Can someone help me? I don't know what to do.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by zackseamus, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. zackseamus

    zackseamus Fapstronaut

    Hello guys. I am somewhat new here, but not new to NoFap.
    I have already gone to a 75 days streak last year, but relapsed, unfortunately. I'm trying again, at day 9 right now. But I really need help and advice, if possible.

    Warning, the post might be triggering to some users, please read at your own discretion:

    I am a writer since I was very young. I wrote my first book when I was 10 years old, and I am 28 now. I wrote dozens of books and stories so far. That doesn't mean they are good tho, of course, haha.
    I basically live inside my head most of the time, and when I write or read, I can immerse myself drastically in that scenario. You can smell, touch, feel the texture, the flavor, heard the sound, of everything in the described scene. Things you can definitely not do in movies and comics (hence why books are usually better than the movies).

    It got to a point where I wanted more than to just watch or see porn. I decided to try something different. I decided to try to RP. RP stands for Role Playing.
    Some of you might not know, but there are quite a lot of dedicated RPers out there, especially for sexual stuff. And I totally understand that it could not be your cup of tea, after all, each of us is different.

    You can find Non-Sexual RP websites, forums and chats as well, tho.

    Basically, you just assume the role of a character (or yourself), and your partner (someone you meet online through Erotic RP forums, chats, etc), assumes another character, and you two RP a sexual or erotic intercourse. Sounds silly? It is, I know.

    But, when you like to write or read, it's almost as real as if it was happening. And you are not restricted to the boundaries of reality.

    You can RP any kind of scenarios. Think of it, what are the chances of you participating on a scene where you have sex with your favorite celebrity or fictional character (can be anime, cartoons, etc), on the exact way you want, with all your fetishes, etc?
    That all can happen on an RP session.

    • Want to be an orc to bang an elven girl? You got it.
    • Want to be a fan to bang Jennifer Anniston? You got it.
    • Want to be a Sith Lord to bang a Jedi inside an airship in space? You got it.
    • Want to be a minotaur to bang a Fairy? You got it... tho... I don't know how that could technically work.
    • Want to be a mage and use magic to increase the arouses of your partner? Sure, why not? Want to use magic to change her body, or do anything your mind can conceive? It's possible. Everything is possible.
    • Want to fulfill your wildest fetishes with your biggest crush? You got it.
    As long as your partner is willing to RP those fetishes or that scenario, anything can happen. And trust me, there are a LOT of fetishes out there (most which I didn't even know existed).

    So, I started doing this quite a few years ago and it was a blast. A whole new level, far beyond the experience of watching porn videos or browsing for pictures. I was there, interacting with the girl I wanted, in the exact situation I wanted.

    All seemed perfect until the problems with porn addiction and masturbation started. Depression, low energy, etc, you guys know it all.

    The problem is: I have made many friends through those years. Partners that I have as really close friends up to today. Most of them I talk regularly. Once I started the Nofap journey, 2 years ago, I told my closest partner (who lives in the UK) what I was going for, and I would have to delete her from Whatsapp. She begged me not to. She said she would respect my Nofap and my decision, but she begged me not to delete her from my contacts. She is quite depressed, has a lot of issues, and we talk a lot, besides the RP sessions. So, I didn't delete her.

    I basically feel no urge to watch porn anymore, or browse pictures. It does little to nothing to me. It is not me in there, it's not me interacting, and I feel really weird watching a guy having sex with a girl as I watch it. Same with pictures and such. Of course, they can be sexy sometimes, but definitely not enough to make me relapse, and they are far easier to just block away. Just don't access those sites (Pornhub, etc), and if you need to, install an extension that will block those sites from your browser.

    But what to do when you have a Virtual Relationship with someone (more than one person, to be honest. You can have as many partners as you want), and you actually engage in Virtual Sex with them?

    And guess what? All that causes me to relapse. If I was to count on porn alone, I would have fewer chances of relapsing. But RPing is my weakness.

    Of course, some of you could say "just delete them", but really, it's not that easy. At the same time, when I keep them on my contact list, the chances of relapsing are huge. Because RPing nowadays is the only thing that actually does it for me. Not watching porn, not seeing pics, just RPing, or using my imagination (but I can get around that by going out, exercising, cold showers, etc).

    So, what do you guys suggest me to do? What is the best solution and option to this situation?

    To me, it's almost as if I have a real relationship with those persons, except... it is not real. It's virtual. But to my brain, it is real.

    Some people on the internet have suggested me to not go Cold Turkey. Like, I could RP and orgasm once a week. Would that be a good idea? The idea is that, while doing that and slowly increasing the time between each session, I would weaken the bond in my brain to that, to the point where I am not addicted to it anymore.

    What do you guys suggest?

    Thanks a lot for reading it all, and replying :)
  2. Hey Zack,

    I think everyone has their weak point as you put it, and I think it's really good you know where yours is.

    They may be only virtual, but those relationships are real. And that makes the situation more complicated. It's complicated when you have other people involved, or better said being part of the addiction.

    I think you'd have to see how serious you are about changing your ways and where you want to go with getting rid of RP.

    If you see RP as a harmful addiction that you want to be completely free of, I think it's best to assess what those relationships are based on. If they can safely continue without RP and you can trust that the person will be responsible and won't take you back there and will refuse to facilitate those opportunities for you, then I guess perhaps you can keep the relationship. But this needs to be a very honest assessment.

