What is the maximum time to feel benefits?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by mosreme, Jul 23, 2022.

  1. mosreme

    mosreme Fapstronaut

    What is the maximum time to feel benefits?
    I need a deadline to feel the benefits, otherwise I'll go back to pornography.
  2. You could start to feel better in 5 days. Your recovery could just as easily take 5 weeks or 5 months or 5 years. Good luck.
  3. Wish I could recover. I keep replaying what I saw in my head.
    primigenius_bos likes this.
  4. mosreme

    mosreme Fapstronaut

    It makes no sense to wait 5 years to feel the benefits.
    In that case, it's better to feel the dopamine with porn.
  5. That's because many people here see this all wrong, you included.

    You're not just waiting around for mAGicAL sUpEr POwErS. You should have a goal to work towards. In the case of PMO, that goal should probably be to rewire your brain by replacing old, unhealthy habits with new, healthy ones. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter -- especially not after years of self abuse. Your OP is kind of ridiculous in the sense that you should probably understand that no two people here can realistically have similar expectations in terms of recovery time. Your circumstances will be unique to you, mine will be unique to me.

    If you don't have it in you, porn is always at your fingertips. There's a reason for that. As long as humanity as a collective stays asleep, porn will always be readily available because it serves many purposes and pushes all the right agendas in the process. Porn and masturbation effeminate men, render them completely powerless, make them docile and obedient, rob them of their ability to think critically, squander their intellectual potential and then some.
  6. Risingstar98

    Risingstar98 Fapstronaut

    There is no limit. It can be so small as 1 month and so big as years. But if you are sincere and strict to your goals. And avoid all porn substitutes and edging and even touching ur little soldier then it is promising to have benefits early. And one more thing most of the guys just abstain and wait for benefits but don't make healthy habits like eating clean, a low carb diet and regular exercise then the benefits will be not that awesome. If you will change your routine entirely with nopmo and add the only 2 above stated habits a healthy clean diet and regular exercise then definitely the benefits will be exponential and will come early.
    SaiyanWarrior and Freeddom_Taker like this.
  7. I think you might benefit from more concrete answers to stay motivated. Just 3 days in your genitals will begin recovery, your mind will begin to clear, and you might sleep better too. After a week these effects are magnified, your penis will be larger flaccid, the mind clears even more. I'm ending day 15 and I marvel that I've gone this long, my desire to help others fight this is now very strong. I feel manlier, without being able to explain it, confidence is up, even my sore knee doesn't bug me like it normally does, likely testosterone levels coming back toward normal.

    I know I've got a long road to full physical and mental recovery, but just a couple weeks and the change is VERY noticable.

    And @KopKat was 100% correct when he pointed this out:
    You really want to get away from that feeling, I know you do, you came to the right place, so follow through and start a nofap journey. Go to the challenge section on here and join in one, a few days, weeks, a month. Pick a length you can do and commit to it, see how you feel afterwards.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2022