Ways to stop procrastinating

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by N0thing, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. N0thing

    N0thing Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.
    One of my worst habits nowadays is procrastination.
    Any suggestions to improve that?
  2. HecTormoku

    HecTormoku Fapstronaut

    Gamify your life. Each task is an enemy according to the effort needed to achieve it. If you are on level 1 then try lower enemy fights such as waking up early everyday or just read an articicle. The important thing here is to keep leveling up until you can face bosses such as those who represent your most intense inner demons. There is this app for android systems called “lifeRPG", I highly recommend it.
    Good luck :)
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  3. N0thing

    N0thing Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the recommendations, will check out the app :)
  4. sid2611

    sid2611 New Fapstronaut

    make a to-do list. write down everything you need to do.check everything is done everyday
    N0thing likes this.
  5. Procrastination is usually chemical brain issue, created by biological disorder or from environmental factors like diet and overall bad health.

    Procrastination is inability to maintain focus, usually due to lower than optimal dopamine levels, this causes the brain to constantly do task switching to boost dopamine levels. Dopamine levels stabilize your thinking allowing you to focus on specific task, prolonged focus elevates dopamine even more it also "silences" other signals in the brain so they are not distracting. If dopamine is low thoughts conmanly enter your attention and ability to keep one though is impaired.

    Food is number one culprit usually, followed by low physical activity and in some cases complicated by genetic low dopamine production or utilization all the way to full ADD.

    If you want quick results to get back on your feet, remove fast carbs, drink organic vegetable juce at least once daily and walk 1-3 miles 2-3 times a week. You will see major changes in your ability to focus after even one week.

    Procrastination is not a willpower issue, its a poorly functioning brain and in vast majority of cases that poor functioning is lifestyle and diet related.
    N0thing likes this.
  6. N0thing

    N0thing Fapstronaut

    About 95% of my diet is vegan at this point and I try to exercise every second day mininum. But the carbs may be it :)
  7. Vegan is good, but fast carbs like bread or sugar are pretty bad, exclude foods that contain lectins - vegan have plenty of those. I still suggest fresh organic vegetable juices if you want fast results.
    Exercise is not as useful for overall body function, but is it good for specific muscle training.

    Fast walking is one of the best ways to get exercise, because it elevates heart rate, and breathing but most important constant vibration from walking is incredibly helpful for digestion and overall fluid movement though tissues. Walking also tunes muscle tone and realigns position of bones.
    1-3 mile non stop walks have huge befits
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