The bad me is winning

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 20, 2018.

  1. Estel

    Estel Fapstronaut

    It does. Not obligatory, but you'll like it. Should be a normal thing to do for everyone, cause it helps to talk about our inner life to some external objective person. But in our addiction, it's more than welcome.
    ☯ Shiv ☯ likes this.
  2. I am just worried. I don't want to commit any sin. I ask myself why I am getting so lusty, I respect girls, it's not like I look down on them, I am not a sexist person, but then why I get so turned on by just a flip of a skirt of an anime character. (ಥ_ಥ)
    | Nico | likes this.
  3. Estel

    Estel Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by not commit any sin?
  4. How do I say it? It's hard to tell, I am raised by single mother since my dad died long ago when I was just 1 and half, I have resoect for women.. I had many girl-friends, in camping or while traveling many of us slept together (no sex) I never felt something like "lets enjoy the night!" You know what I mean, even a girl once bite my nech cause she was so drunk I controlled myself not to do anything foolish. I just wish I don't want to harm anybody. I am not out of control, but I am frustrated with my sexual desires. I was a smoker, I had quit. I was a heavy drinker, I had quit. But why can't I quit playing with my crotch and playing with hentai websites!! I am talking too much, but you wanna know a secret? I get turned on by animes more than an actual human being lol
    I am weird am I not? Haha.
    | Nico | and Coffee Candy like this.
  5. Estel

    Estel Fapstronaut

    You ain't weird man. We all tried hentai. And placed in front of a computer with sexual images, we all fall for it.
    Start realizing you're not a different case, even though we have different stories. First step. Else, you won't see a path to recovery.

    You're afraid that your porn addiction altered the way you look at women? Is that it? Or you have religious beliefs and don't want to share sexual activities and fantasies with others? I don't know what you mean by I don't want to sin. And what about talking with a psychologist?
    ☯ Shiv ☯ likes this.
  6. Haven't talked with psychologist yet. Yea you got it right, since I am from a family where two religion is active. I am Hindu but my uncles are Christian. I grew up celebrating "Durga Pooja" along with "Christmas", in both religion I read that "lust" is a tyoe of sin along with greed, lie, attachment to objects etc. So I am worried. ☹

    You're afraid that your porn addiction altered the way you look at women?

    You got that right too, I am afraid that if I continue like this, I might end up not respecting women or something like that.
    | Nico | likes this.
  7. Estel

    Estel Fapstronaut

    That is a very serious possibility. But, you're not defined by what you saw or did. Once you quit porn, you'll come back to natural desires. Trust me or many others on this website.

    I don't want to go against religion, not on this website, and you don't have to deny your faith. But lust is a natural thing. If you don't learn to live with it, you'll continue to have repression problems. Religion has a way to explain things in parables. You should not be unfaithful, that much is true. But lust, can't cut off your parts man. Try some science/psychology books for a change and that isn't going against your religion to better understand yourself.

    I also believe that you seem confuse on many things, I might be wrong. Seeking professional help is far from a bad thing.
    ☯ Shiv ☯ likes this.
  8. tiredofdoingthis

    tiredofdoingthis Fapstronaut

    As far as blocking, I found for me, that was maybe the worst. I have OCD. It would cause me to spend hours trying to find random sites. It was absolute insanity. I've been fighting with this for a long time, thus the name tiredofdoingthis. I get the disappointment and irritation . Try not to be too hard on yourself. I got to 12 days, then to 9. I guess we just keep trying.
    ☯ Shiv ☯ and Estel like this.
  9. ISOhappiness

    ISOhappiness Fapstronaut

    If you can, find a girl. If you can’t... find a girl. I know it’s sometimes easier said then done but super important for your long term goals. Your not ready for that yet anyways. The P brain pathways run deep still, super deep. Keep hitting your no PMO streaks and even if you relapse ITS NO BIG DEAL you are still starving those neuro connections. Eventually you will have longer and longer streaks. It’s hard really hard... but so worth it.

    Stop watching TV, no movies and I know one can’t completely stay off a phone but try really really hard to not look at YouTube Facebook Instagram ect... triggers everywhere, it’s seriousky fucked up out there ... traps everywhere. Don’t watch TV none of that stuff. Triggers everywhere. Read books spiritual or science whatever floats your boat I can recommend a few of you want. Write here often very often. Make time pass so you have none for P.

