Church of NoFap - The 40 Day Lent Challenge and 500 Day Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by -Negan-, Aug 27, 2023.

  1. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut


    Disclaimer 1: This Challenge has been created by myself, and not by the creators of the NoFap site. The term 'NoFap' has simply been used to refer to the act of not masturbating, or using porn, and not as a means to represent the trademarked term 'NoFap', or to pass myself off as representing the site.

    Disclaimer 2: This Challenge has been created, using the concepts of Christianity. Many of my created challenges use the idea of powerful characters or people, ranked alongside the number of days built up in a streak, while trying to follow a journey. I created this challenge on a previous account, and received push back from some users, believing I was trying to equate a literal person to God, or why I used 'Messiah' at 90 days, because it made no sense, and that it's all blasphemous. The explanations under each rank, alongside this disclaimer, should help understand. I'm not going to engage in any theological debate, nor respond to criticism publicly, and will ignore any posts that do so. You are free to message me privately, and I will engage with you there.

    Welcome all!

    You're here, because you've decided to be a true disciple of NoFap, embarking on a journey that will lead you from possession by the forces of porn, to becoming NoFap God! With NoFap, there are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits that some people may view as supernatural. If you don't know it yet, realise it now. To find inner peace, you must conquer the one power we all carry around. This is our sexual energy. It can either be your Saviour, and lead you to a life beyond your wildest dreams, or it can be your Devil, leading you to the life of your nightmares, where unimaginable horrors await. See the contrast? This one power we all have has the ability to influence your life one way or the other. You decide. Just remember, your sexual energy is the key to the Universe.

    Using your tools of strength and willpower, will you succeed in reaching the Kingdom of NoFap? Or will the powers of porn and darkness trap you in the depths of Hell?



    You now stand before the Gates of NoFap. Eternal Life waits you...


    1). Post that you’re in.
    2). Post as often as you can.
    3). Start the challenge from whatever your current streak is at.
    4). Support other users in a kind, and compassionate manner.
    5). Wet dreams are NOT a relapse.
    6). There is one commandment to follow - 'Thou Shalt not masturbate'


    0). Monk (Not Counting Days):
    Sometimes, you just prefer not to count days during your journey. The rank of Monk applies. This step gives you the space to contemplate your journey, and how you wish to navigate the path towards a new you!


    1). Fallen Angel (0-6 Days):
    This rank recognises that we were once all in the graces of NoFap, where everything felt clearer, and life was smoother. Your dopamine receptors functioned well, and your nervous system operated wonderfully. However, your lust and desire for porn has sent you tumbling from NoFap Heaven. Your wings have been cut, and you've been cast out.


    2). Saved Sinner (7-14 Days):
    You’ve adapted to your first week, but your existence is plagued by demonic attacks. You understand that all who repent from PMO, will be saved. You begin your journey as a Saved Sinner.


    3). Baptised Believer (15-30 Days):
    Through the baptism of NoFap, you wash away your sins of PMO. Each day is a spiritual washing away of PMO and its physical, emotional, and spiritual effects. Feel your sexual energy growing. Don't view any horniness as a negative. See it as an opportunity to transmute into other activities. Your sexual energy is your power to change the world!


    4). Holy Disciple (31-45 Days):
    Following your baptism, you now undertake a period of discipleship, following the teachings of NoFap. You learn about the incredible physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. The God-like benefits of preserving your sexual energy inspire you during your discipleship into the NoFap discipline.


    5). Holy Apostle (46-60 Days):
    NoFap has blessed you with the gift of spreading the word of NoFap to others. Allow your sexual energy to begin cultivating. You're on the cusp of physical, emotional, and spiritual changes beyond your comprehension. Keep going!


    6). Holy Prophet (61-89 Days):
    You feel inspired by NoFap to deliver a message of hope to others. This period is also known for sperm maturation! New sperm produced 60-89 days ago are now fully mobile and fertile, and at their strongest. When not used, your body reabsorbs this sperm. Imagine all that sperm power being reused by your body! You may notice a spike in energy, or physical changes. Keep a look out!


    7). Messiah (90-135 Days):
    You’ve reached the gold standard of NoFap! The divinity of NoFap shines through you! That sexual power is beginning to increase, and merge with your being, creating a new you! A better you! Use this time to meditate and feel yourself growing. Feel the power ripple through your body, mind and spirit. You're the Messiah now. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility. Retain your seed, and the Universe is yours.


