When her heart is neither for you or against you

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by TryingHard2Change, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    Exactly. What a waste of energy. All because our partner's couldn't stop lusting after other women:(
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
    TryingToHeal likes this.
  2. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your sentiments .. I really do, so don't take this the wrong way .... but don't be sad for me. My wife has endured the far greater injustice over the past 20 years. My acute pain the last 7 months pales in comparison to her 20 years stuck in a marriage that lacked any emotional depth and was poisoned by my secret online porn addiction.
    ItsNeverTooLate and Hopefulgirl like this.
  3. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This evening, at home with my wife and kids was very peaceful....just quiet and chill. My wife was cooking up a bunch of food (part of her new job..preparing food sometimes for a client lunch tomorrow) -- we had some red wine ... I fed the kids ... put the little kids to bed.

    It was just very mellow .... not a lot of talking, but some....and just being.


    People have mentioned wooing -- there was some talk of a PA not romancing his SO enough. Here's the thing about that regarding me and my wife -- I have always been the romantic one in the relationship....my wife has mentioned multiple times over the years that her friends have always been jokingly jealous --- flowers .. candles, I love candles ... taking my wife out on dates / surprising her.

    I am NOT trying to say I was a great husband --- I always failed when it came to connecting emotionally-deeply and to practical stuff helping around the house .... My point is I consider myself "good" at wooing / romancing. But I cannot do that now ..... it isn't wanted by my wife -- like @Qnb42078 was saying.

    Now, I can still be kind .. helpful .. sacrificial in how I serve my wife. For example, she loves it when I surprise her and fill up her gas tank, especially in this super cold weather. So I am trying to do those little things...and I am.

    But actual wooing / pursuing my wife --- even playful flirting feels awkward, only because my wife is so pulled back / reserved / guarded....and doesn't want to flirt. It would be like trying to flirt with a nun in a church aisle :) (i'm not Catholic)


    I think this is a good place to recall some of the things my wife has said about me, to me .. over the last couple weeks, we have had a good number of talks, usually over dinner -- or just sitting on the couch. Below are certain things she has said specifically about me / about what she thinks of me:

    [speaking from my wife's perspective]
    * I don't hate you .. I actually like you .. deep down I love you
    * we are so good at being friends
    * the romance part is just so hard for me right now

    We've talked in the past-- about 5 months ago now, which was 2 months aftee DDay--about when I say "I Love You" to my wife .. it makes her feel uncomfortable because she is not sure how to react/respond in that moment. So, I have stopped saying it as often as I used to over our 20 year marriage. (we were always a very touchy/feely couple)

    So with all of that reality -- I am honestly not sure what wooing looks like .. Or what having her fall in love with me again looks like. I think back to when we met when we were 19 years old (we are 42 now) --- we met, we flirted, we liked each other, I wrote her letters, we fell in love. Everything I describes above sounds like the dreaded "friend zone"! :) :) :)

    Don't get me wrong.....I am not giving up. I do feel some connected moments with my wife still...today at lunch was great; this evening...I felt she wasn't repulsed by me.

    One day at a time.
  4. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    This to me sounds like her love language might be Acts of Service. That is my top love language as well. Maybe these things will be the key to wooing her? I'd focus on these acts a lot. Figure out some you can do from afar?

    And not being repulsed, honestly that is as good as it gets around here sometimes. Not all the time, but I have those days, too.
  5. Queenie%Bee

    Queenie%Bee Fapstronaut

    The funniest thing , the one small thing he did in the beginning about 30 days after DDAY and 25 days no PMO was simply take my hand and kiss it while driving . I think because there are /were no expectations with this and no response needed from me it helped me knowing obviously he had a random thought and helped him beause I didn’t stop him lol
    He still does it once in awhile, it’s random but I know he’s thinking something loving about me . We too have been together along time , I 18 him 23 . Now 39 , 44 . I dunno if it’s the age your wife and I are at that it’s also confusing because I look at it like this : Do I want to be 40 and single or stick it out to have him fuck up somewhere in the next decade then be 50 and single . Weird prob I know ;)
  6. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    That’s funny, my hubby does almost the same. He will randomly hold my hand while driving and it’s such a small loving gesture that goes such a long way.
    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 likes this.
  7. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I probably should have included one more bullet item in my list above:
    * we have a strict no touch boundary..I can't give her a hug / I can't put my hand on her shoulder / I can't put my on the small of her back when talking to her
    *** we've had this touch boundary in place since August
    *** the purpose of this boundary is to give my wife space ... and if things work out, she will be the one to initiate touch / initiate even thr beginning stages of physical intimacy

