Desperately needing advice

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Deleted Account, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. My husband is over 1 month PM free. When I found out he was secretly taping me, that was the final straw. His PM addiction spans 15 years & includes looking up escorts prior to our wedding, PM during grueling fertility treatments I had to go through, PM throughout my pregnancy, etc. Unbeknownst to me, his P escalated into watching some pretty disgusting things after our children were born. Because we had twins, we were each responsible for 1 child at night. We co-slept, me in bed w/1, & him in another bed with the other twin. I get sick thinking he was looking at these extreme P videos while my child was asleep next to him.

    His PM use was apparently so bad, he'd do it almost daily. He was an absent husband & an absent father. For almost 3 years, he's put his own needs ahead of mine & our kids. Vacations ruined bc he can't get his P fix. Head down in phone 24/7. Blaming me for literally everything. For 3 years, I have had to act the roles of 2 parents. Not bc my husband wasn't physically around, but, bc my husband neglected me & his kids. The fantasy girls on the screen took precedence over his family for years.

    Here's the problem: I'm angry. I'm angry at EVERYTHING. I'm angry I was treated like trash & made to feel crazy. I'm angry that my children now have issues displaying emotions bc their dad was too busy to parent & mom was too busy just trying to survive. The anger list is massive. For 2 weeks after dday, life was grand. Husband was actively working recovery. I was supportive; finding this site, finding him a counselor, willing to listen & not judge...he had NO problem kicking PM to the curb. The problem is, he cannot stop being narcissistic & emotionally stunted. He just does not understand the damage he's done to me & that his actions have caused reactions. There is zero consistency in his recovery of being a better husband. This is like gasoline on my anger.

    His head is about to explode at how well he's done on stopping PM & I'm over here on this island of 1 he has dropped me off on going "HI I'M STILL OVER HERE VERY MUCH HURTING". I mean, I understand I'm entirely responsible for my actions & reactions in life. For some reason, I'm now taking my anger out on my son. My anger comes out as yelling, usually obscenities. It passes & I always feel overwhelming anger & guilt afterwards, aimed at myself.

    I have a little background in psych & am fully aware my behavior is not ok. It's not an every day thing. I hadn't yelled all week, until, today. My mom starts her 1st chemo treatment tomorrow. I threw my kids bday party yesterday. My husband continues to bully me & make me feel horrible. I'm drowning. Overwhelmed. Grieving. Alone. Scared. This all makes me angry. My son was acting up this morning & I yelled. My husband took the kids to the park & i left as well. I received texts from my husband while I was gone saying things like "take a minute to cool off, I love you; I'm sorry I left, I just didn't want the kids around that". I completely agreed with this so I replied saying the kids didn't need to be around when I'm angry, I'd pack some things & stay somewhere else for the time being. His response was "that's not necessary, you just needed time to cool off; kids are great & asking for you". I take that as a sign that it would be safe to return home. I walk in the door & all I get is a "hey" from him. Instant triggers. He had made me feel I could come home & we'd move forward; what I got was the standard punishment when I've done something: silence. Made me feel crazy for thinking I'd misread his texts to create an illusion I wouldn't be burned at the cross when I got home. Triggers=anger=yelling, so I left again. Fight or flight.

    I get a text from him with a link to an article about what yelling does to a child, followed by "you're not the only one doing this, but.." Do you know what this does to an abused person??? An abused person who watched the abuser neglect this very child he's trying use against me?!? Made me feel horrible & confussed & angry. So, I reply that I have an appointment with my psychiatrist this week, & I would discuss these issues with him. He writes back that he can't just stand by & watch me yell at the kids. My reply: i agree. Thats why i will speak to my doc on tues about this. He replied: the one you see for 30 min so you can get your uppers refilled?

    I'm sitting here absolutely dumbfounded. Since My mother's cancer diagnosis, he's been pushing me to see this doctor! He's known I've had this appointment coming up. We literally talked about it last night. Not one word has been said about his ill feelings toward my doctor. It is completely unfair & indicative of continuing abusive behavior.

    So. Here I am. Feeling like roadkill for almost 10 years now. Was looking forward to my appointment. Not only to discuss my husband's traumatic behavior, but, my mother's cancer diagnosis. I've been seeing him for over 5 years now, & really like him. I do not know what to do. I feel like I'm not perfect & this is all new; mistakes will happen. But damnit, I dealt with absolute destructive behavior from him for a long time & continuously cut him slack. I offered to let him stay after he secretly video recorded me. Why do I deserve to be tortured?? This is absolute torture.
    Nugget9 likes this.
  2. JustSadPorn

    JustSadPorn Fapstronaut

    If your best friend was in your situation, what would you tell her to do?
    Nugget9 likes this.
  3. No offense but if what you wrote here isn’t biased, your husband sounds like a piece of shit.

