Zero morning wood and still no libido

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Gavalar09, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Over 6 months in and I'm still not getting morning wood.
    Been having sex the last few months with some successful but I flatline after every orgasm and my libido has died the last week
    Why am I not recovering?
    Younameit likes this.
  2. It takes a long time mate, it's also very up and down. I still have hardly any morning wood and no libido. If I do get morning wood it's a semi or sluggish, probably where I trained my brain to fap with a limp dick over the years. I would consider coming to terms that it could take up to two years, maybe even more for recovery.
  3. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    All is see is how people are recovering after 90 days or getting morning wood, basically seeing something and I just seem to be getting worse with each passing day.
    I can't get erect alone and don't get morning wood at all.
    Been almost 2 months since my last solid morning wood and that was on cailis 5mg.
    Tried sex with my girl last night and couldn't get aroused.
  4. Them people who are 'cured' in 90 days or before either didn't have that big of a problem or overestimated a benefit of being away from porn due from a spark or jump in their central nervous system and brain. Yea I understand completely you just have to somewhat come to terms it can take a long time in some cases. I'm 13.5 months in and only seen a little improvement and it's still very much up and down. I've had one or two rock solid boners on this whole reboot, it is what it is I done some damage to my mind. You should look into karezza with your girl. Does she know about this?
    Freeddom_Taker and Westsidejimmy like this.
  5. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    She knows about the ED but not the porn.
    Been trying karezza with some success but orgasmed several times which seems to always send me back into flatline for some reason.
    Only get morning wood on ED drugs.
    Just very worrying.
    Urogist thinks venous leak. I don't have a clue anymore, just very worried about it at the moment.
    One minute I can get 80% erections during sex, next minute completely numb and dead down there
  6. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    do you orgasm with or without sex or just orgasm alone?
  7. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Only orgasm with my girlfriend and during sex
  8. Buzz Rees

    Buzz Rees Fapstronaut

    Could this partly be performance anxiety at this point? What about relaxation, mutual erotic touch without aiming for penetration, stuff like that?
  9. Gavalar09

    Gavalar09 Fapstronaut

    Definitely not performance anxiety, been having sex for months but it's always touch and go and if it was just anxiety surely I would get some form of morning wood, but nothing
  10. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    how are you doing nowadays
  11. Jerseyguy1963

    Jerseyguy1963 Fapstronaut

    In addition to cutting out porn and masturbation, I've temporarily cut out caffeine, sugar and music. I've now gotten morning wood the last two nights. I'm on day 19.
  12. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I don't understand why you would cut out an art form. :confused:
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  13. Smart guy with cutting out caffeine and sugar. Caffeine is a beast of a drug when abused.
    Freeddom_Taker and Jerseyguy1963 like this.
  14. Jerseyguy1963

    Jerseyguy1963 Fapstronaut

    I agree with Lebowski. Caffeine and sugar spike dopamine. But, so does music.

    That doesn't mean that music cant be a part of a normal, healthy lifestyle. It can. But, during flatline we are trying to desensitize out dopamine and norepinephrin receptors. If you want to do that, you've got to temporarily expose your brain to a little dopamine as you can stand. You still have to live. But, remember, we are trying to get our lives back.

    Why do I LOVE to go to the gym and drink a caffeinated pre-workout and blast hip hop in my ears? Because it works. It releases a flood of brain chemicals into my brain and I go into Beast Mode.

    ...except. Except that it stops working after a while. I no longer feel the bump.

    If I want to cure PIED, I have to resensitize those receptors. But, it's more than that. If I want to enjoy life more and enjoy music more, I have to cut out as many sources of dopamine and norepinephrin as I can until my brain heals.

    The same is true of you guys.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  15. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    It makes no sense to cut out music. wtf?
  16. Jerseyguy1963

    Jerseyguy1963 Fapstronaut

    It makes perfect sense to cut out music in the short-term, Anonymous. This is science. It isn't good versus bad or moral versus immoral or healthy versus unhealthy.

    I love music and plan to add it back to my life once my brain is healed. But, for now my brain needs to be deprived of dopamine.

    The reason you like music is because you get brain chemicals from it. Had you never found porn, the amount of a hit you get from music would not have broken you. Music is not the enemy. Porn is.

    But, you've got to heal. More dopamine in your brain does not help.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2020
    Freeddom_Taker and Anonymous86 like this.
  17. I found out when I listen to music while in reboot, brain fog seem to get worse. For caffeine, that thing triggers my adrenal glands. I get all jittery and anxiety spike up.
    carch and Jerseyguy1963 like this.
  18. Galaxian21

    Galaxian21 Fapstronaut

    I’ve been wondering about the dopamine question. I’ve been taking a Dopa supplement recently thinking this would lead to less temptation (no need to stimulate that “high” with PMO), but you’re saying starving the brain of dopamine will resensitize it for a bigger high?

    I would say morning wood has more to do with testosterone. I am on HRT, get test shots weekly and morning wood has been pretty common for me whether abusing PMO or not.
  19. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Be sure it is not medical priblem like low test or high cholestorol , go to doctor do bloodtest.
  20. Jerseyguy1963

    Jerseyguy1963 Fapstronaut

    Yes, that is what I’m saying, Galaxian.