Here we go again SOs, should the addict disclose his addiction or hide it?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by GG2002, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your comment. This was exactly the point that I was trying to make.
  2. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I do agree that there are many pmo addicts that have no idea that pmo is a problem until they get into a relationship. Often they think they are pmoing because they are single and when they find a partner they will stop but then they can’t and many as in my exes case have ED and are unable to have a healthy sex life with that partner but yet keep on using. The post I was originally commenting on were men who knew that they had addictions going into dating but not wanting to reveal. The OP on that thread actually wanted to tell but wanted advice on how early. However many others pmo addicts jumped on telling him not to disclose. That if he waited longer she may already be invested and not leave you. Basically mislead her until she’s too involved to leave. I cannot see that being good advice. Or a path that someone in honest recovery would take. It is a very selfish plan and addicts are selfish.

    I experienced something similar to you in that while my ex did not know the pmo caused his ED. But once he found out and agreed to stop. He did not. If he would have come to me and admitted he was struggling then I would have stayed and worked on it. But instead I had to find out on my own and all trust was lost in him. He told me later he did not stop because he did not truly believe it was a problem and did not want to stop. If he would have just given me the ability to know that rather than lie I could at least respect him as a person.

    I think the best advice is don’t get out and even attempt to date until you are a year clean. Don’t try and find someone and then decide you will fix the problem or dating her will make you stop. The reason pmo addicts lie is because they know that if they tell the truth they will likely be rejected. But lying does not make them not addicts and while it may be delayed rejection or a different type of rejection(closing off your heart and body rather than physically leaving) there will be rejection and it will he a lot worse than rejection early on for both the addict and the partner. Not only will there be rejection but a total loss of trust.

    And saying that men are predisposed to view porn or more visual is like saying someone is predisposed to alcoholism because their parent was an alcoholic and they have the gene. Okay even presuming that’s true, so? Does that make it okay that the person is an addict? Nope. And while potential partners may fully understand why a man is a pmo addict or alcoholic that does not make them okay with dating One. Until excuses stop being made and the addict accepts full responsibility for his actions recovery can’t happen.
    Jennica, Queen_Of_Hearts_13 and Numb like this.
  3. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    This analogy makes no sense whatsoever. I stand by my earlier comments.

    Dude, if you have fight this hard to try convince yourself and everyone else that you aren't a PA...take another look. You are an addict. Everything you have listed is an excuse to try to hold onto it. You have an addict mindset to use these arguments. Do yourself and your SO a favor and first humbly admit that you do, in fact, have an addiction. Start a journal, ask for advice, and start your recovery. We are all here to support each other.

    As for staying or leaving, it's an individual decision. Yes, I have stayed with my husband, but not because I have too much invested after 19 years when i found out. It's because he had too much invested to lose. He knew that if he had refused to admit he was an addict and refused to change, I was gone. I would have filed for divorce and taken custody of our two children. Things would be very, very different than they are nearly 2 years later.
  4. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I think you are exactly correct. Someone fighting that hard is not actually fighting with us. They are fighting with themselves, in an effort to find any justification to continue in their addiction, and have it not all be their fault, a victim of circumstances, of being born male. But obviously if that were the case all men would be PMO addicts, and they clearly are not. Not to mention that the actual root causes of PMO addiction rarely have anything to do with sex or MO. If the belief is that men are doomed to be PMO addicts based on biology, then one will never get to the actual cause of their issues. If only they can convince us, the non addicts, the partners, the women, that their theory about the male gender is correct, then it will be okay. Often on this site I am reminded of the quote “thou protest too much.” By that I mean, if you are strong in your own belief and truly think the other person is dead wrong, you argue your point, and move on. You accept that others feel differently and you learn from what they taught you. But those that fight and fight, with emotion involved, and calling people liars etc, those people know that there is something to the other person’s argument, deep down they know it is true and they don’t want it to be so they fight and fight to make it wrong. There is an emotional investment on their part in being right. Otherwise, there is no reason to continue such an angry fight. Just like the opposite of love is apathy, not hate. Hate means you actually care.
  5. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    Yes, @GG2002 was misleading, in the way I ORIGINALLY wrote my objection: “Once again GG2002 is not telling the whole truth. There are MANY SO’s RIGHT HERE on nofap who admit that they would not date PA’s yet now they are heavily invested in the relationship with them and are not leaving. GG2002 your bitterness for your ex is causing you to continue to mislead guys.”
  6. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    If the analogy makes NO sense to you, I'm afraid the problem isn't with the analogy. ;-)

    I wish you had read what I wrote more carefully. Go back and take another look. I wrote: "I don't know if I'm a PA." I really don't. I turn to porn at times, but am I ADDICTED? I don't know.
  7. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    Analogies, by their very nature, perhaps are never perfect. I get your point, but I know you get mine too. I gave an example of something which would be patently unfair to women. I believe the shame tied to porn use is patently unfair to men, because visual sexual stimulation is part of their very nature. Answer me this please then: what struggle is not only mainly a woman's struggle and not a man's, but a struggle where women are routinely shamed for? Can you give me an example?

