Why women have difficulties crossing streets?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by modern milarepa, Oct 30, 2021.


    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Here is i think the study for anyone interested(https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2001/gender-aviation-crashes), a more in-depth study(https://commons.erau.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1231&context=db-theses).
    Overall these studies find that there are real differences between male and female aviators with advantages and differences affecting both, but as for spatial awareness it has been found that playing videos-games/puzzle/chess can virtually eliminate the gender differences.
  2. Good find, and thank you!

    Perhaps the women here will think the researchers for those studies were sexist. There just can't be any real difference between men and women, can there?

    Women are way better at multi-tasking than men--one of the reasons why they dominate the field of elementary school teachers. Men in general have a difficult time being bombarded with students all clamoring for attention at once in addition to the other tasks to be accomplished. I know my patience gets tried with smaller children. Women seem to handle multiple things at once with far less stress.

    Women have a larger corpus callosum--the part of the brain connecting the two hemispheres. In general, they are more whole-brained, using both hemispheres more equally. As always, there are exceptions. Interestingly, in the psychology course I took in college, the test came out opposite of the expected average for most of the class--with the women showing more left- or right-brained thinking and many of the men, including myself, more whole-brained. Maybe the professor gave us the wrong test!

    Just the same, I would not consider myself at all gifted with multi-tasking. I focus on one thing at a time. I just happen to use my whole brain in the process.

    I'll never forget witnessing the epitome of multi-tasking while I was in another country and asking a woman receptionist for directions to an office upstairs in a very large building with multiple floors and hallways. Just as she started giving me the directions, her phone rang. She picked it up and began talking rapidly in the language of that country while at the same time grabbing a pen and note paper and writing on it. I thought she was writing notes for her telephone conversation but was quite shocked when presently she handed me the paper with clear written directions in perfect English! Wow. That's a woman's gift.

    Oh! Sorry, now I must be sexist again--but for the other side!
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  3. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by that last sentence . The one stating that videogames and chess can eliminate the difference between genders regarding spacial awareness ?
  4. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Wait wasn't that multi-tasking myth busted a long time ago ?

    Neither I nor the females my age have been good at multitasking. And I never understood how anyone can be good at such a demanding process. Even less how females were supposed to be good at it in the eyes of the general public.
  5. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    @Do all to the glory of God you're obviously sexist, since you went as far as to claim the absence of female inventers is due to the so-called male superiority. Without caring even about historical context, societal ideology, and gendered expectations and roles.

    As if men and women were evaluated in the same regards, without any privilege taking part in the game.

    Men who usually do those claims, are either dumb and think the other person wouldn't know how to respond, or extremely manipulative and think about evading confrontation once the opponent responds.
  6. Neither. Perhaps to you this is an argument. To me it is not. I recognize the God-created difference between men and women, and also recognize your right to see life as you wish. However, to my view, if God wanted men and women to be exactly alike, why did He not create just one gender?

    It is when strengths and weaknesses are combined that we can help each other. And that sense of unity is what is most important. It is not that one gender is superior to another. They are equal. But they have differing strengths, and it is both obvious to common sense and right to acknowledge those differences.
  7. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Wait a minute, are you religious ?
  8. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I am going to ask you another question, did you read and understand the ways of measurement as well as their implied meanings in the second study ?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
  9. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    That's a beautiful speech. But realistically speaking, the consequences of attributing the overwhelming presence of male inventors, to the so-called superiority of male minds and any similar attitude will mostly serve as male privilege enhancement.

    That can only be unfavorable toward women, especially if this attitude is stretched and covers many key fields in our civilization. It will further serve as an excuse to exclude females from important activities, and scientific domains. But in this time and era it can't be through explicit laws forbidding women from attending this area or that, but through the influence of mass media spreading such ideals.
  10. No one can stop anyone from being an inventor. "Inventor" is not a paid career; a job for which one is hired. Most inventors have died broke, penniless, having profited but little by their contribution to society. In many cases, their patents were stolen. In other cases, their invention was not appreciated until after their lifetimes--perhaps not even acknowledged. In many more cases, no one had found a way to make the invention marketable yet while its inventor yet lived. For all these reasons, and perhaps more, my own father discouraged me from becoming an inventor. I wanted to be one. My father is not sexist. He would have discouraged his daughter from being an inventor, too.

