Proof that masturbation is a sin to natural laws.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Clumsy, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Yes there's hope. And three years is not much - not compared to others. I started masturbated at age 11, compulsively.

    Remember that post-acute withdrawal symptoms sets in if you've been severely addicted. It means that even after you stop, you can feel like crap for quite some time. This period can last months or even years. It's like any other addiction, you can feel good after 3 months of nofap, then suddenly you crash and wake up with little or no energy, you feel lazy and depressed, not in the mood for anything, basically you just feel the same as you did when you were PMOing. Not everyone gets these symptoms, but many do. That's why it's so common why people dismiss nofap as nonsense, when in fact all they have been experiencing is post acute withdrawal symptoms. It's like any other powerful drug, the error we do is underestimating it.

    Some guy at another site said that he got to see the real benefits after 12 months of abstinence, and as soon as the real benefits sets in, the restoration happens quite rapidly. Theres another case with a guy that had a two year flatline, then over a period of weeks he was out of it with skyhigh confidence and natural libido.

    So don't be surprised if you one day wake up and see a pale face in the mirror, its withdrawal symptoms and nothing else. Nofap works.
  2. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Yeah! Nature is 100% fair. It gives you what you deserve, no more or less. Nature is the perfect judge.
    Positive path likes this.
  3. This is very good!
    Of course you will have ups and downs but for what I know its all real. Except you will always be happy. Thats just not true.
  4. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Ups and downs is the withdrawal stage - its called post-acute withdrawal syndrome, it can last up to 2-3 years in most cases.

    And I didnt say you will always be happy.
    Positive path likes this.
  5. Thanks you for making it clear to me what withdraws really are. Really appreciate it man!
  6. So, ups and downs even when you're PMOing is just withdraws aswell? or do they only comes when you've quit PMO?
  7. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Clumsy that's so cold man lol.
    But I think that I don't get to be 17 again. So chuck the withdrawal.
    I forget everything and all my troubles vanish when I'm among my friends family and people and when I do things I love. Instead of waiting for an awesome life, I d rather go live one right now.
    I think I will be fine in a few months. My accountability partner is the same age as me and is close to 90 days and he doesn't care about his ed . he's enjoying and living his life, talking to real girls and everything. He looks fine with no withdrawal. He doesn't know if he's cured or not but by the looks of him, he doesn't seem to care.

    I personally, in my last streak, felt nothing short of awesome after a few weeks and I had forgotten about my withdrawal and my ed got really better and I thought I'm a teenager why not enjoy life and that wrong notion brought me back to the same place.

    A clean conscience is all that matters.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    No idea when withdrawal sets in, if they occur during PMO or after only. I'm honestly not sure. But fact is that most people, when they quit, they feel 1-6 weeks of increased urges, libido and even to that add some benefits like confidence higher energy etc. But after some time they crash, we call it flatline. The loss of libido, energy, etc. This is actually real withdrawals, and your brain is recovering! Flatline can last many months, or it can come and go during the reboot, it's different for everybody. For some people, including the case I mentioned earlier in this thread, they experience a very long flatline period of maybe 11-15 months, then they get out of it with higher energy, confidence and a more normalized libido. For the most I guess, the withdrawal episodes comes and goes, some weeks feels crap, with constant urges, you can experience anxiety and depression, lethargy. And other weeks you feel a little bit better, you've more energy, confidence etc. The withdrawal ends when you've a more stabilized mood and when your libido isnt changing from day to day. Also this mental clarity comes when you've been restored. It can take quite some time.

    However, a few people report that they gradually get better and better, their process is linear but thats in my opinion a rarity, most people report this rollercoaster-like experience with withdrawing from PMO.

    I hope I shed some light on all of this!
    Positive path and Life Project like this.
  9. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    I ve been in flat line ever since I started my reboot. Last reboot it lasted for 2 and a half months and I had it during my pmo days too.
  10. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    That's ideal bro. If you can just go on and live your life, be around friends and family, engage in activities you enjoy.

