Help me please

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by treborn, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    I can not, it's too hard, once you end up in autopilot it's the end, guys, somebody help me please I'm desperate
  2. You can get out. You have to decide to quit.
  3. I was in your shoes a couple months ago, I had just begun trucking school and cracked under pressure and left Nofap and gave into my PMO binging for 2 months. I missed the man that I was when I was first into my Nofap journey I was changing for the better. After 2 months of binging I realized that I couldn't give up.

    I then came back to Nofap and now I'm committed to ditching PMO for good. My point is that you have to be committed to Nofap, you have to make that conscious decision to keep going no matter how many times you stumble. If you are truly committed then you will succeed no matter how long it takes you, you will overcome this addiction if you truly wish to be free of it.

    What is the alternative to Nofap? Going back to binging on PMO, loss of motivation, low energy, forgoing relationships for the sake of PMO, and staying bound to the beast that is PMO for the rest of your life. If you really didn't think you could do it in the first place you wouldn't have come here and begun your journey to cleanse yourself.

    There is always hope you can quit this, but only if you truly want too.
  4. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    After how much time you reach your score?im trying by one year,this is starting to become frustrating..
  5. Green Monstah

    Green Monstah Fapstronaut


    Welcome! You are at the right place! There are a lot of good people here! :)

    I had a new way of looking at things recently. Take a look at my counter! I have relapsed more than I would like to remember. It's been a little over two years since I attempted NoFap. HOWEVER for quite a few years, I was a 2-3 PMO's/day guy. I would do it early morning AND late at night. Overall, in the last two years, I have PMO'd 30x. Do the math... and that is a huge difference from the hundreds and hundreds of sessions. Give yourself credit where it's due.

    I totally understand how you are feeling. My last relapse, which was a few weeks ago, I was so damn close to thinking that I am on the verge to going back to my old ways. I wanted to give up. I let so many negative things get to me and pull me in.

    ONE DAY I hope for my counter to get to 500+ like some people I know here. NEVER GIVE UP! If it's hard to make it past a few days, be proud of yourself when you do!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    What can i do when i go in "autopilot"?
  7. Nalex25p

    Nalex25p Fapstronaut

    Take an ice cold shower, I honestly don’t think your body will give you an urge when it thinks it’s freezing to death.

    I’ve not had an urge in 52 days (it could be related to flatline though)

    Here’s what I’ve been doing everyday:
    Intermittent fasting (binge on fats and proteins, never binge on carbs)
    Cold showers
    Biking outside/gym
    Limiting screen use to a certain time period
  8. I originally started back in June of this year and the highest streak that I have still ever gotten thus far is 11 days. PMO has gripped me for years and I hate it, but a key thing that I understood after my 2 months of binging and what you need to understand as well is that you need to take responsibility.

    There is no "autopilot" you made the conscious decision to relapse and justified using whatever logic your porn addled brain came up with. Your constant relapsing stops when you realize that you are responsible and that no one but yourself can stop you from relapsing.
  9. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    You have a free will - you must choose to weaken the desire through rebooting. You have to commit to taking it apart. Many have done it, you can do it too. Part of your bondage is the belief you can't control yourself. If you don't believe you can say no to your flesh it will govern you.
  10. uchdollar

    uchdollar Fapstronaut

    I'm starting my first ever reboot, just a few days into it really, come on if they could do it, we can do it. For our sake, I created a WhatsApp group. Join here group for us to connect, help and encourage each other to overcome this shit. We can share our stories and be there for one another. The invite link is here if you don't have WhatsApp, you can state how best to reach you.
    To our success!
    treborn and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Don't allow yourself to go into autopilot.

    Watch your thoughts. If you get a triggering thought, stop and think about something else. Or take some action that will help.

    Then go back to watching your thoughts. It might sound difficult, but you'll be motivated by the feeling of being in more control. Plus it will quickly become more habitual.
    treborn likes this.
  12. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    That's really what this is all about, being able to go up above the problem and look down on it and fine tune your discipline and decision making in the face of intense emotional and physical challenges. You have to take control of your passions and not let them take control of you. This doesn't come over night but you have to believe that it is your choice. Coming out of intense desire for PMO is difficult because you've spent years building up your desire for it. Rebooting gives you a tool for loosening the knot of desire.
  13. Well says countitjoy5
  14. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    You have a strong personality in you to quit this. You must take an extreme ownership for your actions. You must find this person in you. You can do it. It is there. Cry if you need to but don't watch porn and don't fap. Be angry if you need to. Be sad if you need to. Handle boredom, loneliness, unsuccess. Everything will change for better once you start your warrior path. You are strong enough to do it. It is all about the momentum and how you think of yourself.
  15. Wuzzaap

    Wuzzaap Fapstronaut

    Nothing is too hard , ur a strong individual . Why can other people do it and u cant ?????
  16. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    Ty all guys,im so fukin scared btw :(
  17. Wuzzaap

    Wuzzaap Fapstronaut

    Maan , just be a “maan “ !!!
  18. There is an autopilot of sorts, in which it's very hard to stop yourself. Not impossible, but very hard. Plus by the time you get to that stage you'll have done some damage to your reboot - not that that's an excuse to just give in!

    The good news is, you can prevent yourself from getting to that autopilot stage. To get you to that autopilot stage, the addict mind has to trick you by tempting you to do things that will give you a "bump"* of dopamine. It'll probably start fairly innocent, and more or less within NoFap rules perhaps, but will quickly escalate. One bump is never enough!

    Say no to bumps of dopamine, believe in yourself and you'll be okay. Don't worry too much about the future. You can beat this moment by moment.

    You can PM me if you like.

    * thanks to another fapstronaut for that term.
    treborn likes this.
  19. treborn

    treborn Fapstronaut

    I will for sure ty man
  20. Hey bud, PM if you want to chat. We can do this.
    treborn likes this.