    The fact that men have been responsible for inventions is not related to sexism. Society has historically had next-to zero influence upon inventors. They are an eccentric lot as a group. A story is told of the famous Einstein at his wedding: A guest remarked to him that the two shoes on his feet did not match. Einstein looked down, noticed that it was true, and then responded with something like "Yes. And I have a pair just like them at home." He was not gifted socially. His third grade teacher rejected him as too dumb for school. In reality, he was simply bored out of his mind. His giftedness went unrecognized for yet many years--and much of his fame came after his passing. Fulton, the inventor of the steam engine, was laughed to scorn. His contraption was labeled as "Fulton's folly." It later dominated the Mississippi River. Edison tried 10,000 times to invent the light bulb--without success. He faced the mocking of many over this. But his indomitable spirit went on to succeed. Tesla died penniless and unappreciated, even scorned. Legend has it that, in order to focus on his inventions, he had at one point castrated himself to remove that distraction. He died alone, with the park pigeons as his best companions in his last years of life--but the amazing contributions he gave our entire planet are truly stupendous and praiseworthy.

    Do women want this kind of life? Do they desire to be outcasts in the name of progress? Do they have the determination to succeed regardless of what others may think?
    Then there is nothing standing in their way from being an inventor. Inventors are not the type of people to be influenced by societal norms, conditioning, or mores. No, inventors take no mind of what others think of them.

    For these reasons, I find rather incredible the implication that women have not been able to become inventors on account of societal factors.
  11. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Aside from all this, explain to me why Margaret had to disguise herself as male to attend medical school in the late 1800s ?

    And under what right Rosalind's discovery had been stolen by male peer Watson who received Nobel prize for it ?
  12. I will agree with you that there has been unfairness towards women in the past in certain areas, including medical school. It took quite a struggle for women to gain the right to attend schools. As for Rosalind's discovery, I'm not familiar with that particular case, but I do know that many years ago it was common practice (which does not make it right at all, of course) for one's supervisor to take the credit--even to the Nobel Prize--for work done by that supervisor's underlings. In other words, there are many more cases, and of men, too, where the credit was "stolen" from them.

    Yet medical doctors and scientists are not equivalent to inventors. An inventor usually works from home, without supervision, without pay, without much attention or fanfare. And the inventor is content with this for the love of the object of his or her passion.
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Rosalind's discovery happened around the same era as Margaret. The reason why her discovery had been stolen by male peers is due to both sexism and unfortunate circumstances. While submitting her research she accidentally left the report and the one to collect it mistook her for a simple secretary working on the behalf of a team, because at the time it was almost inconceivable for a woman to attend the same field of study Rosalind did. Let alone deliver a research with that weight. So it's a matter of sexism and bad luck.
  14. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Inventors can't reach the pinnacle of creativity without being scientists
  15. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    @she-dernatinus what if I told you that women’s liberation, that is, switching up the norms from them staying at home and raising children, to working their own jobs and being more independent, was nothing but a ploy to be able to tax the other half of the population? While also simultaneously having the children handed over to the government to be raised and brainwashed according to their agendas.
  16. PornSux2019

    PornSux2019 Fapstronaut

    The irony of the illusive 'society dictatorship' victimizing women is so funny it hurts. That is actually the most anti-feminist thing to do, to imply that women have no power over their own actions. Did it ever occur to you that society is just… society? Human nature is just human nature. There are two sexes because.. there are. People have children because.. they want to. A lot of women are nurses or caretakers and a lot of men are engineers because.. they want to. I have actually never even seen a man on here blame "society" for his PMO habit. Because "society says" men watch porn. No they just naturally do because instincts. I am a woman in my 20s and prime for having children and this will be shocking to you: I choose not to have children because I can. Because I don't want to. And even more shocking, I don't have the society-police knocking on my door, telling me 'how dare you not have children, women must have children, that is their purpose!!'. Do you honestly believe I am some kind of superhuman being for doing something outside of societal norm? I have common sense and free will like any other human being. That is it. I take responsibility for my own actions and don't blame someone else for them. Society says nothing. Society is just a reflection of how most humans behave. Because there happens to be a pattern to biology which is a part of all humans, to varying degree. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. It is just always easier and convenient to blame someone else for your own weaknesses and flaws. It's easier than taking responsibility and fixing yourself. Not to mention the insanity of the concept that people actually would care about what other people do with their lives. I don't care whether my neighbor is sexually attracted to vegetables. Or if they identify as some kind of triple gender alien organism. It doesn't affect me so I don't care, as long as they don't harm anyone. And that's the only logical thing to do. The only people that care about other people's lives are a) people who want attention. b) people who project their own problems on others and criticize them to feel less bad about themselves c) people with personality or mental disorders or otherwise fragile mental state. Or a combination of all 3. None of which applies to the majority of people and none of which is still an excuse to not take responsibility for one's own actions.