    You should probably figure out how to control your yelling towards your kids because after all they’re just kids and don’t deserve that.

    Aside from that you should probably stand up for yourself and call out your husband on his bs because the stuff you listed him doing is ridiculous.
    Nugget9 and BetrayedMermaid like this.
  4. I have to live with my abuser & person that caused me trauma. It's like being raped & having to live with the rapist. I imagine the pain is quite same in both cases. Torture. Especially when it's not getting any better. Ultimate torture.
  5. Leave him
  6. I honestly don't know & let me explain...
    I have been so blind, I didn't realize my marriage troubles were not normal. I assumed every husband watched P, didn't really "talk" to their spouse, sex lives were non-existent bc of work/kids/etc. Bc of these assumptions, I never brought marriage issues was really only 2 weeks ago I started to figure out this was WAY BIGGER than PM.

    My husband is (or acts) genuine. He's never given anyone a negative impression of him. My bestie adores him. It would take at least a week to catch her up & another convincing her he's capable of all of these horrible things.

    So, I don't know. I'm afraid my cancer-stricken mother is the only one who would tell me to leave. She's the only one that has seen the hurt & pain he's caused through the years. But even then, she adores him too... chameleon
  7. Please remember there are two side to a story. No doubt I did some super shitty stuff and for sure she should have left me long ago before I finally got my shit together and realize the damage I had done.

    Fueling an emotionally distraught mother of 3 year old twins to leave their father based off an emotionally charged post without knowing both sides of the story just seems irresponsible to me.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    I am so sorry for what you are going through. You are suffering from betrayal trauma. It is real and it is extremely painful. I have a couple of links in my signature all about Betrayal Trauma that can help you understand more (turn your phone or tablet sideways to see signatures).

    I would also highly suggest reading the book, Your Sexually Addicted Spouse by Dr. Barbara Steffens and Marsha Means. There is also an interview by her in those links.

    You have already identified that your behavior is not healthy, which is good that you recognize that. Now you need someone to help you process through these feelings. Would you consider therapy with someone trained in treating Betrayal Trauma?

    You can find one by going .

    There is also a fantastic online therapy network at (Betrayal Trauma Recovery). The therapists there are trained through the APSAT program mentioned above.

    I would also suggest setting up some boundaries and consequences. He may feel like (and say) that they are punishments for him, and they probably will feel like that, but they need to be put in place to emotionally (and possibly physically) protect yourself.

    Here are some links to help get you started.

    I'm so sorry for what you are going through. You are not alone here.
    Numb, BetrayedMermaid and Trappist like this.
  9. Yes because that's what I and others are telling my wife. Check out my journal if you'd like to learn more.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  10. Apparently I wasn't clear...
    I read an article yesterday regarding emotional abuse, betrayal trauma, & ptsd. The woman in the article was the wife of a PA. Through his PA, the husband essentially traumatized her. Trauma is trauma. Whether it's trauma from a stranger or trauma from a spouse. I was trying to help people understand the intense emotions actually residing with & supporting the one who caused trauma. It's hard. I assume harder than never seeing your abuser again...I'm sure other SO's would understand my reference
  11. You still compared it to being raped and living with the rapist and referred to it as ultimate torture.

    Either way I hope you figure out what’s best for you and of course make that decision rationally. Good luck

    Here's the article. Statement will be under the betrayal trauma section..3rd down, I believe.
  13. Thank you very much for the links. Whether they help my wife recover or not from the damage I've done I don't know yet but they have been very insightful and bring me that much closer to atleast somewhat understand my wife's perspective.
    EyesWideOpen likes this.
  14. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    So let me get this straight. You, an active addict (judging by your 0 days counter), are telling a suffering, betrayed woman what she is allowed or not allowed to feel? You don't have the right. Until you are in those shoes, or you fully understand what a man does to a woman when he knowingly and continually betrays her trust by lying, gaslighting, and cheating, you don't get to tell a woman that how she feels is wrong.
    hope4healing and Tryingforfamily like this.

  15. I was actually trying to tell her that she shouldn’t have to tolerate that abuse and was called ridiculous by another user.

    I actually tried to acknowledge the severity of the problem and tell OP I pedonally think she shouldn’t stand for that. Then all I got was a back tracking response. Anyways let’s agree to disagree just leave it at that
    and let op get advice she was seeking for from other users.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  16. EyesWideOpen, In the interest in moving this thread forward and getting my wife help, have you suffered from betrayal trauma?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  17. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut


    Back on topic, I responded what I did to you because your posts were unclear in their context. One seemed to support her, another didn't. It was very back and forth.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  18. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    I am currently. It is a long process to heal. As in, years. Especially if the addict continues to act out.
    Deleted Account and hope4healing like this.
  19. Act out by doing what? Not that it's any of my business. I just don't want to make the same mistakes.