Nofap and Lack of Focus

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by leemac93, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. leemac93

    leemac93 Fapstronaut

    Hey all been a minute.
    Lifes been crazy for me the past few years an the other night I got in a fight over something really stupid so I thought id ask for your guys advice.

    Everyone on here is trying to help eachother or get help in some way abd I really appreciate any feedback from you guys.

    Basically, I wanna start a business an feel like its impossible to stay focused on the business model long enough to complete it. Usually end up getting bored pmoing then going off an doing something else. Its like I wanna change my life but dont know how to change my character if you will.

    Anyways any advice is appreciated always a good time on this forum. Cheers.
    CH3RRY likes this.
  2. I get like that if i relapse, listen starting a business is no small task, it will require you at your best, i will recommend a couple things that if you follow i promise you will succeed.
    1. no pmo - this one is obvious, porn is cancer and it will destroy your life, porn psychically changes your brain and not in a good way, it makes you lazy, unmotivated, depressed, suicidal, pathetic, this is the first thing to give up.

    2. junk food- you are what you eat, if you eat junk you will feel and look like it, your body cannot be happy without healthy food, cut out all junk food, processed food, processed sugar. My nofap journey did not evolve until i started eating good, its like working only one arm out at the gym, it does not work, you have to quit pmo and junk food.

    3. cold showers- do these daily, they build discipline and they get you used to being uncomfortable, also they are super good for your skin, hair, immune system, you cannot go wrong with them and i highly recommend them.

    4. cutting out old bad habits- do you have bad habits holding you back?, this can be anything from drugs, alcohol, laziness, procrastination, junk food, really anything you know is bad you need to quit, if you truly want to succeed you must be willing to change.

    5. meditation- this centers your mind and calms you, it greatly reduces anxiety and depression, it actually psychically changes your brain, doing it thickens your prefrontal cortex permanently reducing stress. This is an amazing thing to do so i highly recommend it, and meditation does not have to be done sitting down, its simply the act of mindful breathing, do a deep breathe through your nose until you cant suck more air in and hold it for 7 seconds, than slowly release through your mouth, a nice controlled outbreathe, and than repeat as many times as you want, i recommend atleast 10 breaths. You dont have to close your eyes but i find it works better if you do.
    CH3RRY likes this.