A Progressive Challenge-A different kind of challenge- all levels

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by DerNeuMann, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. 8/10 getting closer to mysecond time reaching two digits
  2. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut


    Good to read your messages guys.
  3. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Encouragement for all of you!
    We've got several great streaks going right now and several guys with an increasing number of short streaks. This is all good news. Dumping PMO is damned difficult and as many of you have discovered, it takes practice.

    It's kind of like those early Mario games, where you'd get just so far and have to start over. But each time, you started over with new knowledge about what was ahead and how you might beat it. Then finally, you'd win level 1 and head to level 2 and that would take many tries but you would finally figure it out.

    So be patient. Keep trying and use your relapses to build your knowledge and skills. Very few guys win this in just a few tries. Don't ever feel like you can't do it because you keep failing. Learn from it and keep working at it. Many guys don't get to a long streak until they've had 6 to 12 months of shorter streaks. The way to win this is just don't be a quitter. Use the crappy feeling you get from a relapse to push yourself more. Take advantage of flatlines. Take care of things in your life so that you won't have so much anxiety over the controllable stuff.

    Finally, the big secret: positivity. Most of the guys who experience their first long streak do it by keeping things positive in their moods, lives and relationships.

    Live life like it's the great and precious gift that it is. Use your time like it's a great and precious gift. Your life IS your time and your time IS your life. Make it count.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
  4. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

    Day 60/61..time to next goal..
  5. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Ready for the big leap to 91?
    Single Palm Change and Leaveit like this.
  6. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

    Yes let's reach 91 :)
  7. FEEL

    FEEL Fapstronaut

    Day 43, life is beautiful
  8. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Not much to say! Keep going guys!

    Good job, @Aleksey.
    Good to hear, @AiLy
    @Leaveit great, let's get to 90 days!
    @ShlomiAvitan Nice goal, a month. You can do it!
    @pillan24 @TC10 Two days left guys, you will reach double digits. What is the next goal?
    @Esket-IT! Good to see you getting right back to it. Persistence is key, never give up!
    @max9292 Good going, keep going!
    @DerNeuMann Thanks for the encouragement. Thank you for the thread. Congratulations on 160 days! What are your thoughts about Nofap now that you have almost a half year streak?
    TC10, DerNeuMann and Leaveit like this.
  9. Tamingthetiger

    Tamingthetiger Fapstronaut

    3/90. A good weekend behind me. Going to visit my psychoanalyst tomorrow and trying to spend as little time online - including this forum (sorry, guys) - as possible. Stay positive!
  10. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

    Closing in on half a year, yes, and even though that's still 30 days from completion, a period of 30 days seems short now. 30 days seemed impossible back in October when I started. When I'm doing life things, nowadays, it almost never occurs to me to pmo anymore. What a wonderful difference.

    All that said, I have watched others fail at this stage, sometimes very publicly on youTube. I also would rather play it safe than sorry and consider myself always a recovering addict to pmo and never consider myself cured. This is a word to the wise.

    I'm so proud of the progress everyone has made here. I'm proud of the positive little family we've made here. It's so rewarding to see guys persevere and keep trying no matter how difficult just 3 days can be. So great to see them mature and change. I feel so thankful and humble for the kind things guys have said about me and this thread. After my long addiction, I don't feel I deserve it. I just want to help others avoid my mistakes. Once I complete a full 6 months, I will gradually pull away from the site and begin to fully live my new life free of pmo for whatever number of years are left to me.

    Thanks for asking, Single Change Palm!
  11. FEEL

    FEEL Fapstronaut

    I just had another semen leakage, 3rd day in a row
    but this time it was a massive one.
    I had some small urges today while I was at the Uni but I never thought that I would ejaculate again.
    I also didn't feel any sort of orgasm, it just felt like this hot liquid was coming out and it kinda burned.
    Anyway, I'm feeling great, I had a really good day today.
    Seriously, I can't believe that I'm actually on day 43
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
    TC10 and DerNeuMann like this.
  12. max9292

    max9292 Fapstronaut

    day 39/90 update
    TC10 and DerNeuMann like this.
  13. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut

    10 days I guess? Can’t see my timer on my phone...

    You know: life is exciting.
    Good goal. All the best.
    Good to hear.
    Good. 1 day a time.
    Thanks. 14 days maybe?
    Impressive. Go on!
  14. 9/10. I'll get to the next step tomorrow.
  15. ameliorate

    ameliorate Fapstronaut


    Two weeks down. I'm going to keep goals small at the beginning, so new target is 21 days. Thanks for the encouragement everyone! 15/21
  16. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

  17. FEEL

    FEEL Fapstronaut

  18. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Back again and going to set smaller goals.
    Today 1/2