    But for some people, the case is a lot different. When you've literally fapped your emotions away, your ability to feel pleasure and when you're constantly lethargic it's hard to live life like most people do. When the mind is so tired that studying is an impossibility, but these cases are rare indeed. I think the biggest error is to masturbate before puberty, that really fucked me up. And since you have been an addict for three years, well your withdrawal might be pretty short and you probably havent hit the bottom yet - because ED is not the bottom, its just the beginning of the road to ruin.
    Positive path likes this.
  11. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Nah my case aint so terrible. I'm pretty sure all the ed and everything will fade away. I never got into weird porn and I've gone without pmo for 2 weeks about 4 to 5 times before.
    But I have definitely changed due to pmo. If I give it time, I will be fine till my next birthday in April.
    But I'm not gonna underestimate it and will continue nofap forever and help others along the way :)

    Positive anything is better than negative nothing.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Clumsy - your alarmist views bother me, they really do! You say that you have read old literature, and old writers talk about the symptoms of excessive masturbation. Well, they are entitled to their opinion, but it has been disproved by scientific observation. What is more, I feel you views are insulting to fathers that have a PMO addiction. For example, you say, "families with PMO'ing fathers always have problems." Really? Says who? Which research paper discusses this? Yopu are entitled to having a point of view - we all are, but I urge you to stop making this sweeping generalisations that call into question the character of other people.
  13. You shed alot of light. Made alot of things clear. Its a terrific answer.
    Thank you very much!
    Positive path likes this.
  14. True, I felt a little bit hit by this.
  15. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned


    It's not a question about opinions, don't you understand? If I was god I would let everybody whack off, fuck, drink, smoke and take any drug they wanted. My heaven would be a pigfeast. I personally didn't have anything against people who abused natural laws and I still don't. I feel sorry for them, and nature is hard. Nature wont show you mercy if you dont wish to reform. Nature is cruel, don't you agree?

    And yes, people who maybe started PMOing in their 20's still got their manhood, they are more fatigued and not as severe psychological affected by this addiction. People who started in childhood though, never become real men unless they reform. This is not my opinon, these are facts. I've seen it written by real thinkers, philosophers. Aha, todays science also said that porn wasnt addictive, that masturbation is never dangerous, that you can whack off five times a day without consequences. Once upon a time they prescribed cocaine for ill people, and cigarettes too. Stop referring to science, its pointless. Come with arguments. And why have scientists, doctors, monks, priests, indians, in almost every culture there has been warnings against the dangers of masturbation throughout entire human history, do you discard all of this?

    YES every family with an addict is dysfunctional, says itself. Do you honestly believe that there are any happy families with heroin addicted parents? No. Same goes with PMO addictions.

    It might sound harsch, but this is the simple truth. Everyone should know it. It's not any clap-clap, the truth is hard. And just because its hard doesnt means it shouldnt be told.

    Every young person out there, every old one too should read, research and think about this very carefully. Everyone should be warned against PMO, masturbation without porn too. Same reason why people should be informed about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol.

    Over and out.
  16. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    As much as I hate this, I think he has a point.
    There are actions. There are consequences.
    But there's also the power of hope :)
  17. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I hate to say this, I take absolutely no pleasure from saying it. But truth shall be told, no matter the price. And we shall be very grateful that restoration always is possible. What if nature didn't give us the possibility of restoration? Nature will punish you, but never make your life hopeless - there's always hope. ALWAYS. There's always a way out of this, no matter what problem you have.

    When I was at the bottom I wouldn't listen, I saw no light, I saw no possibility of me rising up again. Everything seemed hopeless, but it was just illusions, my brain couldn't see the light because of my horrible addiction. I will always have a wound in my heart and soul, but I chose life anyway. And I wouldn't have the strength to do it if it weren't for nofap.
  18. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    The laws of nature are just. That can be a comforting notion. Its like a boomerang effect. What you give, you get back. But it takes time.
    But I hope I get cured till the age of my marriage and all these problems fade away soon. I've always sought the comfort of relationship or contact and false idea of love from pornstars.
    I hope everybody gets cured.
    Our actions are all that matters. But I pray to god I become a normal teenager again :(
    Positive path likes this.
  19. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    I can pretty much assure you that you will become normal again, it might take some time before you are completely restored but since you're only 17, and since you only have been PMO'ing 3 years, theres more likely you will return to 100% normal. Like what kind of issues have you been experiencing? Do you have strange physical symptom that a doctor cant explain, social anxiety? Lack of confidence? Or is it just ED?
  20. Z_the_B

    Z_the_B Guest

    Ed .hmm some anxiety. Lack of confidence hmm not really I'm the funniest among friends. I have some bad nervous laughter issues but I had that even before pmo Lol. I can tell you that in my last streak, my anxiety or nervous laughter became nonexistent in under a month and that sustained throughout my streak.