    As I said, I believe it is only fair that we find middle ground here. A man cannot be absolved of all responsibility, but you CAN'T hold men up to the same standard as women, because they are innately different!

    How is an innate significant difference between the sexes when one sex is shamed for it not unfair?
  8. Wade W. Wilson

    Wade W. Wilson Fapstronaut

    Dude, you do not know what you are talking about. She doesn't mean anything of the fact to stay or not, of course, no one would wanna start or continue to be with anyone with any kind of addiction. She just gave an advice as a SO, be honest that's all. I wish I was honest with my wife from the beginning. I'm not gonna go into details what I've done, but I have done some bad shit, and now I'm not sure if my wife will decide to stay with me. I'm doing everything I can to change who I was, but I'm afraid it could be too late. If only I talked to her and told her about my addiction, she wouldn't push me away. She would be there to help me with it and it would show her that I can be honest with her, which would improve our relationship. Lying is never is the answer and withholding the truth is the same thing. Longer it takes you to tell you the truth, she would think that's how long you lied. Yes, there is always the chance she would leave, but it would be her choice and not you trapping her. You know when the saying "If you love her, let her go" I look at that "If you love her, tell her the truth." The longer you wait it would be that much worst for her, and it would hurt her that much more. Trust me I see it in my wife's eyes, I wish I was honest with her and reached out to her for help. Now, I really am scared that it's too late.

    So, she is not misleading, she's saying from SO's perspective and if you don't see it you need help. I don't know what happened to you, I don't know your story, but most of the PAs on here, who hurt their wives, will tell you the honesty and as soon as possible is THE MOST important thing.
  9. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    There are also people on this site who don't display intellectual honesty. When someone points out what they are saying is factually incorrect, and yet they continue to spread untruths, that is deplorable. To make it worse, these people hold up honesty as much more important than being porn-free, and yet they themselves don't display honesty! Unbelievable hypocrisy.

    I have admitted before that I have a problem with porn use. But the truth is the truth, and this is a mathematical, probabilistic FACT: any man who struggles with porn can correctly say "If I were a woman, the odds are that I would NOT have this struggle!" This is not my opinion, this is mathematical fact. @GG2002 and others try hard to deny this fact, but at the end of the day, it remains a fact. They can't change this anymore than they can change the fact that 2+2=4.

    I am NOT looking for a green light to continue to use porn without feeling bad about it. But it is so incredibly unfair to hold men up to the same porn sobriety standards as women, because men are more visually sexually stimulated (in general) and because the culture feeds men a steady diet of sexual imagery. And there are many, many more reasons than this, like that men have 10x the testosterone as women, etc.
  10. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    Wade, all I was saying is that @GG2002 has written repeatedly that PAs need to tell their SO up front about their addiction or they WILL leave them once they find out much later. That is untrue, and that's why I said she was misleading guys. Now, SHOULD a PA tell his SO up front? Of course! But I just was telling her (repeatedly, unfortunately) that what she was saying was untrue. Now, if she wants to shame a man into telling his SO upfront that he uses porn, fine, but use these reasons: (1) it is dishonest, (2) it is disrespectful, (3) it is selfish, etc. Do NOT however tell an untruth! That's all I was saying. (I try to write clearly with good English - I don't know why people have trouble understanding me.)
  11. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Is it fair that women are being victimized as nothing but objects and masturbatory aids by men who refuse to control themselves? Is it fair that children across the world are being sold into the sex industry because men are more visually stimulated than women? Is it fair that wives and girlfriends are betrayed and abused because men have 10x's the testosterone? Is it fair that women have shitty self-esteem because our "culture" (aka men), have repeatedly told them they aren't good enough just the way they are? Is it fair that these sex addicted, testosterone charged, visually stimulated men blame biology, society, and everything else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions? Is it fair that wives, girlfriends, sons, and daughters are constantly being lied to and not getting a whole husband or father because he wants to live a double life? It is fair that wives and girlfriends are living with shattered hearts and the effects of real trauma because their men are selfishly bringing thousands of other women into their relationship and putting those women above them?

    This is what all of your "gender unfairness" has done to others around you.

    Just. Stop.

