After 30 days, the benefits are true

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Woodcutter74, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    It has been over 30 days that I have not watched porn. And I don't miss it one bit. I also have not googled naked pictures of women to masturbate on and then ejaculate. After 32 days, I can say the benefits of quitting PMO are true. Some you have already heard, others I have discovered as well. Here are the benefits:


    Definitely can confirm to you when you no longer waste time watching porn, looking at pictures of naked women on the Internet, wasting time masturbating and ejaculating, you do have more energy, because you are no longer in front of a computer for hours and hours, which does makes you sluggish and very lazy. Also an increase of testosterone may also play a role.


    There was a time I masturbated on porn and naked pictures that it made me feel very isolated and with no motivation to do anything whatsoever. I would have good looking women invite me for cocktail hour, but I was too tired and wanted to stay home ( what a dumb ass I was) But when I quit looking at digital woman on the screen, I was more interested meeting real women in restaurants, bars, grocery stores, shopping centers, hell everywhere because wonderful women are everywhere.


    As I said above, when you have more energy and become more outgoing, you have more confidence too when it comes to women. I would see a beautiful woman smiling at me, tell her she looked beautiful in her dress, she had nice eyes, a nice and make a sincere compliment . I would do it with a lot energy and confidence that would turn her on. It could also be the testosterone level that could be the cause of this, for I do believe a man who withholds his sperm inside him for a long time instead of spilling it meaninglessly (e.g. jerking off) his pheromone levels do increase. This woman who is attracted to me, I told her I quit masturbation and porn because I wanted to test the scientific benefits. Strangely this fascinated her and somewhat turned her on.....


    I believe those want to quit porn forever and see if they can go without masturbation for a long time, they first must ask themselves what were the reasons that triggered this addiction. You have a deep look at yourself, deep inside, everything that is dark . Are you anxious, depressed, lack self esteem, sexually frustrated,lonely afraid, trying to forget a painful past, not confident in yourself ? You have to ask these questions and more of them, without being ashamed to answer. Because I believe we all have those issues sometimes. By acknowledging this, we discover the tools that can help us overcome this addiction. I had a lot of those feelings I mentioned above that would trigger me to do PMO, and I still have them once in a while; but I also have better days too because I am able to look at myself in the mirror, taking the good with the bad.


    Although, I still have some days of anxiety, aggravation , stress, temptations and even some days of mild depression , I no longer rely on porn and masturbation as a form of escapism. Some hot summer days, I see hot women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and even older wearing short shorts, summer dresses, skirts, showing cleavage. This would have triggered a heavy session of PMO, but not anymore, I would say the temptation is temporary and will go away. On some hot nights, I think of my ex girlfriend and other beautiful women that I know naked in their beds in the mood for hot passionate sex. This temptation is painful and pure torture, but it is not eternal. When I have these feelings, cravings and painful thoughts that plagued me, I acknowledge them but also know the temptation is temporary and it will pass. When I am tempted to look at beautiful nude women on the Internet, I look at pictures of puppies instead, sunsets and oceans, anything that calms me. This is how I find my inner peace knowing that nothing is permanent in this life, good and bad.


    Okay, this one is still a challenge for me. I'm a light sleeper and would wake up in the middle of the night desiring to make love to a woman. It could also be anxiety as well. In the past, I would masturbate so I could sleep better,but it did not always help. When I decided to start my 30 day challenge, I knew I was going to have these sleepless nights, desiring a naked woman in my bed. It was expected. But since I am self aware as I mentioned above and know that all temptations are temporary, some nights I sleep better than I have in a long time.


    We love beautiful women, we love sex, we love them when they are naked. This is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. But to become a slave to these desires is not acceptable. Women are wonderful and can be a great motivation to better yourself, but they should not always be the main reason you better yourself. If you train hard at the gym, read books and get a better job just for the sake of getting laid, you are cheating yourself and leading yourself to deception. So coming back to women, we love them, we desire them and this is usually the reason we sometimes M.O. without the P. or P.M.O. However don't let this love and desire be the only reason why you strive to become better or become less, use that energy and desire to better yourself for yourself and not for a woman. Ironically in my experience, this discipline gains the attention of wonderful women, which is a bonus.


