Victory! Weapon of Choice: Calming Tea

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. Just about a shy of an hour ago. I had engaged in a fight with my sexual urges. It has started after I stopped playing my video games for the night. However, I decided to pray and vent my frustrations. Well, I left my room for a few minutes and made some Calming tea, Boom! Gone. After all, calming tea does relieve tensions. Maybe this technique will work for some of you guys fighting this fight. I hope it helps.
  2. Nice Brethren!!!!! Good luck on your lifestyle change. I'm rooting for you!!!!!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Does that matter what kind of calming tea?
  4. I used Yogi brand tea. One of my go tos. I also use honey instead of just sugar.
  5. Freebliss

    Freebliss Fapstronaut

    There is a tea I always keep on hand which is good for anger, anxiety, sleeplessness ect. It’s called camomile tea and it’s in every grocery store where tea is sold.
  6. I prefer green tea personally but things like kava are a good option.