    So, I can't hold her hand in the car .. or I will get a really strange look. :confused:
  8. Hopefulgirl

    Hopefulgirl Fapstronaut

    That must be so difficult for you :( And her. Touch releases oxytocin and bonds you to your partner- so many benefits to touch.
    Jennica likes this.
  9. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @Sadgirl, It was really, really tough in the beginning. We have always been a pretty touchy, feely couple .... lots of public display of affections -- hugging and kissing so the kids could see mom and dad "loving" on each other. So when it went into effect, I was just instinctively touching, hugging my wife. I got reminded after a few mess-up's. (yes, the kids have noticed that mom and dad don't hug and kiss as much---part of the sad collateral damage)

    But, the no touch boundary is what my wife needed ... to get space / to get distance ..... to get control.


    This is getting a bit personal--I don't mind..I hope you don't--I remember, I think it was April timeframe..maybe early May? (a little before DDay on June 1st)....I can't remember exactly the details, but something about our love life was especially off -- I remember one evening (or maybe it was the next morning) .. I asked my wife very sepcifically, but also very cautiously because I didn't quite know how to ask this: "Do you ever feel like I am raping you?"

    She quickly answered saying "No..what are you talking about." But, I'm thinking that was just my wife's normal way of deflecting/denying that we had problems ... her instinctive covering for problems / keeping the peace / etc.

    But I obviously was feeling something .. where I was asking if I was pushing my wife when she didn't want to or whatever. I think what I was probably feeling was my wife who had emotionally separated (many, many months or possibly years before that April/May 2017 timeframe)

    I share all of that to say: once DDay hit .... that immediately gave my wife the license to stop pretending / to be free and real with how bad the marriage was. And I wonder if some sort of feelings of "being raped" came over her ..... and that is why she needed to enact this strict no touch boundary -- as well as to control if/when touching would ever come back into the relationshiop.

    (the reason it came into play August 1: June 1st was our DDay; the month of June, I was falling quickly into a pit of despair...we had stopped all intimacy, but there were days when she literally had to hold me when I melted down [which I now realize only added more burden to my uzi-shot-up wife]; the month of July she was back in the States and I was in Europe with the kids; August 1st she came back to Europe and the no touch boundary was enacted first thing)
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
  10. jrbcoug11

    jrbcoug11 Fapstronaut

    @TryingHard2Change I’ve read your story for a while, and love reading how you speak of your wife and marriage. It’s nice to know there is at least one man who “gets it” about the journey we take as the betrayed. I too feel like your wife, a part of me has died with my husbands betrayal. The exhuberance and excitement i felt for my husband and our marriage has disappeared and I struggle with that feeling. Will I ever be the same? Can i love and adore him the way I did before? Is it worth it to stay in a marriage where the parts that comprise who I am can never be present again? Does my husband even notice that those parts are no longer there? I didn’t mean to hijack your post and make it all about me and my husband. I mostly just wanted you to know your story resonates with me and I wish my husband saw things the way you did, even just a fraction. I can see your devotion to your wife and your marriage and I see in the way you write about her that it’s about her and not what she does or provides or fulfills for you. It’s nice to see anyway. My heart goes out to the both of you.
  11. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @jrbcoug11: thanks...I appreciate you saying those things. Of course it always hasn't been this way....I wish I would have woken up from my porn-induced craziness many years ago.

    What you said here:
    "a part of me has died with my husbands betrayal. The exhuberance and excitement i felt for my husband and our marriage has disappeared"

    That is so my wife....she has even said on one occassion the past couple weeks that she wonders if there is another woman out there who can love me ... where I would be happy -- I heard her real care for me in that she feels badly that she is not able to show me love right now (it also likely was an "easy"-escape-mental thing for my wife).

    Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to write that.
  12. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I went to see our new CSAT again today (second time in three days) .. it's the last time I will be able to see her until I get back from Europe on February 2nd. I got to update her on my recent interactions with my wife -- which was good to do. The main reason I went was to get started in some "addiction worksheets" ... stuff I can do in Europe over the next 3.5 weeks.

