Ex guy wanted to be friends but why?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by green lion eating the sun, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    Imo again, I can still get attracted to friends. He is attracted to you enough to feel good having sex with you but he won't commit anything further. You are his sexual urge relief. I m sorry and I know you really want it to be the other way around.
    0111zerozero11 likes this.
  2. But he didn't try to have s with me anymore though
  3. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    Friend zoned still imo. But feel free to tell him how u feel to clear things up. U want things to go a step further so its better to he cleared up with him. Dont want either side to get hurt by having misunderstanding.
  4. i mean you said he still wanted to have s with me but he didn't try to make a move so far apart some strange texts that look flirty and making me see he was checking me out. only guys that were trying to get with me sent me winky emojis. so he lost s interest in me and views me as a sister now? I am not gonna text him, i told him how i felt and his rejection hurts me (never been friendzoned before, I feel like i am disgusting for him). I dunno if it is a good idea if i could date him again if we are not meant to be. i just know now i am jealous of him and i can never be his friend. we are still friends on that social media
  5. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    I am sorry about what you went through. He had hurt u so much and any residual feelings can be triggered for the worse from seeing him or thinking of him. Just look at how broken and upset you are now over this. If he truely cared avout u, he would have cared for u more. That is why female would throw a random tantrum or attitude to test the guy when they are dating. You may want to consider deleting him on social media too and move on. Lets walk forward and not let anything blocking ur path. Final piece of advice, dont have sex too early in relationship. You can see a man's true color better that way.
  6. MetaGame

    MetaGame Fapstronaut

    I think u may be thinking about it a bit staticly. Men arent that simple and can go back and forth in their mind and even do the opposite behavior as an act. U keep mentioning bad breath and u feel ugly. Its very rare a guy cares about bad breath. Or that his want for sex with u has much to do with how ugly u are or not. If a guy makes bad breath an issue its really that other things are bothering him and its a scapegoat. In regards to the sex, when the blood boils it boils. He might try to stay to his own conviction and not do any action but never assume the thoughts dont jump in his head like oh u know i could but i shouldnt etc.

    overall tho it just sounds like wrong guy so dont obsess over it. Just move on with ur life. And try really hard not to let this affect ur self esteem. If u feel ugly then be a little prettier in some small way. If u think ur breath smells bad then make changes to correct that. Change diet, mints, vape even whatever. bad breath industry is a bit of a scam btw , u can look it up.
  7. I know I shouldn't have but I m human and I have been feeling lonely lately and just wanted a shoulder to cry on and talk with so I texted him

    I asked him how he was and he replied right after and then I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk sometime and he said "yeah we can go for a walk". Today I asked him after a friend cancelled on me "Tuesday? " he read it immediately but no reply. It's not st valentine''s day

    Days before that like a normal day. What do you think he thought ? I for real won't text him anymore now. No matter how lonely I get
    Rehab101 likes this.
  8. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    Go meet new friends. Good luck.
  9. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    I know you wanted guys opinions but I can't not give a fellow female some words of advice.

    You are being used & you are becoming desperate in needing to be wanted. If this guy has you this confused at the beginning of your friendship/relationship/whatever this is, it just isn't going to end well. You deserve someone that doesn't make you have to question whether or not they're interested. You deserve a man that will never make you question if you are his & are desired by him.

    Cut this guy loose & focus your energy on practicing some self-love. Don't seek men. Focus on becoming the best you, as a single person, & I promise the right ones will come flocking to you. They will sniff out your confidence & you'll be turning them down left & right ;)
  10. I will try once I have some days that I don't work even though its cold outside and i dont feel motivated for that to be honest. but why did he reply right before when I texted him and now nothing from him?

    Did he think wrongly I wanted to have a romantic meeting given it's close to St valentine day? I just wanna understand. I feel since I started my reboot I lost more and more my confidence with guys I like or in this case I wanted a shoulder to cry on. I don't even know what to feel in life anymore
  11. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I remember bad breath girls.
  12. What do you mean? BTW he texted me back now saying "next week (my nickname) tuesday''s fine but next week. Ok?"
  13. MetaGame

    MetaGame Fapstronaut

    Its likely ur still over thinking the whole thing. U should ask him the things u wanna know within reason. And u should stop investing too much emotion into it. If he said sure lets meet up great. But dont go into it into expectations. U can ask about ur breath, say u fixed it or whatever. Ask him what he thinks of u or intends to do. Or rather u can be honest first if u like. Say u just needed to hang out with a friend or whatever. My point is neither of u are mind readers. The quickest way to a point is i na straight line. No more asking the internet. Ask him and see if u get a solid answer.

    This just one guy too, cant u meet other guys? In my experience women have other men interested in em that they ignore to idealize some guy that is like meh. Then they think to themselves they are lonely. Which isnt to say u should go sleep with guys u dont like but its just putting it in perspective
  14. i hate being this emotional. i wish i did not care at all, being stone cold hearted as some people are. i know, i should ask him directly instead of asking third party, thanks for your reply anyway. i don't want to mention my bad breath at all, thanfully he didnt mention it too. i mean when i said i wanted to see him this week to have a shoulder to cry on, work has been tough and had a mental breakdown tbh. i always preferred seeing guys i have been with rather than normal friends, they knew me in that intimacy, i always felt more free to be me even in simply talking and given he is still up to talk i thought to use that. also there is a component of me being wanted by him for my ego and my feelings as well. I am probably more selfish than what i like to admit

    i just don't wanna be a loser and replying to him after he decided to reply to me in a day like wtf i don't wanna be a doormat and getting only rejection. plus i could get other guys but now i don't feel i want to date and i am not ready for it. i could get other guys that has never been my problem (i am taking care of my bad breath for myself) but finding a guy with whom i can see my future with, a special guy, is more difficult to find. Thank God my libido now is pretty low. I love this. I need to go slow and be careful with dating. this reboot is life-saving, so grateful i am doing this
  15. first he postponed the day to this Tuesday using the shortened version of my name then i texted him yesterday that i checked that i work that day and he said "ok maybe some other time :emoji_wink:" then i texted him back saying the winky emoji really annoys me and why he faked he wanted to meet me

    he replied saying "I was ready to go...but given that everything i do pisses you off i guess we shouldn't hang out"
    me: "i thought you would have suggested another day"
    him (5 hours later): :emoji_wink:

    i feel he is making fun of me. i need to vent. i wish i had a friend, a real one with whom i could be vulnerable. i feel sad. i thought he wanted to be friends but i mean he dumps me then right after says he would rather be a friend then keeps sending me winky emojis even after i told him it annoys me. what is the point? i was about to text him that i wish i never met him and that i truly regret having had s. with him. now he doesn't even want to meet for a walk
  16. Male38

    Male38 Fapstronaut

    dump that guy, move on don't put yourself through this. You deserve better!
    Rehab101 likes this.
  17. Just to know, did he do it to hurt me and make fun of me? I just wanna understand. I cried today and im working. I feel heartache. I unfriended him on a social media and deleted the messages with him
    Male38 likes this.
  18. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    Just selfish and Don't care. Simple as that. You have to have to move on. I can feel your pain but you got to move on past him.
  19. Male38

    Male38 Fapstronaut

    things will get better, trust me........live your life have fun don't wait for jerks who threat you like that!
  20. Male38

    Male38 Fapstronaut

    good for you, big step. Don't answer when he texts you, you have the power!!!!!
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019