    It is clear you are a right-fighter. Why do you so badly feel the need to be right?
  12. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    The argument is useless, and irrational because it’s actually not about arguing anything. It’s about wanting me to be wrong and him to be right. Plain and simple. I have told him many times that I do not agree, and wish to agree to disagree, but he just won’t stop. I don’t know why other than he wants to defeat me to make himself feel better. Just wondering has anyone come out on his side? Particularly any SOs? I have him blocked so I cannot see.

    And There is a difference between a fact and an opinion. There are plenty of people on NoFap that say you should absolutely never disclose to a woman your addiction, that you should handle it on your own, that all women don’t understand. Is that a fact or an opinion? It may look like a fact, but it’s clearly an opinion. And I am perplexed as to why he is not going after people stating facts that he agrees with? I don’t take anything on here as fact, even stuff with statistics, I look at it, I read it and I do my research and develop my own independent assessment on what is a fact and what is not. I can state an opinion as a fact, I believe that all men have self control, that’s my opinion stated as a fact. Maybe our education system in the US has truly failed people in that they cannot tell fact from opinion? I mean you have people believing Russian bots on facebook? I stated an opinion plain and simple. You can take it or leave it.

    What I am reading is that he is seeking pity. Pity on men for being unable to control themselves. “Oh you poor man, you just cannot control yourself, what a shame. “. I mean? Are there any women out there that are attracted to pitiful men? And exactly what you say @EyesWideOpen this type of thinking creates a slippery slope. “Men are visual creatures so it’s understandable that that man taped women undressing in a locker room without their knowledge, he cannot be blamed.” “Men need sexual variety, they are drawn to it. So of course he raped a few women, he needed variety, he is a man.” It’s a very dangerous way of thinking. And in the world the old boys will be boys argument to explain bad behavior by men, is done, finished!

    And shame, no one can shame you, you have to first feel shame for what you are doing, you have to think there is something wrong with it. Think about dogs. If a dog is eating his food from his dish, and you go up to him and start to shame him, does he feel shame? Nope, because he knows he’s done nothing wrong. But if he’s eaten the cats food and you catch him he automatically feels shame before you ever open your mouth. You can only be shamed if you allow it to happen. Most people that are lying to someone that they love, feel shame. How can their loved one be causing that shame? They cannot. Shame is a personal thing. Do all men that watch porn feel shame, nope. Do most porn addicts feel shame? Yes, but is the shame felt because of what women say, or because the addict knows what he is doing wrong?
  13. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut


    NO! You are not misleading men in advising them to be honest early on... It shows respect. I'm so pissed off that I spent 7 years with this man that I now feel I don't even know. He KNEW that porn was an issue for me because I disclosed this while we were dating... He chose to continue to talk me into marrying him, hiding that he was a porn addict. He KNEW I didn't want my daughter around someone who had sexual integrity problems because of my history. He admitted that he thought I would leave him if he told me... so HIS desire to be with me was more important to him that MY desires as a mother and wife and I was totally disrespected and exactly what I feared would happen if I was with a porn addict happened... to my daughter... so yes... BE HONEST FROM THE GETGO!!! Do NOT wait until your "love" is invested. All it does is show that you love yourself and NOT your SO. Vulnerability and honesty are admirable, lying is cowardice and really a turn off.
    Kenzi, 21yearsin, GG2002 and 5 others like this.
  14. This seems to be something of a semantics issue, and an irritating one at that. If @GG2002 had said ‘it’s very likely that the SO will leave’ would anyone argue that?

    From the opposite side of things, as an SO, I agree with her fully that the SO will leave. Maybe not in body, but in intimacy, in affection, in connection, in trust, in spirit, and in soul.

    And at the end of the day, if the addiction and lying continue, an SO should leave. For their own sanity and self respect and to set an example for their kids. Women, especially, are taught to tolerate way more crap than they ought to, ‘for the sake of the family’. As movements continue to balance the equality between sexes (and I hope all people), I am anticipating that will no longer be the case. At that point I think GG’s opinion will be all the more accurate.

    Of course this is all my opinion, not fact, as GG herself later clarified. No one knows the future with full certainty. However the plausibility and very real possibility of partners leaving an addict, especially one whose addiction hits partners on such a personal level, cannot be denied.
  15. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    As @TooMuchTooSoon said, this is a semantics issue. I'm saying that @GG2002 has been misleading PAs here when she writes "an SO, once they find out about a PA's addiction, will leave", because that is demonstrably untrue. And she's also incorrect in saying that that was an opinion statement of hers. It is a statement which can easily be proven false. It is a factual statement, not an opinion statement. (I am dumbstruck how she, as an attorney, doesn't understand this simple distinction.)