    8). Ascended Saviour (136-180 Days):
    Your sexual energy has grown to such a point, it's on the cusp of heavenly power. You've outgrown mere human potential, and are now travelling to new planes of supernatural existence reserved only for the strongest and most powerful creatures designed by our Creator. All of this is down to your NoFap journey so far. A new future and destiny in the heavens await you, both within you, and externally.

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2023
    Ūruz and Lou Bloom like this.
  2. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    9). Heavenly Saint (181-240 Days):
    You've reached the next level in your journey. Your NoFap power has granted you access to the heavenly realms, including entry into the Garden of Eden. You feel stronger, clearer, energetic. These are signs of operating at a higher frequency of consciousness. NoFap is your Tree of Life, and it continues to fuel and sustain you.


    10). Angel (241-330 Days):
    You’re a fully fledged angel! All of that angelic NoFap grace coursing through your ethereal veins is catching the attention of humans and fellow NoFappers alike. Glorious opportunities come to you, as your own energy field is becoming supercharged by your sexual power!


    11). Archangel (331-420 Days):
    Sometimes considered the highest angel rank, the power created within you by NoFap is a force beyond the imagination of mere mortals. You may even notice manifesting what you want is much easier! You're a magnet for great things. Such is your sexual power, you may feel the ability to influence people, events, and your own desires.


    12). Holy Spirit (421-499 Days):

    The essence of God and NoFap runs through you. Life is effortless for you. Everything feels easy, peaceful, and new. You're now on the home stretch toward attaining the ultimate recognition in the NoFap Universe.


    13). God (500+ Days):
    The supreme being of the NoFap Universe! You’ve reached the end of your counter. Time no longer has any meaning for you. Your sexual power has been transmuted into God power! The Universe is well and truly yours to live in, and change however you desire!




    If you've reached "God" status, your name will be added to the Book of NoFap Life.


    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    Ūruz and Lou Bloom like this.
  3. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut


    The 40 Day Lent Challenge

    The 40 Day Lent Challenge is for those who wish to give up PMO to commemorate the time when Jesus Christ fasted in the desert, resisting temptation by Satan.

    40 Days also has other significance in the Bible:
    - Moses also spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai, receiving the 10 Commandments.
    - When God flooded the Earth, He caused it to rain for 40 days and 40 nights.
    - When Elijah fled from Jezebel, he travelled 40 days and 40 nights to Mount Horeb.
    - The time between Jesus' resurrection and ascension was 40 days.


    Although there's no Biblical statement declared on the significance of the number 40, its use when it comes to spiritual growth and renewal in some of the key Biblical moments is undeniable.


    Lent usually occurs on Ash Wednesday, and ends at Easter. However, this 40 Day Challenge can be taken at any point.

    You may take up the 40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge as a standalone challenge. Perhaps you wish to take both the 40 Days & 40 Nights and 500 Day Challenges together? Or perhaps you'd like to take the 40 Days & 40 Nights Challenge first, and then continue your streak into the 500 Day Challenge? It's entirely up to you.

    You are now invited to give up porn and masturbation for 40 days and 40 nights.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
    Ūruz and Lou Bloom like this.
  4. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Day 2/6 - Fallen Angel
    Ūruz and Lou Bloom like this.
  5. Yk, I’m in. :D
    Day 32. Holy Disciple.
    Feels incredible to be back in this Church.
    Ūruz and -Negan- like this.
  6. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 3/6

    Delighted you're here, and always appreciate your support!
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  7. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 4/6
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  8. Day 0
    Forgive me father for I have sinned. But not confronting the problems would be even a greater sin. I seek forgiveness.
    -Angel- likes this.
  9. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 5/6

    Yes!! And 34 days is another string of recovery to add to your bow. Back on the path we go.

    Lou Bloom likes this.
  10. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 0/6
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  11. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 0/6

    4 wet dreams on 4 consecutive nights. Resetting my counter. Think it's some beef liver capsules I've taken this week, coinciding with the dreams. Will stop them, and reset my counter, as my brain and body feel like it's relapsed, even though I haven't.
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  12. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Fallen angel
    Starting today
    Lou Bloom and -Angel- like this.
  13. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Delighted to have you with us on this journey!
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  14. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 1/6
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  15. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 2/6
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  16. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 3/6
    Lou Bloom likes this.
  17. -Negan-

    -Negan- Fapstronaut

    Fallen Angel: 4/6
    Lou Bloom likes this.