Your best anti-aging advice

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by jorg78, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. RationalBrody

    RationalBrody Fapstronaut

    Not sure about this, I'm not knowledgeable in nutrition. From what I'd read, I'd say this:
    • Keep the artificial sugar to a minimum, if possible remove it completely.
    • Consume sugar from fruits in moderation. Eat whole fruits, not fruit juices. 2-4 servings of fruit per day.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  2. 1. US
    2. See above cultural references
    3. Yes if you go by that definition it is 'meat' but culturally the definition meat has been land animal flesh. see:
    Meat is sometimes used to designate the flesh of only warm-blooded animals. This is seen in Catholicism, with the prohibition on meat during Lent. The word used for meat in this case is the Latin word "carne," which specifically means the flesh of warm-blooded animals.

    The basis for eating fish during Lent comes from the writing of the theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas, who argued that fasting should only pertain to those animals that breathe air and walk on dry land. This divide, in turn, has its origins in Judaism. Without giving a reason why, Judaism distinguishes between animals of the land, whose flesh may not be consumed with dairy products under Jewish law, and fish, whose flesh is considered to be in a separate category and is not subject to the same prohibitions against being eaten with dairy products.

    In culinary terms, fish and poultry are considered separate from meat, which is typically defined as the flesh of warm-blooded, land animals, such as cows, pigs, sheep and reptiles.
  3. Blue green algae is proven to bolster adult stem cell production. Infrared light therapy is supposedly useful for anti ageing by stimulating mitochondria to produce energy for cells. Also I believe ones mood has a significant impact on you physical well-being. Being in fight or flight all the time keeps the body from healing effectively.
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  4. ^This!
  5. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    Very good advice right there
  6. kio_actualized

    kio_actualized Fapstronaut

  7. I take vitamins and exercise maybe 2-3 times times a week. Maybe I could exercise 4-5 but for the most part I try to have fun in life with little to no stress at all and surround myself with all sorts of different people.
  8. Hahaha i hear this stuff also all the time... you're right.. vegetarians are malnourished.. that's only because they are not VEGAN!! :)
    Dude, vegans have the highest life expectancy from all the different diet groups.
    Yes of course we need protein and omega oils.. but where do you think the animals got it from in the first place ???

    People are being brainwashed that we are biologically omnivores.. while purely looking at physique we have more in common with frugivores actually..

    But to be honest, reading your comments, it doesnt look like you are interested in learning new stuff open minded... i ate meat and animal products my whole life.. and after doing research for months the only logical conslusion is that the optimal diet for humans is absolutely vegan :). And yeah I love animals too
  9. No, that's based on the entire scope of human history. Name me a purely 'vegan' society in history.
    Veganism as a concept is practically unknown in India, as this starry-eyed idealist learned when she attempted to keep the faith"
    Brainwashing is believing that being a vegan is natural. It is not.

    Cows get nutrients from eating grass and clover. Trying doing that and se how long you live.
    Because I don't agree with you? You have just made a claim, please back it up.

    I believe eating healthy free range meat, and things that are organic and natural as possible - that precludes the highly processed foods that vegans have to eat to maintain basic nutrition, and even then they are undernourished.
  10. actually, I am not. Those are called shellfish -and prohibited for other reasons, the same way pigs are in the old testament this doesn't mean pigs are not meat.

    This has nothing to do with what I said, that on days that were meat fasts, fish were eaten and that 'meat' in common English and culinary terms meant warm blooded land animals not fish.
  11. I dont know about any vegan societies in history, so cant say much about that...

    Oh yes I agree that we CAN eat meat to survive, however its far for optimal, like eating candy to survive is far from optimal... but it would be better than having nothing to eat at all ofc..

