you're immortal, now what?

have a lot of plans but play videogames for the first 1000 years
then mybe visit canada
also invest in gold asap
Imagine having to wage slave it forever?

"I do this forever, then I find a new job and keep at it. Every day I wake up, praying not to, but my sin is too great and my suffering eternal." - Immortal Wagie Wojak.
These kinds of hypotheticals assume you are immortal and healthy. But what if you arent? What if you develop Alzheimer's and spend eternity unable to remember anything that is happening? What if you develop every type of cancer there is and become a walking mass of tumours? Your skeleton degrades over centuries so you cannot move properly, your eyesight fails, your hearing fails, but you cannot die. The universe eventually burns itself out, every star there ever was going dim, until all that remains is you, a mindless vaguely human shape floating through the void. Forever.
If we assume that you are healthy, that you are immortal and invulnerable, then fuck it, I'll make it my mission to destroy Canada.

These kinds of hypotheticals assume you are immortal and healthy. But what if you arent? What if you develop Alzheimer's and spend eternity unable to remember anything that is happening? What if you develop every type of cancer there is and become a walking mass of tumours? Your skeleton degrades over centuries so you cannot move properly, your eyesight fails, your hearing fails, but you cannot die.
well that would suck
but there may be cure for all of that in the future so
Imagine having to wage slave it forever?

"I do this forever, then I find a new job and keep at it. Every day I wake up, praying not to, but my sin is too great and my suffering eternal." - Immortal Wagie Wojak.

Interesting. But if you were immortal, you'd have an eternity to find a cure, as CarP said.

What scares me a lot is that the Earth is planned to explode or something in the far future. Will you be floating away forever? I'd be curious to know if the universe has boundaries. Is there alternate universes behind? Again, my faith is restricting my beliefs, but that's protecting me in a way. At any rate, thank the LORD that humans can die.

If humanity doesnt develop FTL travel, you would be consumed when the sun expands, burnt away, but be unable to die. No matter how I try to envision it (unless you are also invulnerable like I said before) it always turns into some I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream shit.
What scares me a lot is that the Earth is planned to explode or something in the far future. Will you be floating away forever?
you would do the thing that the guy from jojo did (idfk what his name is kars or something) and just stop thinking after a while
I'm too much of a believer not to want to die. BUT if I was immortal... I'd probably jerk off until the end of times :/

c'mon we're catholic tho

the nicene creed states it specifically, "we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come, Amen"

that means at the second coming, you will be made immortal, right?
"Death, where is your sting?"

the sting of death is sin
so when you're immortal,
you won't
you know
jerk off

These kinds of hypotheticals assume you are immortal and healthy. But what if you arent? What if you develop Alzheimer's and spend eternity unable to remember anything that is happening? What if you develop every type of cancer there is and become a walking mass of tumours? Your skeleton degrades over centuries so you cannot move properly, your eyesight fails, your hearing fails, but you cannot die. The universe eventually burns itself out, every star there ever was going dim, until all that remains is you, a mindless vaguely human shape floating through the void. Forever.
Imagine getting a life sentence in prison.

Well, I guess it's not so bad with three square meals a day, a roof and a bed.
Imagine something even worst: your body ages, decays, rots, every atom disperses in dust, but your mind is trapped in the aether. You cannot speak, you cannot do ANYTHING, because you have no body. You can only think. You are forever, utterly, alone. I know CarP's question isn't "would you be immortal" but what you'd do if you were, but I cannot help wondering. I think what makes life, is death. If there's no death, there's no life... So if you were immortal, would you really be alive? I shudder at the thought.

AM has altered me for his own peace of mind, I suppose. He doesn't want me to
run at full speed into a computer bank and smash my skull. Or hold my breath till I
faint. Or cut my throat on a rusted sheet of metal. There are reflective surfaces down
here. I will describe myself as I see myself:
I am a great soft jelly thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing
white holes filled by fog where my eyes used to be. Rubbery appendages that were
once my arms; bulks rounding down into legless humps of soft slippery matter. I
leave a moist trail when I move. Blotches of diseased, evil gray come and go on my
surface, as though light is being beamed from within.
Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known
as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more
obscene for the vague resemblance.
Inwardly: alone. Here. Living under the land, under the sea, in the belly of AM,
whom we created because our time was badly spent and we must have known
unconsciously that he could do it better. At least the four of them are safe at last.
AM will be all the madder for that. It makes me a little happier. And yet ... AM
has won, simply ... he has taken his revenge...
I have no mouth, and I must scream.

This reminds me of this man who after a trauma was left with only the mobility of one of his eyelids. His mind was raving inside, but he was totally unable to move except one eyelid. He was taught a language to use with this only mean of communication, and wrote a whole book. True story.

I thought the link was going to be Johnny Got His Gun, which is a book based on a true story of a similar nature.
This is also an interesting way to look at your original question, if you became immortal but JUST FOR ONE DAY, how would you live it? I can't help but think of The Purge series. Which is both odd and very much relevant. I wonder if it would change anything if it was just one day, or if it wouldn't be long enough.

I'd recruit you to help blow up Parliament. Finish what Guy "If you're an MP you're getting this MP5" Fawkes started.

We can go further: if all of humanity could be immortal forever, what would happen? If all of humanity could be immortal for just one day, what would happen? Man, I'm too BPD for this haha

This is the premise of a Doctor Who spinoff. Torchwood Miracle Day. In that the governments of the world start forcibly culling the ageing population by incinerating them, without fully realising they are still not dying.
Imagine getting a life sentence in prison.

Well, I guess it's not so bad with three square meals a day, a roof and a bed.

If it was a Norwegian prison, count me in.

I've heard about this story before. You asked me recently what kind of horror scares me. This man. Whew. This kind.

The irony here is the ending is actually a good ending, in a really morbid sort of way. This guy sacrifices himself so his friends can die, and AM is so assblasted by this that this is the punishment. He trolled that omnipotent supercomputer epic style.

Didn't know about this case, but yeah unfortunately the locked-in syndrome is a thing. It makes me feel soooooooooo grateful man. Thank you for this body that I can move by my own will. Thank you for making me able to associate actions to my thoughts. Really makes you ponder.

There is one thing I heard about that is extremely rare, where your brain cannot perceive movement. So everything is essentially jump cutting around you all the time, which sounds horrifying.