***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for ... ( 1 / 30 )
    1. I am grateful for this website and for your support and effort. It would be really dangerous and difficult to build a support group or forum in real life. I can't talk openly with my family about my issues. Yet. at least, I have this wonderful medium to connect, relate, feel supported, get motivated and learn.. So i would like to thank everyone who try to help

    2. I am grateful for having a family. we may not be well-connected. We definitely need a lot of work to come together and really support each other. But just the presence of my family, my father, my mother, my brother and my sister, provides with a feeling of warm, stability and safety.. I was not a really good part in their lives mainly because of masturbation and pornography addiction and other bad habits. And that's one major motivation in my journey, My resolve is endless to break my bad habits and recover from my addiction, for myself, and for them. I shall make them proud.

    3. I am grateful for abstaining from porn for the third day. My current brain reboot attempt is gaining momentum. I am motivated, confident, committed and focused on the reboot process. I will do anything and endure any suffer just to regain and recover my brain.
    Mangold, born3 and S t r a n g e r like this.
  2. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for
    1. My supportive wife
    2. My supportive boss
    3. My parents being alive
    4. Coffee
  3. Mangold

    Mangold Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for ... (4)

    1. a warm bath with candle light (while listening to Lord Of The Ring) rn
    2. for a new Recovery Journey (that I was brave enough for a fresh start and to repeat what has worked before and that it goes smoothly so far)
    3. for 6 pornfree days where, despite minor problems and despite some grief, I've had a good time
    4. for my living friends and for my dead friend (what he was for me, what he did for me and that I was lucky enough to meet him and be his friend)
    5. for the children in my life
    6. for my lived spirituality which gives me peace and happiness
    7. for a healthy body
    8. for my potential
    9. for my job
    10. for coffee :D me too
    drmr, S t r a n g e r and born3 like this.
  4. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for...

    getting my stuff sent off yesterday to B.
    my dressing gown.
    having food to eat.
    being able bodied.
    my mum feeling better.
    RightPath and S t r a n g e r like this.
  5. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for ... ( 2 / 30 )

    1. Eating a healthy and delicious lunch made by my beloved mother and sister.
    2. Having the energy, motivation and discipline to complete a cardio workout for the first time in about 2 month. It felt amazing.
    3. Surviving a serious porn urge. Now I am set to complete day 4 in a row without any porn use. Committed to abstain from porn for the rest of my life.
    4. Having great energy and morale through the day.. Focusing on my goals and doing productive work.
    5. I am so grateful that I live in a nice and secure neighborhood where there are no threats to my life or to my beloved ones.
    6. I am grateful for being part of a great nation and a stable country in a sea of violence and instability.
    7. Also, very thankful for this website and your Telegram channel whose presence and content distracted me from using Telegram to watch porn.
    S t r a n g e r likes this.
  6. Day 5/30

    • Friendship
    • My home.
    • My country.
    born3 and RightPath like this.
  7. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Day 2: Grateful for fall colors, exploring new toys with wife, my house and my family.
    S t r a n g e r, born3 and drmr like this.
  8. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for...

    one day at a time.
    my faith and the Grace of God.
    RightPath and S t r a n g e r like this.
  9. Day 6/30

    The gift of faith.
    Good music.
    Hot water.
    born3 and RightPath like this.
  10. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Day 3: I am grateful for seeing my parents relax, rain to cool the air and replenish the earth, a wife that creates and captures memories for us, the moment where I can be more compassionate with myself.
    born3, S t r a n g e r and RightPath like this.
  11. born3

    born3 Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for this challenge, it has been beneficial to me. I will probably rejoin at some point. Stay grateful.
    S t r a n g e r and RightPath like this.
  12. Day 7/30

    • My brother.
    • The use of my limbs.
    • Coffee.
    drmr likes this.
  13. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for
    1. my apartment, the space and comfort that I am enjoying. Thanks to my father, his hard work.
    2. water heater, it feels nice having some warm water on the body in the mid of a cold winter.
    3. fruits.. fruits taste good, support my health and they look nice too.
    S t r a n g e r likes this.
  14. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Day 4: I am grateful for the health to clean my house, a new pair of headphones, the money to buy most of what I want and a raving review from my boss at work.
    Don80 and S t r a n g e r like this.
  15. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Day 0
    I'm grateful:
    - for time that I will spend with my family and will train my patience; I'll do my best to make this time peaceful and anger-free
    - for new surge of motivation
    - for my courage that allowed me to survive social events yesterday without much mental turmoil - confidence and emotional control were not my strong suit in the past but they ARE now
    RightPath, S t r a n g e r and drmr like this.
  16. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today, I am grateful for
    1. The soothing cup of tea I am drinking now
    2. The lovely winter weather.. Air today was really clean and generous.
    3. For dates, I love dates, tastes nice
    4. for strawberries, they looks and tastes fun.
    5. For holding my ground and surviving the last urge that happened just after waking up.
    Don80, RightPath and S t r a n g e r like this.
  17. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Day 5: Today, I am grateful for the morning fog and how it allows me to focus on what is right in front of me, being patient with my wife and following her lead because it leads me to new experiences, sport mode in my car, new classes on my treadmill for me to learn from.
    Don80, RightPath and S t r a n g e r like this.
  18. Day 8/30

    • Heat.
    • Clothing
    • My car.
    ANewFocus, Don80 and RightPath like this.
  19. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today, I am grateful
    - for Learning about karezza inspired my to change my fantasies in what seems to be a healthy and joyful fantasies that will just fend off kinky fantasies.
    - That I had the commitment, will and strength to complete an upper-body workout that made me feel confident
    - that I have a decent looking body and face after I worked hard consistently for 2 years to lose more than 120 lbs.
    - Today I am so grateful that the depressed moods of the last 2 days has passed away.. Today I am thankful for the energy, for feeling happy.
  20. I'm pickup up where I left off.

    Day 9/30
    • Prime rib.
    • Coffee.
    • My health.