    I think it's often is that you need to cut all connections though.

    Bear in mind that sex is strong and the addictions created around it can be very strong too. I find myself justifying harmful things sometimes only to find out later they slipped me off. So be very honest with yourself.

    You say only RP works for you now, but if you do reboot successfully I think it's very likely that you find the excitement in things you now find boring. Then it will be those things that you' ll need to overcome.

    I personally don't believe RP-ing once a week will have any effect on lessening the addiction to it.

    Wish you all the best and I hope you'll take the right decision for you.

  3. Maikel1

    Maikel1 Fapstronaut

    Olay brother, this.may sound harsh but listen.

    Stop this whole RP-thing, all of it, the brain reboot is structured on the absistence of technological arousal. Delete it, tell your girlfriend that you need to work on yourselve, if you truly love thid virtual friend then keep her in your life but this is totally wrong brother... I am being real with you.

    Abstain from Porn, Masturbation and Orgasms for 30 days in hardmode which means no orgasms from sex too. After these 30 days go out and meet real girls and women, work on your social skills do whatever you love to do bro but please brother please stop this RP thing... it is not helping you with your recovery, on the contrary, it messes up your brain in ways maybe even worse than 2 dimensional porn videos.

    Go and have real sex man, it feels so much better, it is awsome to be honest. The intimacy is so beautiful.. and maybe, just maybe the girls you meet in the future in real life are also open for roleplay ;)

    This is my opinion brother, no porn, no porn substitutes which means NO RP!!
    zackseamus likes this.
  4. Dagger323

    Dagger323 Fapstronaut

    Here’s my input: stop doing that shit. Whenever you’re RPing you’re basically relapsing. It’s triggering the same dopamine release in the brain as viewing a porn scene, at least for you. On a reboot, if someone is seeking out pictures or clips, he is relapsing. Therefore if you are fantasizing through your RPing you are also relapsing. Time for some tough love. These virtual scenarios are not real. They’re done over a computer and Wi-Fi connection. The whole point of NoFap is to quit this stuff and engage with real people in real-life relationships. Continuing to be absorbed by online interaction, whether it be to a “real” person or a porn fetish clip or what have you, is doing absolutely nothing to strengthen your ability to connect with someone in the same room as you. Talking to someone face to face, connecting with them, having physical contact with them and potentially intercourse—that’s real. Talking to profiles online is not. You need to delete all of them. It really is that simple. No, it won’t be easy. But NoFap isn’t easy. It’s the hardest thing you’ll likely ever do. But the rewards of doing it are endless. If you’re serious about recovery then you need to take the necessary steps to make it happen. Continuing your old habits is not going to get you anywhere. Replace these habits with new ones that actually improve you as a person. Go out and experience life. Connect with real people in tangible situations instead of online. The road ahead will undoubtedly be hard but success is not unacheiveable. It all comes down to how badly you want it.
    Selfcontrol1 likes this.
  5. I understand how powerful RP I did it for a long time. I don't feel like once a week or a schedule like that will be of benefit for you, it just puts you on an addictive schedule, not a healing one.
  6. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    That so dangerous i think

    From.what i read, Playing with ur mind like that, dont you affraid that someday u will confuse with real world? I mean im no RP players but i like anime and some of my friend think that he is samurai or elf ,, which is scared me,

    You know leaving that is the only way, i know it isnt easy

    But what are u expecting on this Nofap journey anyway? Happy fun no chalange and sacrifices thing?

    Fuk that, u want a different result with same action? If u want it so badly then make sacrifice, fight for it
  7. Selfcontrol1

    Selfcontrol1 Fapstronaut

    I'm totally with you on what you said
    Dagger323 likes this.
  8. Selfcontrol1

    Selfcontrol1 Fapstronaut

    Look bro. I'm also a writer and I understand how amainzing words can be. A very powerful "reality"
    Now.... Do you understand what I mean?
    I mean it's real who you are, and even who you think you're not, in some "cases"
    Sometimes we just love expressing our minds with those simples but "complex" words that combine can... There's so much to say. Actually it's infinite.
    But here is my suggestion. Instead of using you're power to go down a road that you are making interesting because you're ability! (I hope you understand what I mean) then stop it. You know why? Well... I think you know why. Put you're energy in a different direction if you really care about you're future.
    For us it can be very easy to enjoy all type of intensities. And because our type of ability , we can have many many options literally on our hand.
    That it's good but can also take you to places that maybe you might said that you won't regret because all the understanding.... And the creations that born out of our mind, because of the experience. "But".... My man, trust me. It not a big sacrifice. Because you are loosing alot more that what you actually realize. When you understand that. Then you will feel like me. I'm now Desperate.... And the most important thing in my life it's to erase with my fingers what my eyes have seen. But sadly, it's not possible. So my suggestion fellow. Stop creating what in you're future you will hate.
  9. Health is key

    Health is key Fapstronaut

    I think you already know the answer dude... you are trying to rationalise keeping the RP when deep down you know you are going to have to delete it all. I had to do the same with snapchat. My girlfriend kept sending me sexy pics and I would look up pornstars profiles etc etc and just had to come to terms that I need to block it all.
    Selfcontrol1 likes this.