Why so many people think nofap is bullish-t

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Django1212, Oct 24, 2023.

  1. Django1212

    Django1212 Fapstronaut


    some days ago I told a friend of mine that I don’t watch porn anymore and do nofap. He became super mad. He didn’t understand why and wanted to convince me that porn and fapping is a good thing. I know that he is watching porn daily and he got some weird fetishes, also a huuuugeee social anxiety. In the end he said that he will never quit his porn and walked away lol. Another guy I know I told about nofap and not using porn and he did not understand it. He said that M and porn are natural and healthy.

    I once went to a urologist to check my ED. I asked him if I should quit porn and do less M and he got mad too. He asked me where I heard this bullshit and that it has nothing to do with ED and that it is healthy for prostate and stress.
    I feel like there is something satanic defending porn, so many people get mad I can’t understand it
  2. fusion47

    fusion47 Fapstronaut

    theyre brainwashed by the media to be very close minded. You have to provide the scientifc evidence for it. Luckily many people i know dont defend porn enough to be mad, they often are open minded enough to consider the dangers of it. Surround yourself with good people.
  3. It's literally propaganda. These same people would be the same ones telling you smoking is healthy 100 years ago.
  4. lovinghusband96

    lovinghusband96 Fapstronaut

    Im a primary care doctor not a urologist but the study hes referencing relates ejaculation to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. I recall the study itself being flawed but I'd have to reread it to remember exactly what flaws I saw in it. The study doesn't talk about PMO. Maybe PMO is healthy from a prostate cancer standpoint but from a mental health standpoint it is certainly not. ED in young men is primarily driven by mental issues not physical. ED used to not exist in young men. Now its getting more and more common. I can't watch a sporting event on TV without getting blasted with 2-3 ads about getting sildenafil via app. Porn is killing our sex lives and altering our brain functioning.
  5. People convince themselves it is healthy because if they admitted to themselves how bad it is, they would be forced to change their habits. I believe it is that simple.

    If they did not at least subconsciously believe it was bad, they would not be mad at you.
  6. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Find another Urologist, the one you are seeing isn't keeping up with the latest medical findings. PIED is a proven thing, so he is wrong and I don't like going to Dr's who are living in the past and use their opinions instead of facts to dispense medicine.
    As far as guys not wanting to give up porn, it's because it's highly stimulating and it's the best thing they can get because they are lacking the real intimacy found in a relationship with another person. Someday they will figure that out or they will be joining Nofap.
    Good luck, you can do this!
  7. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I don’t think beating yourself up because you’ve relieved some natural urges is that healthy either. For some I imagine they can watch porn now and again without goofing for hours trying to find the ultimate money shot. Or drift into toxic categories that make them feel crap about themselves. Or do it that much they can’t get hard to a woman. Some people can go and have 1 or two drinks and not feel the need to get slaughtered. I think you’ve got to find what works for you. Personally I think I’m better staying away from the crap. One night might be vanilla, the next femdom then out of boredom the next night drift into weird hypno shit. Now that stuff feels toxic asf and anyone that says otherwise is a moron. But I suppose lgtq people might love it but it seems like poison to me. But trying for years to get to 90 days and “failing” at a month or 50 days and having a crash of depression and worthlessness because you couldn’t hold nature back any longer is a bit insane too. If you can do Nofap and get huge rewards let it be your special booster in life but don’t grill yourself for getting horny and needing to get it out! But for me MO ing to fantasy or a vanilla still shot keeps me from blowing money on hookers or dating women that I’m not that attracted to but am desperate for sex. I do find that if I do it for a week to 2 I’m loads more likely to chat to a nice woman. Bit much longer and I’m overly horny I get nervous lol
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2023
  8. I'd say that its the fact that it hits close to home, denial and so on. Unless you're nagging them to do it it makes no sense to be upset at the idea of quitting
    fusion47 likes this.
  9. StevenR

    StevenR Fapstronaut

    Perhaps some people can watch porn in moderation. If so, I am not to judge.
    Your decision not to watch porn really doesn't concern your friend.
    Wave tamer likes this.
  10. Sphinx12-

    Sphinx12- Fapstronaut

    First and foremost, you should try to get proof if NoFap works, or has benefits for yourself.