    When you quit P.M.O for over 30 days, you rediscover who you really are. You are a person with many qualities, potential, dreams, aspirations and ambitions as well. You will still have bad days, but know they will not last. You will also have good days and better days too. You will want to accomplish things to better yourself, go to the gym to improve your health and body image, read books to become a better person, have a better perception in life. You will start practicing hobbies that will sharpen your skills. And because of this true self that you become for the sake of your own well being and not for the sake of pleasing others, you will meet real wonderful women for who you really are. You are not a slave of porn, of excessive masturbation and ejaculation, you are better than this, more than this. And you will discover this in time.

    So these are the benefits I have felt after 30 days, even though I had some side effects as I mentioned above. I hope I can make it to 60 days, 90 days and a year if possible.

  2. tidus

    tidus Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Congratulations! Great information and I can't help but be very satisfied of how organized this post is. I do have a few questions for you since I am trying to reach some of my goals:

    -What days do you feel are the most difficult?
    -What days do you feel more in control?
    -What are some strategies you use to resist a relapse from happening?
    Tonytone and Woodcutter74 like this.
  3. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Hi Tidus , thank you veryy much and love the Yuna avatar. I will be glad to answer these questions the best I can.

    The days I feel are most difficult are the hot days. The women that come to my store are very beautiful because they are wearing clothing that shows their bodies. At nights I find it the most difficult because this is the time I may fantasize about women I have known in the past. Instead of having sexual fantasies before sleeping, one should read a good book that is entertaining or a book on meditation. Anything that will keep your mind busy in a positive way before you feel sleepy.

    The days I feel more in control are the cooler days, or days off. I think one of the most important things to do when you have free time is not turn your computer on, unless you need to come on NoFap for good advice which I often do or when I need inspiration.

    The strategies that one can use are many. As I said above, we love beautiful women, we love them nude and we would love to have sex with them. It is a natural desire and nothing wrong with that, it is also natural that it tempts us on a daily basis, some days more than others. No need to suppress these desires, acknowledge the desires but don't become a slave to those desires.Also we have to remember that the temptation is temporary. Instead of using that energy going on the computer and masturbating on porn, go to the gym three times a week at least. Lift weights and fantasize about women during that time and only that time. This form of discipline will motivate you and get you in shape. Read many books on bettering yourself. There are also books on how to attract women a natural way.

    The last important information I can give, is you have to know yourself in order to understand what triggers the relapses. I confess that even though I recognize my self worth, there are times I feel anxious, down, insecure, frustrated, etc. Sometimes I think of my ex girlfriend and would be tempted to google images of nude women, nude actresses and porn actresses that fit her description. Instead, I would check images of puppies or something that calms me down, like a sunset, the beach, etc or run on the bike trail.

    I will give you more info afterwards because I have to go to work but hope this helps as a starter :)
  4. NF Padawan

    NF Padawan Fapstronaut

    That's nice. I guess the less you think about it the easier it gets. I have always fucked myself over by "innocuously" looking at pics of hot chicks. What's the harm I thought. Well. You'll eventually slip back into the worlf's jaws so don't be tempted.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  5. Like this post very much Woodcutter. Well put.

    I agree with so much of it and I’m not even at 30 days.

    Like the Puppy and Sunset tip!

    The energy loss after PMO is well documented, particularly in eastern medicine. It is also backed up by anecdotal evidence, much in this forum, his confidence fades when in PMO freefall but soars when on a Nofap reboot.
    What is your next challenge? 60 or perhaps 90?
    And a more difficult question - what after that..?
    retroart and Woodcutter74 like this.
  6. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Yes NF Padawan and vice versa can be said the easier it gets, the less you think about it. But I believe this is more when you hit over a year of hard monk mode. But the first days you think about it and it is not easy. When you have not had sex for a while, you think about it. When it is a hot day and you see this super hot woman, you think about it. And the getting does not get easier, even though some days you feel less tempted. To me this reminds me of other addictions. I used to be a heavy drinker and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. When I quit both, it was very hard but it did get easier when time went by. 17 years later, I sometimes still crave a Malboro and almost fell off the wagon 2 weeks ago even though I was seven years sober. We must remember the temptation is always there and should never underestimate it, but we should not underestimate ourselves either. Thank you for your message NF Padawan :)
    NF Padawan likes this.
  7. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Well said Springjim2000, I appreciate what you shared here and I thank you for asking me these questions. Yes I am going for the 60 day challenge, the 90 day challenge and longer than that if possible. But to make sure I accomplish this, I have to remember why I fapped for 30 years in my life, what were the events in my life that triggered it, what was my state of mind when I was a slave to P.M.O and what were the dire consequences.

