Fuck this shit, I'm out.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 21, 2018.

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  1. The mod did not use their privileges for personal reasons or to enact vengeance. It just happened that there were no other moderators around at the time. I agree that they shouldn't have handled the situation once you reported them and asked for a review. We do have policies against that, moderators who are personally involved in situations either because it was their decision or because they may be biased towards or against a certain user whose content is at question are required to recuse themselves. Believe me, I had a long conversation with the moderator about our moderation policies and how they could have better handled the situation. And I reversed their decision.

    I will say this for the moderator in question: they tried unsuccessfully for around two hours to get another moderator to handle the matter before deciding to action it themselves. Furthermore, they were completely open and honest to the rest of the team about what they had done. They did not try to hide anything or evade responsibility. After our conversation, they agreed that they should have stepped away and let another moderator take over responsibility for the matter.

    We are not perfect, and moderating this community can be tough at times, given our small team and the sometimes conflicting considerations Alexander mentioned, but we do try to do our best for this community. We may mistakes at times, but we do correct them and take steps to make sure that they don't happen again. We are always looking to improve the way we handle things. And we have very strict policies against allowing personal feelings or opinions influence moderation decisions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2018
  2. r u still leaving, Castielle?
  3. I'm British and I would never use that word. No one I know uses that word!

    No I am not. I just happen to find you're saying to be rather annoying, silly and degrading. If you pay attention to my posts you'll know I tend to say something people when people use words like c**t, w***e, s**t or b***h. Say such words in most rooms on cam sites and you'll get kick out, most cam models have zero tolerance of such words so why should NoFap?

    This all seems totally PAM to me.

    Why even make your original post in the first place then?
  4. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    What aha what is w***e?

    And in my original post I never said anything about calling women "cunts"
    You're funny bro.:)
  5. wh*re
  6. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Are we playing a game of hangman or something? :emoji_joy:
  7. I was just being respectful to Rio but also trying to enlighten you on the word @ the same time
  8. Where!
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  9. and the winner is... Randy. You guessed it!:emoji_champagne::emoji_champagne_glass::emoji_tada:
    Christian Fox and Randy like this.
  10. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    Heyyy Dats not an nortey word.
  11. h8 2 break it 2 u but nortey isnt even a word
    . alright i dont wanna spam castielles thread. kthxbai
  12. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    There's not too many strongly opinionated and vocal women on here. Not that I've seen in the forum sections that I post anyways. So if you decide to go, your presence will be missed. Someone needs to keep the men thinking twice about what they say around here. That includes me as well.

    Maybe one day I'll create a fake female account and just rip apart random men's posts and also heavily flirt with my Elevate account lol.
  13. I've actually had each one of my reports go through, but I will say I've been reported for countless things and honestly don't give a shite.

    Some things I have gone too far with and were inappropriate which I accepted the warning in full, but mostly if it's in a debate or something people get away with anything they please. That includes publicly shaming and bullying me but I get fucked in the end, all because either some bastard was bloody sore from what I said or just a straight up trolling wanker. I was reported by what I said one time just because the tosser didn't like how I used a word, even though in my country it wasn't a personal insult, and another one didn't like how I just said something even without vulgarity or insults. lol

    There's not much you can do as you can get reported or warned for literally anything so you either have to roll with it, leave, or essentially shut up and not say anything. Doesn't matter there is supposedly freedom of speech and you're either defending yourself or just speaking your mind on a matter without even personally insulting a person.

    How she goes I guess, age of entitlement is what I call today's society. Either folks and/or mods won't like what you say at some point, I've gotten quite a few now...

    So farewell luv and I hope you find peace wherever you're going.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2018
    spaces likes this.
  14. He absolutely did... he deleted my thread asking about how to make an appeal for no reason. No other mod would have deleted that thread even if they were around, because it didnt break any rules. The situation was very clearly spite, and if that isnt clear, then it's probably because nobody has actually had a conversation with me to hear my side of the story. You're only hearing his.

    Well that's good, but you didnt reverse their decision to delete my thread. So... that part of the situation seems to have gone ignored.

    How do you even know that if you've never had a conversation with me about what happened? You're just assuming he was honest about everything without hearing the other side. That makes no sense.

    And as I said above, no other mod, even if they were online at the time, would have deleted that thread of mine. So it has nothing to do with other mods not being online. I was perfectly willing to wait.

    That makes me feel a bit better, but I'm still concerned about him deleting my thread for no reason. Because that was completely out of spite, 100%. I know that for a fact, and I have screenshots of our conversation that can clearly show that he was being sassy and just did that to be rude. So... that part is still unresolved, it seems.

    I also wish any of this would have been communicated to me at the time. If the mod in question admitted that he handled things wrongly, why wouldnt he apologize to me or something? I'm not a mind reader. I dont see how I'm supposed to know that anything has happened behind the scenes if nobody tells me. This all would have been really great to hear 5 months ago and a little bit of open communication would have made things much better. As well as being listened to and asked to hear my side of what happened, instead of simply assuming he relayed everything accurately.
    EatCake likes this.
  15. Honestly, I have no idea. Conversation is finally taking place, so at this point, I would like to see how that conversation pans out.


    Honestly, I think it's just the double standard that drives me crazy. I dont want to sound like a whiney brat complaining over getting reported for something, because as you said, it doesnt even really matter. But I guess it just annoys me when I get reported for something that I see on here like every single day, or that just doesnt make any sense. It's not really that I care about getting in trouble or something, I just dont understand it half the time.

    Thank you <3 not sure yet if I'm sticking around or not. I might be changing my mind, honestly, which makes me feel like I look like a drama queen and dont stick to my guns. But whatever. It does change my mind a bit to actually be having a conversation about this stuff and feeling like the mod team is actually willing to hear things and improve, and not like they just dont listen to anything we say. Because I feel like there should be mutual respect there, and it seems like there is more than I thought. It hasn't really felt that way, but if I'm wrong, then that changes things.
  16. One time I made a post because I was pissed off that my friend sent me a random picture/gif of a “naked b*tch” and it triggered me bad that I wrote about it. I guess that is pretty misogynistic when I really look at it.... Nude models deserve just as much respect as catholic preschool teachers and nuns, you know.

    I’m just trolling honestly, but it wasn’t something that I had even thought of, and I genuinely felt like the moderator was being petty... It was a pretty decent amount of time after I posted it that it was edited. I was not attacking women, PERSONALLY that wasnt my intent. I understand that you are searching for people who are, though, and that’s why I let it go until seeing this post.

    I have seen you here and there, OP, you go for speaking up.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I know you're being sarcastic, but I actually agree that that is a bit misogynistic. If you dont even know that person, then you have no reason to call them that word. My case was a bit different, but honestly I dont even care about that anymore anyway.

    Yeah, that was the weird thing in my situation to. Nobody was offended about it at the time, and it was in my own personal journal that hardly anyone ever reads, like months after I posted it. So that was weird. Maybe someones going on a reporting spree or something, who knows.

    Thanks. I'm glad people are listening.
  18. Sure, but this is pretty much the only site on the planet that deals with the epidemic of porn and masturbation, so overall a huge thumbs-up from me.
    Hopefully there's enough revenue for it to continue.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  19. Castielle you were right, btw, people who shower with cold water aren't as clean as people who shower with hot water.... ; n ; lol
    Also I personally think people who use wash cloths (not loofahs) are cleaner than people who shower with just loofahs and or just soap.
    Because loofahs arent as tough as the fabric of wash cloths and you need to rub your skin kind of firmer than a loofa can provide to scrape off the dead skin and grime off your skin..

    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. This is completely off topic
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