all in understandimg women and not being screw up by them or being a slave of lust

    Usually the most smart and successful men suck with girls. It's a different skill

    Just like reading books make you smart, it doesn't help you to have strong muscles
  10. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I've dated all kinds of girls bro
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  11. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Look at Bill gates and Jeff bezzos they are simps and unfaithful men. Now they have to give half their fortunes to their ex wifes.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  12. Well it's a dumb parameter to be honest, I have no idea, but it's not everyone that's for sure.
  13. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    You don’t need anything. The quality of a date is centered around the personality of you two and the chemistry you have. You can have an absolutely wonderful date even though all you did was just drive or walk around and talk, and you can have a completely abysmal date even though you went to a theme park, fancy dinner, etc.
    DM10 likes this.
  14. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut


    Im a broke college student and I live with my parents. My networth is in the negatives due to debt (albeit not a lot), I actually think I have a really nice car, its very fast and fun to drive.

    Admittedly I havent been on a date in quite sometime, but thats due to other thinga aside from my material possessions. I could easily get one if I want to.
  15. At the end of the day... Women (just like men) choose their partners by various methods
    • Some choose men for money and status.
    • Some choose men for their funny, caring, loving personality.
    • Some choose men for physical beauty, muscular size etc.
    • Some choose men for their intellect
    • And some choose men for more than one reason on this list.
    Etc. Also, I find it kinda fruitless when people ask such questions, because they must already know before even asking that the answers are very long and complex and depending upon one person to another, they will all vary.
    determined99 and FirefromAbove like this.
  16. Haha! Good for you my friend. Enjoy it as much as you can.
  17. I don't know, But probably due to culture conflict things seem complicated from place to another.

    Incels in the western cultures seem to live in hell. no joke, it's really though.

    Incels in conservative societies such as mine, seem to be okay - and even respected!


    I find it - simple, in most dates many women seem to seek long last relationship based on understanding each other and loving each other.

    On the other hand if the point of a Date is just Sex - Well, in that case - Finding a " Prostitute " and having date with her and leaving her after Sex would be understandable.

    You know sometimes when i watch Elliot Rodger case on YouTube, I ask myself wouldn't all these lives be saved if a " Prostitute " pretended to be a College Girl that felt in love with him...

    I mean many Incel men seem to be lost in this area, I guesd if a Prostitution Niche focuses on this area there is a very big need that needs to be solved from a business perspective.
  18. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    You keep saying this but ppl in africa, or north africa as is your case are know to marry much younger than their westerner counterpart and incels being respected where did you get that idea? islam absolutely does not promote celibacy, marrying young is supposed to keep ppl from doing things like tinder or having a girlfriend and is encouraged in many cultures.
    From your posts i get that you and your entourages are in many aspect different than the general society.
    Now as for the topic at hand, westerner living outside the west are generally much wealthier than the natives so that is why they might seem unapproachable to you since you mention a blonde and there is also the fact that there is still some psychological after-effect of colonization, you might benefit from a tour to the west.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  19. It's generally never a good idea to take what you see on media as reality.
    ProminentPosterior and Mr.Tony like this.
  20. Hold on! No one is Fighting in here.

    In Morocco ( My country ) Islam plays a big role everyday lives for many families, especially those who live in small towns and in villages, their honor and especially the honor of their women is everything.

    On the other hand we have big cities, in which honor doesn't play a big role not for many but generally it doesn't.

    Some women choose to go crazy seek the richer and some don't yada yada...

    You know what...I don't really care much about all of this anymore...At least in my case i'm far better than Millions of people around the History who were Slaves to Rich people... Haha! We're going to die anyway at best 80 years from now we all under ground...

    I thank God - I managed to be successful at NOFAP - I will be Successful Financially If God wills.

    And with some cleverness and some hardwork, I believe i can achieve the Million Dollars status, It's not that though if i use my brain, I hope it's the same for you and for everyone.

    One thing for sure, Yes Millionaires also can get rejected! By a Billionaire Girl.

    What a Life....
    Melkhiresa likes this.