    She ended up giving me a book to read:
    Don't Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addition by Patrick Carnes

    It's about 400 pages long -- good size to keep me busy and occupied for the rest of January. Just glancing over page 1 .. it looks like it's going to be a very real book -- I am looking forward to reading and learning.
  13. A new day

    A new day Fapstronaut

    I’m a wife of a PA who used to be a great partner until I was 5 months pregnant. Since then he’s made me feel like my marriage is a joke and that I’m a bad and undesirable wife because he’d rather PMO than make love.

    I go between massive anger and a nearly impossible to resist desire to flee. But mostly I’m just quiet. I don’t want to fight. I can’t say what I want to because the fights are too intense and exhausting. I’m just hanging on until this crazy stuff inside me calms down. And until I can see if he is going to relapse.

    I don’t know if that helps you. But it hope it does. She’s going to have all kinds of reactions. But she’s still there. So there is hope.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your thoughts @A new day ... It is always good to hear other SO perspectives.

    I am sure that my wife has often felt like "nearly impossible to resist desire to flee" since our DDay 7 months ago.

    One thing my wife said early on--can't remember if it was June or August--she said essentially that she is so hurt, so crushed, so broken .. that she doesn't trust herself to make any major life decisions (like whether to end the marriage right there and now and get a divorce).


    I was just amazed (and still am) that she had enough sense and enough control to think that clearly..even though she was experiencing so much pain and anguish and betrayal trauma.
  15. A new day

    A new day Fapstronaut

    Here it is 5 days later and I feel no desire to flee. My emotions have calmed. His attention toward me has increased and I feel safe for the moment. I do wonder if he’s staying committed to abstinence from PMO.

    I’m saying this as an example of how hot and cold things can run. Maybe tomorrow something will make me flip my lid. I just don’t know.
  16. phuck-porn!

    phuck-porn! Fapstronaut

    Carnes is the official gray beard in this sexual addiction/porn world of clinical treatment. but his writing didn't connect with me. I got much more out of George Collins' book, "Breaking the Cycle"

    Hopefulgirl likes this.
  17. ItsNeverTooLate

    ItsNeverTooLate Fapstronaut

    I know I’m late to this but just read it and it really resonated with me. My heart goes out to your wife.

    BTW. I love your writing. Great post here and wonderful journaling. It’s a good insight into the mind of a PA. The struggles, the triumphs, the humanity of it all. Thank you @TryingHard2Change!

    Post from my SO

    I can’t say I was miserable in our marriage but I definitely knew something had changed in the last 5 years. I had tried everything in my power to help my spouse feel encouraged, confident and empowered so that he could be happier and satisfied with his life. Then I discover he’s looking at porn. All.The.Time. After I explicitly stated why it’s not acceptable to me. Despite me having sex with him 4-7 times a week and sometimes going out of my comfort zone to please him.

    What popped in my head?

    22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; 26 that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are members of His body. 31 For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each individual among you also love his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see to it that she respect her husband.

    I did my best to be EVERYTHING my husband wanted me to be. Why didn’t he nourish and cherish me?! He nourished and cherished his addiction, but not me.

    At least that’s how I felt, for A LONG time. Granted my SO is an atheist but it was one of the scriptures he knew because he tried to gaslight me half-jokingly with it. “You should submit to me because the Bible says so and you follow the Bible.” To which I showed him the rest of the scripture and said “You can’t pick and choose what you want to follow. I’ll submit if you cleave, respect and sanctify.” He laughed and said, “Deal.”

    Hence the betrayal trauma:emoji_expressionless:. He broke the deal.

    I have since realized I’m not a hypocrite. Also, my husband DID cherish and nourish me...when he wasn’t PMOing.

    I can imagine having worked so hard to be the best you can be as a mother and wife. It’s disappointing to discover your efforts are in vain, or at least it feels that way. I felt like I failed my spouse, friends and family by portraying a happy, healthy marriage that I later found out was “fake”. It took some time for me to realize and accept that my husband’s actions were beyond my control and not caused by negligence on my part.

    I commend you for owning the pain you have caused your wife. I sincerely hope her wounds will be healed enough to involve keeping you in her life. Your outreach shows wonderful potential for success. Best wishes to you both. Thank you for understanding that, ultimately, she needs whatever is best for her to overcome this trauma. God bless!