Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BradM6016, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. BradM6016

    BradM6016 Fapstronaut

    NoFap is definitely a process that takes strong determination and insane willpower. I achieved 90 days last year but ended up relapsing at that 90 day mark. What was it to? Some model on Instagram. I'm currently on NoFap.

    I believe that social media has a direct impact on why many Fapstronauts end up relapsing. Social media is at our finger tips every day and all it does is fill the gaps in our lives when we want to kill time, bored, or in an awkward situation. If you're on a streak and all of a sudden you see an attractive girl on your timeline, you suddenly get an unnecessary urge. It wasn't a natural one. It was from pixels. This leads to edging which is already a dangerous thing for people on NoFap.

    If you didn't have Instagram, or any social media, what would you be doing in your spare time? I bet it's something great. Maybe a hobby you've been putting off, a second or third language, studying for that big test, etc. You may never know. At the end of the day when the sun sets, that's all you have. However, that's all you need. It's up to you to make the most of your time. You ALWAYS have time. It's just whether or not you care enough.

    Many individuals say that social media is a great way to reconnect with people. Here's my take on that: If I haven't seen or heard from you since the beginning of college, you were never an important part of my life and therefore I don't care to hear from you again. End of story.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    My sister and her family live in Europe, which for much of the time, is a 12-hour difference in time from me. Most times social media's the most viable option because by the time I wake up, she's off to bed and vice versa. There isn't a good window most days due to that plus our work schedules thrown in. I also have friends whom I met during the time I lived in Alaska for 2 years that changed my life, and I'd like to think I changed theirs also. I also use social media to also keep in contact with them. For those reasons alone, I'm not deleting social media.

    I don't spend much time on there, but for those that do, there really isn't a reason to be on there forever.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. i deleted it on my phone but on my pc i have a browser extension that can limit it. i only allow myself 30minutes a day of facebook and youtube. I have completely blocked Instagram, Twitter, and snapchat cause i would often just look up porn stars.
  4. Jharpeskie

    Jharpeskie Fapstronaut

    I deleted both my Instagram and Facebook. What I did was wrote on a piece of paper a really long hard to remember password of random letters and numbers, changed FB & IG password to this, deleted account, ripped up the paper and burned it. The recovery emails are the ones I had the I was a youngin and they actually expired years ago, so I can't retrieve them.

    I think this has been one of my best decisions I've made in the past few years. People who are actually valuable to me text/call and others in different countries, I email. I love emailing now, it's so much fun when one pops up and you get an update on someones life. I enjoy the writing side and throwing in little inside jokes, emails are underrated.

    Insta models were a big stimulus for me that got me going. So glad I don't have them in my life anymore.
  5. zaboomafoo

    zaboomafoo Fapstronaut

    Social media addiction is a really big problem for today's people. If you consider how easy it's to communicate with someone today, logically the communication between people should be increased. However we're getting more individual as the social media and tech get improved. Social media isn't a platform for communication, it's a place that people show off and show other people how happy they are even they're not. Also there is a hundreds of billions of dollars advertisement industry, which is fed by social media.

    If you're using social media for communication, even there are lots of communication tools that you can use, then it's OK. But if you're wasting your time using it, just stop and go create some real human relationships. One shouldn't spend more time on social media than the time he/she spends with real people. There should be a balance.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
  6. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    Yes, quitting social media is a great suggestion. Coming from personal experience, it is one of the best things I have ever done in recent times.

    I have a lot more time, energy, confidence and clarity from being off: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. I haven’t looked back since being off social media for around two months now (at the time of writing), and don’t ever feel the need of wanting to log on either.

    I have messenger to keep in contact with friends, but then I have my phone and email address if they really want to prior to that. What I’ve learned from quitting social media is on who my real friends are as well. Which people matter and are important to have in my life.

    If there’s any consolation, quitting social media has helped me open my eyes, broaden my horizons. The world’s a much bigger place when you’re no longer glued to your smartphones. There’s so much more to life than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
  7. TruChange

    TruChange Fapstronaut

    I'm so torn on this.

    I agree that we all spend too much time looking at our smartphones. I also recognize that I cheat on my streaks by looking at hot women on Facebook or Instagram. I tell myself it's not a relapse because I'm not watching a hardcore video, but it's still cheating.

    Looking at hot women on social media is often the first step in a slippery slope that leads to relapsing.

    I don't have Twitter or Snapchat. I have Facebook and Instagram but I don't have the apps installed on my phone.

    If you have the discipline to batch social media sessions to once or twice per week, it's not big deal. It's checking it multiple times per day that does the damage.

    But social media is useful for business and building a following.

    P.S. One tip: change your phone's setting to "monochrome". It's a lot less interesting to look at photos on your phone when they're all black and white.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
  8. Social media is a black hole of time and is very addictive. I used to spend an insane amount of time on Instagram and there are tones of triggering images. Also, it made me feel inadequate as I would see my 'friends' having loads of 'fun'. I felt I was missing out and it added to my depressive moods. When I posted my own images, I would wait anxiously for the 'likes'. However, I was just deluding myself and feeding the PMO wolf. I deleted my account and I feel so much better without it in my life. I also stopped using FB.
  9. MrCAllen301986

    MrCAllen301986 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I deactivated my Facebook account. I really wasn't going on there often and I felt it would be good to deactivate it for some time. I'll probably go back on it some time next year around February or March. Another reason I deactivated it was out of all the close to 200 friends that I have on that site, I've only talked to or hanged out with about 10-15 or maybe 20 of them in real life, so it was pointless to have my profile activated when I've only been in contact with that amount of friends. Plus, most of them have my phone number, so it's not like they can't contact me.
  10. MrCAllen301986

    MrCAllen301986 Fapstronaut

    Amen to that bro. I would add YouTube to that list also, because that can be a time consumer also if you're not careful.
  11. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut


    The thing is with YouTube, I only go on it to watch videos or listen to music. Not to socialise with people. But I don’t go on it long as I usually get bored after a while. Prefer going out doing things than being stuck at home.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Amen brother. I never used social media in my life, ever. However, I still find myself addicted to video games and YouTube but I'm still working on it though.
  13. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    You're not missing out really. Life is bliss without social media.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2017
    BradM6016 likes this.
  14. I know right.
  15. mrsazay

    mrsazay Fapstronaut

    If I need social media for work then how do I cope ?
    Scissaro likes this.
  16. You can still use it for work, but I suggest you stay away from the provocative images because that can very easily lead to a relapse.
  17. Just

    Just Fapstronaut

    I am not having problems with social media in general. I did not have triggering sites on my FB or Insta. I will not go near my Tumblr account, no way no how! My partner is constantly on the phone or computer, quite sad. I have brought this up multiple times to no avail. Ugh
    mrsazay likes this.
  18. About a year ago I quit video games and deleted my Facebook. Best decision I've ever made.

    "But it's not my fault, I just enjoy playing video games more than anything else." Yea... that sounds like the dopamine talking.
    mrsazay and FormerFapaholic like this.
  19. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    I have social media, I just don’t use it. It’s there if people want to communicate with me through a private message, that’s the only notification on my phone I’ll get. I’ve disabled notifications for everything else. It’s handy for distant family and other people I’m not in constant contact with.
  20. Normally I don't have a problem with video games but I end up spending way too much time on them when it comes to rainy days. I also can't go anywhere since I don't have a drivers license yet. Is there a way to cope with that?