Best thing that happened to you today

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. Just like the title says, what is the best thing that happened to you to today? It could be as small as watching a sunrise or as big as winning the lotto...I thought it might be good to focus on some good stuff :)
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I cracked my neck and it felt good.
  3. I just woke up, so I'm gonna say that yesterday, a few exciting things happened to me, so I can't decide which one is best....

    One is that I won a Starbucks gift card at a gift exchange.

    The other is that I got my new filming station set up for YouTube, after getting some new equipment for Christmas, and now filming is so much easier and my lighting issues have been fixed, which was causing me a lot of stress! Trying to figure out how to fix the lighting problems was making me not want to film anything ever, but now it's all figured out :)
  4. Not wanna sound like a pessimist but I have had all hell break loose! Not my day! :mad::eek:o_O
  5. It happens to us all. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
  6. Nice, you got a couple of good ones there :)

    That sucks man, i hope it gets better soon
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Today my 2 year old niece came over and while watching her favorite cartoon she started doing the whole dance routine that the characters were doing including like this break dance thing. Obviously she was all over the place, but it was the cutest thing. It made my day
  8. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Practicing what I preach on this site... Gym, Sauna and Jacuzzi.
    Healthy body and mind
  9. Akelly100

    Akelly100 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed after church last night
    Then unfortunately binged through the night

    Woke up and jerked off some more

    Then I tried turning to God for help I went for a run trying to escape the pain of what I did and how disgusted I felt

    I relapsed again after my run

    Then I lost all hope

    And then here I am new to the nofap fam starting day 1 on the first day of the year
  10. RollerCoaster

    RollerCoaster Fapstronaut

    What effect does Jacuzzi have on your health?
  11. Akelly100

    Akelly100 Fapstronaut

    Also this was after a two week streak of no pmo so I was doing okay then yeah

    But frik I suffered through the relapsed
  12. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    Twofold… physically the jets have a massaging effect on aching muscles and mentally by concentrating on my breathing I can clear my mind of unwelcome thoughts.
    RollerCoaster likes this.
  13. That last part is definitely news to celebrate! We've all been there, man. Welcome to the site, and I hope you find success here. But dont forget to give yourself grace as well, because it will be a long road.
  14. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    Well, Realizing that 2018 was the best year in terms of Self-improvement for me gave me a lot of confidence in myself to do much better in 2019.
  15. I got to drink some alcohol at work today with my colleagues after a 12 hour shift
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  16. basically, an e-mail with good news

    Good thread, WIDTDM (i just like writing it like that sometimes)
  17. Thanks, and you can write it however you want
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  18. Knowing that I could help someone feel better.

    Nice thread, by the way, @What I Do That Defines Me ;)
    I always like the threads that you create out of topic. From time to time I come to read them. There was one in particular that I enjoyed reading a lot. It was something like naming an actor and then mentioning the movie that you liked the most about being an actor and so on ...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Thanks Freedom. Yeah, i remember that one, but i forgot all about it until now. Its been dead for awhile i think