    I grew up around Instagram and YouTube influencers and modeling TV shows and I have always chosen to wear modest clothing and not invite men to objectify me by showing off my body or nude pictures or actually physically offering my body for their sexual pleasure. Again, I shockingly went against popular opinion that "society says" women have to look sexually appealing. No, society doesn't say that. It's just what humans are to some extent naturally attracted to. It is actually to some extent women's natural instinct to get positive feedback from men that their bodies are valuable for sex. Except, I can choose to act against my natural instincts if it feels right to do so because I am evolved enough to do so. And so can anyone else. I choose to be valued for my personal and mental qualities and not physical-sexual ones. Which I would feel is an act of disrespect towards my honor as a person. And so has any other woman the same ability. If women have low self esteem/fragile mental state and choose to get meaningless value or some kind of ego boost from men objectifying them, then that is 100% their own choice and responsibility. I see threads here every day about men asking how they can stop objectifying women which PMO has conditioned them to do. They take responsibility and see the wrong in their own behavior. Despite "society" saying it's actually okay to watch porn. Despite women themselves actually constantly promoting the idea of being objectified. By voluntarily offering their bodies virtually or physically for men's sexual pleasure. Because making easy money is more important to them than preserving their dignity and growing as a person. That is their own choice and responsibility. Women are not automatically victims just because they happen to be women and unga bunga the patriarchy.
  17. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You seem to be so stiff on your opinion on this part. It also is clear you believe women's 'natural' role is to play the part of ornamental sexual object, while men play the part of the visual sexual subject. But all of this is society's doing, or how male dominated societies groom women to focus on superficiality and appearances, while loosening those on men. Do you know there are societies with traditions making men put on paint on and compete to attract women of their communities.

    Don't forget that both you and I have been accustomed to P use in a specific time of our lives, most likely adolescence. And we clearly aren't the only ones, judging from the threads and responses by girls here as well as other platforms. you should admit that you feel aroused by sexual imagery, and if you are a heterosexual female just like me, then you will feel aroused by the opposite gender's body. It's normal after all, if we don't lust on the opposite sex, then we aren't heterosexual.

    Despite what the general belief is, we females are aroused by sexual imagery, and thus we are visual. But since society still holds on the belief that men are visual subjects and women cannot have this same trait, the direct consequence would be the excessive expression of these feeling among males with a contrasting withholding in females. But it doesn't make one more prone to be aroused by sexual imagery, the only difference is in the sustained prejudices and the explicit degree of expression per gender.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    That's probably a good action on your behalf, it's a very radical feminist approach. While there is nothing harmful about looking good and decent from time to time, the degree we see today is due to P influencing the whole culture. The women who act in such a way are merely abiding to old stereotypes that women are sexual objects to be looked upon. These females are only imitating the reductive portrayal of their kind manufactured by the P industry.

    Don't believe just because you dress modestly, that you won't be seen as an 'object' by phallocentric society. I live in a place where women cover themselves from head to toe, yet the degree of sexual harassment is insane.

    I am an electrical engineer, with half the class being female. And no, from where I am from, engineering isn't viewed as a strictly 'male' profession. In Tunisia, around 50 % of engineers are female. It's because US culture associates competence with masculinity, while associating superficiality and physical appeal with femininity.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
  19. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    And if I told you that us having to stay at home, financially dependent on men will only make us practically enslaved to the household. And completely vulnerable and subjugated to the man's word ?

    And what if I told you that if men spent more time as proper father, children would spend more time at home with a family member instead of a complete stranger ?

    And if I told you that paying tax is a small price compared to any financial dependency and exposure consequence ?

    And if I told you that playing ignorance isn't always working in your favor, because you are aware of all these facts ? And how they serve to sustain your privilege and domination on the working and political class ?

    And what if I told you , you also failed to understand the underlying messages of the second study you posted ?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Female sexual harassment and objectification are the product of male entitlement. Some men hate to face the idea we are just as visual, because through their own lenses, they equate this fact with them being reduced to an object. The same way they evaluate and relate their 'visualness' toward us. As a result, admitting and accepting we are just as visual, directly threatens the basics upon which they can justify objectifying and reducing us, and support massive industries that profits from women's bodies. And not only that, through this measure, any disrespectful action they do with us will be severely shamed without receiving the slightest amount of apologism.

    And if you still want to claim 'men are more visual' once more. Then explain to us, how you, a female, ended up hooked on P despite it all ? And what exactly did you feel while consuming it ?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021