Zero Discipline

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HeartlessAngel, May 20, 2016.

  1. HeartlessAngel

    HeartlessAngel Fapstronaut

    Lately I've been thinking and for almost the past 10 years, I've lacked proper discipline. The last time I worked really hard on anything was probably High School and that was to get into a good uni, which I did. But ever since then, I don't really feel like I achieved anything. I developed this new, sneaky way of working around things. Say, at uni, I graduated with minimal effort and well, I cheated quite a bit. I always put it down to the fact that i was a poor selection on my part, that I didn't enjoy the course. But now I'm doing my master's and I'm the same! Assignments get done last minute, or past the deadline. I barely go, and when I do I don't have maximum interest, I just want it to be finished. And I picked this course because I thought I would enjoy it. And the uni has so many hot guys, I get so distracted if I go there to get work done, all I do is discreetly sneak a peak. I'm wondering if all this lack of discipline and ambition is due to my PMO addiction?
    baltic likes this.
  2. TheWannabe

    TheWannabe Fapstronaut

    Almost definitely. I have a similar problem (though I don't cheat or the like). That's one of my several reasons to try getting rid of my PMO addiction. (Though to be fair, I could be a lazy bastard even when I was younger. Just... not nearly as lazy.)

    Yeah, though. Simply getting addicted to anything is a great way to throw discipline out the window. Ambition? lolnope.JPG

    That's why you're here, right?
    Last edited: May 20, 2016
    Awakening123 likes this.
  3. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    Lack of discipline + procrastination = PMO addiction