Working on dreams versus going on a family vacation?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by pmotina, Jul 23, 2018.

  1. pmotina

    pmotina Fapstronaut


    this summer i (18 years old/f) wanted to work on my dreams but my family would love to go with them on a family vacation to portugal for two weeks.

    one the one hand i'd love to go because family first and stuff and maybe it would be a way to escape from stress and everything, to see something different.
    it's the place we alway visit when we go there and it's just part of my childhood.
    also, i've always had a summer vacation to the beach and to not have anything like this this summer feels so unusual.

    i have to admit that i already felt quite uncomfortable last year when we were there because i felt like i was too old to go on vacation with my parents...but now a part of me would love to join them in order to escape...

    but on the other hand those would two weeks where i can't do anything to work on my dream - which was my original plan...

    the problem is that i already wasted the first week of summer break as my drive to accomplish things is so low. i am afraid that i don't manage to accomplish things during these two weeks so that i end up thinking 'i indeed could've join them. in portugal i would have been as unproductive but at least i could've work on my tan' if you know what i mean?

    they say you should choose the thing that would empower you the most and that definitely would be to work on my dreams but i am so unsure......

    pls help. what would you do?

    greetings x