The Duels of NoFap: Championships

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by ZenMode, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    Sounds lovely - I'm up for it! Especially in the name of Snåsamannen lol ! :emoji_sweat_smile:

    No, I'm waitin'!
  2. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Maybe you won becaouse I have relapsed yesterday.
    voltex, Simorgh and Lou Bloom like this.
  3. Sorry to hear that, brother. Shall we call it a draw?
    voltex, Toni7 and Simorgh like this.
  4. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    Checking in day 1 light mode. @nopartner

    Imagining that @nopartner is actually a really hard partner.
    voltex, Toni7, Lou Bloom and 2 others like this.
  5. Still Balling

    Still Balling Fapstronaut

    voltex, Simorgh, Goodstreak and 3 others like this.
  6. ZenMode

    ZenMode Fapstronaut

    voltex, Simorgh, Goodstreak and 2 others like this.
  7. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    voltex, Goodstreak and Lou Bloom like this.
  8. Goodstreak

    Goodstreak Fapstronaut

    @Simorgh, I guess it's you and me then!


    Checking in!:emoji_fire:
    Toni7 and Simorgh like this.
  9. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    Checking in there, fellow Reboot Cowboy! :D In the name of Berthas Kokosboller and Snåsamannen!

    Checking in day 1 with @Goodstreak

    Checking in day 2 with @nopartner!
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    voltex, Toni7 and Goodstreak like this.
  10. timonk

    timonk Fapstronaut

    @KOmega Check in.
    I'm still sick and did some dangerous actions, but turned away from them after seconds.
  11. voltex

    voltex Fapstronaut

    Reviving from the dead to post my thoughts about nofap
    Before that, quick update: after I said I was going to detox, I got a really bad case of hay fever and ended up doing nothing but surf social media/watch youtube/etc for about 4 days since that's all the energy I had to do :oops:

    During the time I was sick, I had plenty of time to think about it, and I've hit a point where I check NoFap mindlessly the same way one would open facebook/twitter/insta/etc. It has become a chore to me, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I felt nofap was holding me back because it would take me mental strength to open and read through comments, check in, and write down how my journey has been going. I thought I was alone, but seeing other warriors who have been here since the first NoFap Duel thread also feel burnt out makes me relieved since I now know I am not alone. Despite all the days I spent PMO free, it still feels like a part of me hasn't made progress at all and the only proof I have of my struggles is comments I leave on this site. In a way, it is kind of ironic that a site dedicated to overcoming addiction has led me to develop another by doom scrolling the forums for that extra bit of dopamine I once got whenever I saw a post about something I was going through at the time.

    Not trying to be a downer, just trying to speak what I've been feeling. Everyone I've seen who joined the thread, whether it be for a short or long time are all equally strong for being willing to put in the effort. From today, I'm most likely going to stop checking in frequently, and this is will be my last duel. It has been a blessing to have companions I can relate and grow alongside with, even if I'm not the most social person during my NoFap journey. I'm going to leave once Knowbie gets back from his trip so he doesn't get left hanging :)
    Toni7 and Goodstreak like this.
  12. Still Balling

    Still Balling Fapstronaut

    Peace be with you.
    voltex, Goodstreak and Toni7 like this.
  13. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Brave choise. I can give you an advice to read books insted of scrolling.
    voltex, Simorgh and Goodstreak like this.
  14. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    Checking in day 1 @Goodstreak Technically yesterday was day 0 :D
    Still Balling, Goodstreak and Toni7 like this.
  15. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    I'm open for a challange.
    voltex, Still Balling and Goodstreak like this.
  16. Goodstreak

    Goodstreak Fapstronaut

    Checking in, day 1!
    Still Balling, Toni7 and Simorgh like this.
  17. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    Checkin @voltex - back home from my epic road trip Wednesday…
    voltex, Asklepios, Goodstreak and 2 others like this.
  18. Goodstreak

    Goodstreak Fapstronaut

    Asklepios and Simorgh like this.
  19. Simorgh

    Simorgh Fapstronaut

    Goodstreak and Asklepios like this.
  20. Polemistes

    Polemistes Fapstronaut