    I was never claiming that we can digest grass like herbivores... but i believe our diet should be closest to our closest genetic family, like the monkey species (a true carnivore like a lion is genetically further away, so it makes sense that the diet of a lion is farther away also..) Agreed that some of the monkey also eat meat sometimes. However, mostly they eat fruits, leaves, nuts, vegs etc. if you put a lamb next to a monkey, and a melon for example.. i would believe the monkey would go for the melon. I havent tried it, but thats what seems logical ;)..

    Yes, veganism is very natural, but what kind of proof are you looking for? What about the scientific research which shows that veganism is the diet group with highest life time expectancy associated? You accept that as proof?? What about the biological features (digestive system, teeth etc) if you compare that to other animals, i would believe we are not carnivores, not omnivores, not herbivores, but frugivores. Agreed that we are highly adapted, so we can eat meat or fish to survive. But to really survive and thrive, best is ofc everything plant based. Super clean, super nice..

    Grtz & peace
  12. Again,here we disagree- I agree that we should mostly eat plant based foods BUT essential nutrients are ONLY found in meat and fish. It is not natural to be a vegan and in the wild there is NO WAY you could be properly nourished. Maybe there are processed foods or supplements that can provide vegan nutrients but they probably have their own dangers.

    They eat a lot of meat (including insects, small mammals which they HUNT) the point is they are not naturally vegan. They also eat honey.
  13. Well, there is YES way you can be fantastically nourished on a plant based diet, absolutementtt. You are probably talking about proteins and omega fats and such, but you actually can get them from plant based resources. Again, where do you think the animals get their protein from? :) Chia seeds, hemp seeds are great sources (as well as many other nuts and seeds). Leafy greens, fruits (avocados), are packed full of (different) nutrients too...
    The only thing I have now as an insurance is a vitamin B12 supplement. I dont feel i really need it, but its the only supplement adviced for vegans. But B12 itself doesnt come come animals, rather the animals absorb it from the soil and such.. at least that's what I read..
    You can absolutely survive and thrive on a vegan diet ! :)
    Yes, the chimps eat meat also, but there is many different species of monkeys, some of them eat meat, others dont.
    Meat is always associated with risk factors... heart deseases, cholesterol, saturated fats... check the research
    ..broccoli doesnt give you cancer lol.. and again, out of all the diet groups, the vegans show the highest life expectancy...
    I mean, if I would have to eat meat to survive, I would eat it, but i've experimented a lot with all kinds of diets, and the vegan diet gave me the most energy and vitality.
  14. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

  15. Look into Dr Nun Amen Ra and his anti-aging protocol. He is a religious weirdo but the science behind his life extension practice is seriously legit, very well researched.
  16. Amen ra? Wasn't that the name of the prince in that movie the mummy with Brendan Fraser?
  17. Was there a prince in that movie? You mean the mummy himself? I don't think he was a prince. The mummy's name was Imhotep. I don't remember anybody named Amen Ra in that movie. But it's been long time since I saw it so maybe I'm wrong.

    Anyhow, Dr Nun Amen Ra is into old Egyptian religions. So he did change his legal name due to religious reasons. Kind of same as Buddhist monk would change his name after ordination from Jeffrey Block to Bhikkhu Bodhi for example. Or how would muslims would often change their names after conversion to more Arabic name. It's kind of common in quite a few religions.
  18. It was the name of the book. The one Evelyn reads out of and awakens Imhotep. Anyways lol sorry to get off topic
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. davidx

    davidx Fapstronaut

    Plant based diet!!! An excellent movie is forks over knives. My dad had several heart attacks and took that approach and he became a new person.... added much quality to his life before he finally passed away several years ago. I do 2 things besides a plant based diet to keep me looking young I exercise and I also learned this trick years ago from my ex fiancé put bag balm around your eyes. It reduces the bags under your eyes and wrinkles too. Exercise and plant based diet though is my recommendation. There is tons of credible research on plant based diet out there even for weight lifters. I also hope to permanently No porn or masturbation and that will help too.
  20. i once heard that pat drying your face helps you not get many wrinkles, so then i started pat drying my entire body with my towel.
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