Video Games That Have Triggers

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fallior, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. Fallior

    Fallior Fapstronaut

    I thought this thread may be a good idea to help fellow gaming fapstronauts out. The aim of this thread is to list any video games you can remember that have triggers in them, you can also list the severity if you'd like. Also, I'd recommend you bold the game titles if you are writing anything other than game titles.
    The reason I decided to make this thread is because I was playing God of War Ascension, a game I got for free on playstation plus a couple months back. That game is a gold mine of triggers, so unless you are strong willed AVOID playing any of the God of War games, as if I can remember correctly, all of most of them include the same type of triggers.
    REMEMBER: The aim of this thread is to help you AVOID any games people list, it is not here to provide a list for anything other than that (be good fapstronauts, remember why you're here).
    Frühlingstimme likes this.
  2. OddTheOodle

    OddTheOodle Fapstronaut

    The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings. But I am pretty sure the whole series is the same way (haven't played the other two).
  3. Sight

    Sight Fapstronaut

    Avoid the Witcher series unless you can find a way to mod out the sexiness, which other than 1 and to a degree 2, I do not know of any current modification for the 3rd game, barring Middle Eastern versions most likely.

    Dragon Age 1 and 2 do not have *explicit*(meaning nudes, but not lack of sex) sexual content to my knowledge, but I am certain Inquisition has some blatant nudity.

    Mass Effect like Dragon Age 1 and 2 has sexual content but is not utterly explicit IIRC.

    Alpha Protocol also has some sexual content, but I am unaware if any of it is explicit.

    The Metal Gear series, no blatant sexual content AFAIK, but obvious bloody pandering, specifically the fifth and latest title, ugh. A mod exists which changes the character in question, so if you can install that and keep it so, I would consider it safe. If you are on the first two weeks though? AVOID THIS SHIT, you will likely uninstall it and just trigger yourself to a proper relapse :|

    Dead or Alive series. Fanservice disguised as an occasionally good fighting game.

    Devil May Cry 4. Only one I have played, dunno about the others.

    Also depending on your triggers a lot of JP games are automatically out as well. Yes yes I know, the two I mentioned above are JP series, but I mean more on the 2D style.
    On Steam alone, I would avoid the Agarest series, the Neptunia series and...well, those are the ones I am aware of.
    Tales of Zestiria *could* be fine, no final decision there yet.
    On the Warriors games: Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors: some of the female characters can be quite fan service-ish, but AFAIK you can also equip alternate costumes on them which alleviate the issue, so not that big a issue compared to Agarest/Neptunia.


    Games to play:
    Western -
    Crimes and Punishments - Sherlock Holmes
    Baldurs Gate 2
    Pillars of Eternity
    Starpoint Gemini 2
    Dreamfall, the Longest Journey(and maybe Chapters as well if the redesign doesn't get to you too much)
    Age of Wonders 3
    and countless others I guess >_>

    JP -
    Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together IIRC

    Final Fantasy Tactics - War of the Lions (NOTE: There is a race that is basically pandering although it's never a focus in the story IIRC. Considering how the game is portrayed graphically it's not a huge issue, but you may wish to avoid it on moral grounds perhaps?)


    Dark Souls (AKA THE SERIES DUE TO WHICH THERE IS NO MORE ARMORED CORE ;________; ) --- Actually, cut this out, had forgotten there were some potentially triggering bosses. Not to mention a few characters as well.

    Xenoblade on the Wii IIRC
    and countless others...maybe?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
  4. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    The Dragon Age and Mass Effect series have triggering content, but it is completely avoidable. Just don't have a romance and you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

    Avoid any of the Witcher series. Period.

    Avoid the Far Cry series. Running theme of nudity.

    Avoid any of the God of War series. Lots of oversexualizations and nudity.

    Avoid any of the Metal Gear series. Lots of oversexualizations

    Avoid most of the Final Fantasy games. Lots of oversexualizations

    Dark Souls has over sexualized bosses and characters, but you don't have to ever see them up close. It's your choice whether you want to risk it or avoid it competely.

    Avoid Until Dawn. Lots of oversexualizations

    Avoid The Order: 1886. Some oversexualizations

    Avoid the Hitman series. Lots of nudity and oversexualizations

    Avoid Dishonored. Some oversexualizations

    Avoid Street Fighter series. Specifically the newer ones. Lots of oversexualizations

    Avoid GTA (grand theft auto). Lots of nudity and oversexualizations

    Avoid Devil May Cry series. Lots of oversexualizations and nudity.

    That's all for now. I'll add more if I think of any. Hope this helps my fellow gamers!
  5. Jiffyman

    Jiffyman Fapstronaut

    If games can trigger you,how about staying away from ALL of them. Most triple A titles will always have some form of over sexualization in them.
    Frühlingstimme likes this.
  6. Fallior

    Fallior Fapstronaut

    A lot of games are actually completely playable without any triggers. Movies and tv can be a trigger too, doesn't mean to stop watching them altogether just because some of them are sexual.
  7. rawrguy56

    rawrguy56 Fapstronaut

    Another one to avoid would be the soul caliber series. Vanilla Minecraft is a great game to play if you look past it's simplicity
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  8. Almost any games from Japan (RPGs such as the Dark Souls series, Final Fantasy series, Visual Novels, etc.) should be avoided. Game from the Rising Sun are infamous for their fanservice sexual content.

    The Borderlands series has some sexual content and oversexualized characters so I suggest fapstronauts stay away from them. Other games series posted by others should also be avoided to prevent any possible triggers.
  9. Just play old school games.
  10. snake88

    snake88 Fapstronaut

    I don't see a point of avoiding the triggers as life is full of them. A woman walking in front of you, magazines, tv etc. At some point we are going to have to face them and be able to kill the thought, don't feed it as this will surly leed to relapse.
    This what happened to me when when after 30 day of No PMO. I started to fantasize about women I see, I thought it's harmless but the urge was building up inside of me and I couldn't hold on anymore.

    So right now I am not feeding any dirty thoughts when I am triggered by a woman or a scene in a movie or a game.

    I'm not saying that this is a right approach more like my thoughts on the problem.
  11. david-ca

    david-ca Fapstronaut

    These days most games and actually most awesome games have triggers.
    Call of duty series have no problem.also splinter series.There are many many games you can't list them all.but when you watch one trailer you know if it has any or not.
  12. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    I got until dawn as a gift I had seen a walk through of half the game and a few of the girls are very attractive and they do have flirty to sexual dialgue in the game and I don't know what to do I wanna play it but it's gonna be a damn trigger...
    Fallior likes this.
  13. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    League of Angels

    I gave up all games. Only game I play now is chess. NoFap is my top priority now I can't risk. Try playing shooting games like Doom, they are mostly Ok.