***The Exercise Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by LoyalKnight, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    2 sets of:
    45 calf raisers /leg
    20 hip thrusts (not sure what else to call them)
    45 sec. wall sit

    Taking it a bit easy on the legs tonight, going on a run tomorrow morning.
  2. Swimming: 27 laps. 5400 ft 1 mile + 320 ft (I like saying that part) 39:43
    I was moving slower today than usual.
    Navdeep and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Friday 15th december: Push ups 3 sets 20-30 each, and the plank for 3 sets, 30-40 seconds each. Today I ran 3 km, and did push ups 3 sets 30, and plank 3 sets 40 seconds each.
  4. Superadders

    Superadders Fapstronaut

    Well done people! Keep it up.

    Promethean: Some big lifting there. What are your long term goals? Do you compete in powerlifting?

    Start of training week disrupted by snow but normal service resumed Tuesday.

    Mon - Rest
    Tue - 6.5 miles easy (45 mins)
    Wed - 6 miles fartlek - 6 x 1 minute speed bursts, icy conditions (39 mins)
    Thu - 5 miles easy (36 mins)
    Fri - am: 5.2 miles easy (38 mins), pm: Weights and core: Power cleans, bench press, pull ups, barbell rows, squats, barbell lunges, Russian twists, hanging leg raises, side plank (21 sets total)
    Sat - 5.2 miles easy (37 mins)
    Sun - 8.2 miles (55 mins)

    Feeling in good shape in the run up to xmas :)
    Deth, Navdeep and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Simple stretches yesterday and today. Looking forward to lifting tomorrow.
    Navdeep and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Some kettlebell love was all I needed for today.
  7. Swimming: 28 laps. 5600 ft.
    1 mile +320 ft.
    Time: 39:49
    (I had my weight and blood pressure checked today)
    I'm overweight with high blood pressure.
    * As you can see from my profile picture, weight is not a problem with the ladies. I'm handsome! *
    Blood pressure and cholesterol. Now those are problems
    *** PMO connection ***
    I am improving my life. No PMO
    Through this particular thread in this forum, I'm focused on physical health and well being. In the past I'd be jerking off to P***.
    Navdeep and Baldur like this.
  8. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Great to read handsome one. :D
    Considering your cholesterol...where do you have that information from?
    From what I know our body produces 85% of its own cholesterol. The rest is from food. Cholesterol is a foundation for many hormones to work.
    I'm open to learn more about this topic. But in general I wouldn't worry about cholesterol (imho).

    Anyway! Great to see your long distance swims! :) I guess that account picture of you does fit you in that way. :p

    Respect for improving your life. I wish you all the best and I'm happy to get notice of your journey.

    Carried my girlfriend around. (I think that'll count as exercise. :D) Oh and kettlebells.
    Navdeep likes this.
  9. Yup. You can't out exercise a bad diet. So, I'm improving my diet.

    Keep up the workouts! To have a clean body helps to have a clean mind.
  10. d00r

    d00r Fapstronaut

    Got motivated reading this thread! Ran 4k in 20min ish today. Been away from consistent exersize for too long... Need to get back to it!
    Deleted Account and Navdeep like this.
  11. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    Skipping exercise 20 min
    + 2min 18 sec headstand
    +10 min balayam
  12. Swimming: 28 laps. 5600 ft. 1 mile +320 ft. Time: 40:03
    I'm off tomorrow.
    Navdeep likes this.
  13. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    I'm really tired and finals are this week, so:
    30x situps
    40x curls, 10lb/arm
    Misc. exercises
  14. Deth

    Deth Fapstronaut

    Love how inspired everyone on here is, it's great to see and helps me out as well :)
    My PE finals are tomorrow, I need to study for another final, and I messed up my leg doing god knows what, so I'm taking the night off. Keep it up, everyone!
  15. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    I'm wiped from yesterday's pull workout lol
    Navdeep and Deleted Account like this.
  16. Swimming: 28 laps. 5600 ft. 1 mile plus 380 ft. Time: 40:42
    Navdeep and Deleted Account like this.
  17. I would love to compete in some local strongman events but I have other life goals that I'm currently pursuing. As far as long term goals with lifting I want to (and will) achieve a 700lb deadlift, 700lb squat, 400lb bench and 350lb log press. Two days ago my strongman log was delivered and I've been heaving that sumbitch nonstop.
    Deleted Account and Navdeep like this.
  18. Navdeep

    Navdeep Fapstronaut

    Relapsed 2 days earlier
    Now back on exercise
    15 min exercise
    12min skipping rope exercise
    95 sec headstand
    1 chin up
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Well done. Excellent. Get and stay in shape. Stay true to the reboot counter.
    Navdeep likes this.
  20. laris

    laris Fapstronaut

    Am I allowed to post a pic of my upper body shirtless?