    As I look back, my happiest times were not when I was in love with wonderful women, but was when I was happy on my own, the time where I was single and when my happiness did not depend whether a woman was in my life or not. Too many years wasted, too much time being anxious, insecure and being bitter was caused by women who broke my heart or drove me nuts. A main reason why I had a problem with PMO.

    Good or bad, like it or not, women influence a lot of our decisions in life and how we live it, consciously, unconsciously and subconsciously. So during the 60 day challenge, the 90 day challenge and so on, I want to do other challenges as well, train at the gym, read more, become more mindful, better my situation in life and also myself in the process. I want to become a better person, find inner peace , not be reactive of my environment but to be proactive instead. These are some of the challenges I want to accomplish the next 60 days, 90 days and so on Springjim2000. As I said above ,as much as women are wonderful and we should love them for the right reasons, they should not be the main reason why we better ourselves. We better ourselves for our own sake. So those are my challenges for the days, weeks, months or years to come :)
    guyinsideout likes this.
  8. NF Padawan

    NF Padawan Fapstronaut

    I guess it depends on what motivates you to quit. For instance. On December 1st last year I watch The Great Porn Experiment. You can search it on youtube. After watching that, something clicked. I didnt touch a cigarette for 5 months easily and didnt jerk off for 45 days. Didnt feel any urges because watching that video made something click. Like I could turn my life around I thought and I was very motivated to do so. Once you get in that state I guess you have to hit hard on what needs to be done in order to reach goals and stuff. The hard things that make you feel uncomfortable but that need to be done in order to get the job done and never stop.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  9. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    I'll check the video NF Padawan. Thanks.
  10. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  11. selfimprovement8008

    selfimprovement8008 Fapstronaut

    melatonin in form of honey
    and banana and milk and few alonds
    also do reps of a bodyweight exercise (high reps ) shadow box for as long as possible without leting your hands drop
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  12. Reading the original post, it seems as though your mind is more clear than it has been in a long time, like you've achieved some sort of enlightenment. Just the flow of words gives a sense of calmness. Seeing this is great motivation. Thank you for posting this.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  13. Nice summary.

    Yes, I liked that you mentioned that men love women and if we see them naked it's thrilling and arousing. There is no meaning in trying to kill this instinct. I guess most relapses come from there.

    I don't meet to many women during the day and maybe this made a small portion of the urge to PMO.

    Guys like you make me really feel positive that all I had done in the past was just wasted time. How many hours per year? At least something like at least 500 hours, (could bang my head about the wasted time.)

    Happy continuation to you!
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  14. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much :)The important thing my friend is not how many hours we lost in the past, but how much we will gain from now on that we quit. And trust me, after 60 days, you gain so much in those two months compare to the 500 hours or more we lost in the past. As for not meeting many woman during the day, it happens to all of us depending where we are or what we do. Sometimes I was amazed in the past, the scarcity of women at some places where I thought there would be many, and other times an abundance of women when I did not expect it. Life is amazing when we do not always have expectations. We can talk more about this if you want Jazzmusician :)
  15. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Life is better, and makes food taste better too.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  16. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Possible about the food.
  17. Yeah let's chat a bit, that's better than watching porn isn't it? Lol.

    Now after quitting for only two days I am asking myself more and more how I could get hooked up with this stuff. And maybe it has not only to do with the fact that something happens in a man'a brain when he sees a naked women and if she is doing something even worse.
    I think on the other hand we are living in a world of daily routines and they can be pretty boring. Maybe watching porn has also something to do with having an adventure and risking something (especially when doing it at your working place) I have the vague feeling that men living in a world of permanent adventure have a by far lower percentage watching porn.
    Yeah, a life full of surprises is the best that can happen even if some surprises are more the opposite than what we imagined. And you are right, our expectations more than often prevent us to go in the direction of exploration.
    As for women I really look on them quite differently, Before they were objects for you know what and now they are just enjoyable to look at and how they look. Maybe we should for recovery include times just sitting in an street cafe and watch women walking by.

    Porn is boring
    Porn is dumb
    Life is waiting for us.
    Woodcutter74 likes this.
  18. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

  19. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Yes. Street café, book stores , any place is a good idea. Women are everywhere. I think when one takes a good look at why they were hooked on PMO, they know what to do and counter the effects. If boredom is the reason, then one can keep them self with mindfulness.
  20. Woodcutter74

    Woodcutter74 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Love your name, I see you are a Pink Floyd fan :)