My last dream were about the last type of porn I watched. I dont watch porn since october 2019 and I have mixed dreams: with woman and men.
I consider my self hetero because I only think about girls. The case of me and men was the porn and the scalation of it.
My question is: is it possible that I dreaming with men is about my consume of porn/scalation?
Bc I remember before porn I didnt have these dreams.
Its very weird, but I trying to normalize this shit. Bc I am who I am. But now Im bit confused...
I consider my self hetero because I only think about girls. The case of me and men was the porn and the scalation of it.
My question is: is it possible that I dreaming with men is about my consume of porn/scalation?
Bc I remember before porn I didnt have these dreams.
Its very weird, but I trying to normalize this shit. Bc I am who I am. But now Im bit confused...
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