    Find pride in the new you be proud be different. You will be amazed when you get there I promise you.

    90 days, that when real change starts. You will notice stuff at 60 but nothing like 90+ Ohhh and IMO it’s okay to rub one out best after 3+ weeks but not more than once per week. And when you do it, only once, make it quick like 3 min or less, nothing fancy, think simple stuff to get off, nothing to porny. IMO having a safe balance will make your trip more easy and you can get there, I did.
    ☯ Shiv ☯ and Estel like this.
  10. irishrover

    irishrover Fapstronaut

    Well you and me and everybody else on this site then in that case mate! You're not a loser for falling. You're only a loser if you don't get back up on the horse. I relapsed myself last night after just three sober days, but I'm not going to let self disgust and loathing stand in my way. Learn from your mistakes and identify your triggers and come up with a strategy and as the motto of the Munster rugby team puts it, "STAND UP AND FIGHT!"
    tiredofdoingthis and Estel like this.
  11. end_it_for_good

    end_it_for_good Fapstronaut

    What else are you doing to manage your emotions?
    What are you doing for your social life?
    What are you doing with your free time?
    Why are you in places where you can possibly watch porn? Do you not have other enjoyable things to go do and people to be with?

    The path out of this isn't "stopping" it's developing a more sustainable way of life.
    ☯ Shiv ☯ likes this.
  12. Confuse about something very serious, the confusion is "can I do this? Am I capable enough?"
    | Nico | likes this.
  13. I just broke out of my with my 2 and half years old long distance relationship. I was getting hurt everyday, I couldn't get enough love/respect she didn't gave value for my time. I was just with her cause she is a loner her parents left her so I was with her for this long. Someone has a crush on me here but, she is not my type.. she is all about foods and social media, so I am alone. And to be honest I am not that handsome hunk. I am overweight and I am shy to talk to girls. I never had real girlfriend (real life I mean). I don't watch TV, I don't use Facebook much either. I was a hardcore Instagram guy but I uninstalled Instagram because of triggers. Keeping the phone away is ghe real deal, I agree with you. My exams are coming after exam I am planning to go for rides in my free time on my scooter. Before during exam breaks I used to fap two times a day, I hope since I bought a scooter recently I can go travel nearby cities (it's my dream right now). The thing is I know what triggers me, but I still walk into those traps knowingly and later after relapsing I regret that what have I done.
    | Nico | and Coffee Candy like this.
  14. Thank you brother. I wish your success too, may we be victorious. O:):'(
    | Nico | and irishrover like this.
  15. Manage my emotions? B-) I don't know
    I watch anime while I'm free (mostly)
    I am in such places because I live with my mother in a relatively large apartment, so she is cooking or watching tv or outside mostly, and I get lonely and start to browse internet, this and that and then I'm tripping :-! This was the story, now I don't PMO usually but sometimes I lose to myself this is the main reason I fail again and again.

    I have 5 friends 2 live quite far from my house. 3 live nearby but they are mostly in college or work (me too). I generally don't have much places to go cause I have no relatives and I am allergic to nonsense talking so one of my friend who is happened to be my very good friend is a nonsense talker, so I keep a little distance soometimes. Other two are girls and they talk too much that I need to stay silent and ultimately I can't share anything to them. Before I used to be a book work, but jor anymore.
    | Nico | and Coffee Candy like this.
  16. end_it_for_good

    end_it_for_good Fapstronaut


    I think the first step for you is finding other hobbies besides being at home alone on a computer. It's very isolating. The problem is that we are isolated in a lifestyle that disconnects us from others. You'll need to find other things to fill your time with and learn to find real relationships
    Estel and ☯ Shiv ☯ like this.
  17. been stuck in this life from 22 years :)
    | Nico | likes this.
  18. Estel

    Estel Fapstronaut

    From 12-13-14 here. When I look at that, I'm almost 30. . . More life with porn than without it.

    Of course, my consumption wasn't as bad during all that time.

    Anyway. I'm done. I hope it's real this time. I feel different. I feel I can do it.
  19. Yeah you can do it!
    | Nico |, Coffee Candy and Estel like this.