    I am not quite sure, if studies have shown that NoFap is healthy, but I do know there are some studies which suggest that NoFap would be bad. There should be more research on this topic, but nowadays I do not think that there will be more scientific interest.
  11. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Any "friend" of mone who doesn't support me wanting to better myself, regardless if it's something he/she believes would be good for them, is nothing even close to a friend of mine. That's a manipulation tactic.

    My guess is that the doctor is either trying to manipulate you or has no knowledge of addictions to porn/sex/lust and it's affect on the human mind and body.
    Wolves of Wisdom and fusion47 like this.
  12. Yeah I surround myself with good people but they are sadly brainwashed still...I just resist saying why I am doing good in life...
    fusion47 likes this.
  13. In my opinion, it is a cultural problem. Porn has become so ingrained into the culture that it's now normal and people openly talk about it. I remember when some people thought that porn was taboo while only a couple of people brag about looking at porn.
    Wolves of Wisdom and fusion47 like this.
  14. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    It's also because many guys don't want to give up porn or question it, so they get defensive.
  15. cleaningupmyact

    cleaningupmyact Fapstronaut

    for those of us old enough to remember pre- high speed porn, the cultural shifts in USA are stark and totally shocking. Remember peewee hermans career ended cause he was caught touching himself in a dirty theater? what a joke that is today. I noticed it getting bad when hit family TV shows began making punch lines and even entire sub plots about porn. and not in an educational way or anything but just to normalize it. wtf.
    fusion47 likes this.
  16. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    Yes and terms like "food porn" perpetuate this problem. Plus I won't name it, but there is a very popular mainstream TV show that has advertisements/billboards that are very pornographic in nature. Plus, I won't name the show because it really messed me up. But there is ANOTHER mainstream show with huge stars that feels like a family show and although it was violent, there was nothing really that sexual about it for the first 5 episodes and then towards the end of the season they show like 3 incredibly sexually graphic scenes that came straight out of porn. Way beyond anything you would see even in a typical rated R movie with normal sex scenes. Insane to me. I felt duped. And I saw in people's reactions I was not the only one. I was going to watch this show with my parents but fortunately never did.
    fusion47 likes this.
  17. euvouconseguir

    euvouconseguir Fapstronaut

    Exactly not. Masturbation is not healthy, it never has been. "But scientists and specialists say it can cause prostate cancer, and masturbation is beneficial and recommended!" Nonsense! Empty talk! Misinformed people! I am against masturbation and will always say it! DO NOT MASTURBATE! AND DO NOT WATCH PORNOGRAPHY!
    fusion47 likes this.
  18. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    I have a slightly different opinion but agree to a certain degree. I personally don't masterbate. It's been over a year. But I'm also in a relationship. If I wasn't, M without P once in a while I don't think would be the end of the world. I don't think M is as destructive or harmful as P, especially if it's done in small doses. There is nothing natural about p, it's completely unnatural and so destructive/problematic on so many levels. M on the other hand is a natural act. It's just not a super beneficial act. So although I don't recommend it, I don't think it's nearly as harmful as p. There's no real benefit in doing it, unless it maybe keeps you away from more destructive behaviors, but that would have to be a temporary so solution.
    fusion47 likes this.
  19. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Do you mean not healthy in a psychological sense or physically? Would you consider it healthy if a partner didn’t have much energy for sex but wanted to give you some relief, so MO’d you?
    fusion47 likes this.
  20. euvouconseguir

    euvouconseguir Fapstronaut

    Yes, I consider it psychologically harmful. Physically, it is beneficial. However, living solely for it is madness. It's a distressing depression. The person avoids leaving home and doing basic things, such as running in a park, going to the mall to choose a new shirt, having ice cream, or going out to meet a nice girl. In this case, 'M' leaves you feeling trapped and unwilling.
    Now talking about 'M' plus 'P.' The guy creates a fictitious scenario in his head, thinking that sex is literally what is seen in erotic movies, an actor going at it with an actress for an hour. That doesn't exist. The woman doesn't scream like madness. Therefore, 'M' plus 'P' is the pitfall into which I fell. Yes, I got caught up in that, and today I am seeking treatment.
    Wave tamer and fusion47 like this.