    Now you're objecting to something different. You're saying that it is not misleading to advise men to be honest early on in a relationship. And I agree! No argument there. So you (and others) have just misunderstand my original argument about @GG2002 being misleading.
  16. Thomas Smith 2

    Thomas Smith 2 Fapstronaut

    @EyesWideOpen, you say a lot of things which are true. It is definitely not fair that women are victimized so. It is definitely not fair that wives and girlfriends are betrayed and abused so. I hear you. That sucks. It sucks bad for so many women who are victims of male porn use. I will, however, disagree with you slightly when you say that it's not fair that men blame biology and society instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. There must be middle ground here. Is it false that biology plays a factor? NO! Is it false that society plays a factor? NO! Therefore, men must be given some slack, some leniency. As I said already, they shouldn't be totally absolved from responsibility, but they can't be held 100% responsible, and they certainly shouldn't be held up to the same porn sobriety standards as women. If I said it was shameful for anyone to be under 5'6" tall, would that be fair to women as a gender? Now there are some men under 5'6", but there are many, many more women under 5'6" than men. So that would be incredibly unfair to shame women as a whole due to that height standard.

    And so there's a difference between the unfairness men suffer from and the unfairness women suffer from. Men are shamed for being porn users, women are not shamed for being victims of porn users. Women may feel bad about themselves, they may feel that they need to measure up to porn stars (they don't), but society does not generally shame them for being victims of a guy's porn use, unlike how it shames guys for being porn users.

    I know I am right in my bringing up @GG2002's incorrect statement. She made a factually incorrect claim (multiple times, actually), one which is demonstrably false. It's like asking me if I feel the need to be right that 2+2=4. There's no need to be right, it just is correct that 2+2=4, and incorrect that 2+2 != 4.

    But when @GG2002, or anyone else on NoFap, says something factually incorrect which misleads PAs (misleading meaning here that it gives them an untruth), I feel the need to correct things, and if I see it, I'll correct it.
  17. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    That’s actually why I blocked him and stopped responding. I do not think that his vendetta against me is helpful to others, its just plain annoying. It appears to me that he is seeking my validation to continue to use porn. That’s why I opened this post up to others, so that he could some feedback from others, and see its not just me. Clearly he is insecure in his position if he requires validation from others. Secure people self validate. His whole thing is that he wants me to agree that men have an “affliction” that cause them to use porn and it is beyond their control, and therefore they should receive understanding and pity. A few of the corollaries to his this theory is that men cannot get sex whenever they want, women can so we do not understand (I see why he has an issue getting women), that men are mor visual and basically they need porn and should be pitied for being male. I went round and round with him for this for months and finally said, we need to just agree to disagree, that’s okay. But he would not let up. He literally repeated the same thing over and over again, and said things like “clearly you must agree,” when I had just said I did not. He did the same thing to people on this thread many times. He would jump on every single thread that I posted on, whether it was regarding this matter or not and attack me. First the name calling, then the credibility attacks. He is desperate to get my attention and I suppose somehow change my mind. The original post, yes was a matter of semantics. But if I had said that “most women would leave” he would still find a way to bicker with me about my opinion. Someone’s opinion is not a lie, and correct obviously no one can predict the future and so anyone reading my or another post and taking it as bible, needs to look inside themselves not at me. If I could truly predict the future I think I would be in another line of work :). Since ultimately the issue is honesty upfront, which he seems to agree with I don’t understand what he is bickering about? He would take over other people’s threads to bicker with me, and that’s not helpful for those posting seeking actual information and many called him out. It had to be all about him, and that his way was the only way, the right way. While I disagree with him, I can still see that he has another point of view and respect it. I have no desire to sit here and convince him to come to my side. I have no skin in the matter. He does. Convincing me in his mind, justifies his behavior and does not make him an addict.
  18. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Dude, how many guys say they use porn, and guys are like, "All guys use porn" .... that's not guys being shamed for porn use, but embracing porn use as a male right of passage or something.

    When women speak up about porn they hear, "You're not having enough sex with him are you?" "Get more adventurous with him" "Well, you did gain X amount of pounds, work out and maybe he won't use"

    Women are shamed about porn when they speak out, they are made to feel that their concerns about porn are stupid and they are to blame. Guys using porn these days is "normal" so guys usually aren't shamed, it's not like my husbands guy friends said to him, "Dude you use porn! How could you you sick pervert!" No, they all discussed their porn usage growing up as normal, a male right. Men talk being like, "Yeah, I watch porn too."

    Women are shamed, men are accepted.
  19. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    This is exactly what I was thinking. Men are not shamed for using porn at all. But woman are shamed when they speak up about it.
  20. Jagliana

    Jagliana Fapstronaut

