Thoughts on avoiding triggers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by V for Victory, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    Hopefully I'm posting this in the right category.

    Anyway, it looks like it's a general truth here that one of the main things you have to do to succeed in this journey is avoiding triggers. I'm having doubts on this one, however.

    It seems to me that it leaves you vulnerable. Talking from experience here aswell. It looks like you can still be triggered quite hard even after a really long streak. My assumption then would be that triggers do not wither away (at least fast enough).

    Wouldn't it be more effective to learn how to deal with them in the first place? Like being able to say "no" after encountering one. That would sort of make a new habbit/association (or break an old one, actually).

    Maybe I'm just way off here, tell me if avoiding triggers is the best way to dissipate them. It's just that being vulnerable to triggers and having to avoid them 10 years from now isn't something I'd want.
  2. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    You can do both :)
  3. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    Indeed, but what I really meant was you should straight on learn how to put cravings in their place when triggered.

    What you said still kinda hit me :D
  4. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    Yeah exactly. Triggers everywhere.

    So I was even thinking on encountering triggers on purpose and getting into the habbit of rejecting them.
  5. You mean like looking up porn sites and trying not to MO? Bad idea! I don't think you should take the offensive on this. Be defensive instead. If you see triggers, just ignore them. But don't go looking for them! That will reinforce your dopamine PMO highways in your brain and might very easily lead to PMO!
  6. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    Been struggling with this myself, what I have found works best is when exposed to a trigger... have a quick look (you already are by this point) then notice what your first thought is... recognize it. Might be "oh man I want to fap" Then you really have to avoid whatever it is and do something else.. otherwise it is really easy to spiral down and start looking for more or even start doing it (fap/edge) and eventually relapse...

    I try to change my thought/reactions to something more like:
    "wow I would have pulled out my dick and fapped in seconds just a year ago, but now I have the knowledge.. will.. and power not to"
    "that girl is beautiful, if I was single and met her in real life I surely would go talk to her"

    Then go on with my day and try to think what I can do to avoid it happening again. This has gotten me past 90 days.. but I do not know if this is how I will handle it for the rest of my life or if there is a better way, I am sure it is.

    I do not believe that intentionally looking at triggers will strenghten you. Wouldn't just looking at your favorite food that you haven't had in months just make you crave it alot more? It wouldn't make the craving go away, ignoring it I do believe makes more sense. But as I said I don't know, It's all in our heads really. And you can learn how to deal with the triggers when you really have to or even without being triggered by it.
    Just meditate/think on it... If "A" happends what will I want to do "B" but what will I do "C" instead to reach my goal "D"?
  7. This is something I would strongly recommend NOT doing. Switch the addiction of choice and maybe you will see the difference. Alcoholic says to his buddy, "Hey, I don't want to be weak when it comes to seeing triggers so I'm going to put my self in an environment which is full of them to build up my strength!" The reality is the alcoholic is an alcoholic because he does not have will power because he has changed the brains chemistry by his drinking.

    Your will power has been severely disabled so willfully putting yourself in an environment of triggers thinking you will be able to come out victorious is not a good idea. It's best to stay humble. Plus triggers whether they be sounds, smells, or images can stay in your brains memory long after you've encountered them, so while you may have overcome that trigger at that moment there is no guarantee you will overcome it again when your brain recalls that trigger from your memory.

    Knowing where you're weak and avoiding things which will cause you to tumble is not weakness but humility. I'm catholic and we have an entire teaching on triggers. We call them occasions of sin, and there are two types. The first is proximate. These are the ones we willfully put ourselves into. The ones where being triggered is our fault because we didn't remove or leave whatever was the source of the trigger when we had the chance. The second type is remote. These are the ones which happen through no fault of our own. Things in every day life which you had no control over. These are the ones you can fight, however, you have to keep in mind that there is one thing which keeps a remote occasion from turning into an proximate and that is your will. If you can get rid of the occasion by fighting or fleeing then do so, however, if you know you're weak and probably won't succed but decide to hit an occasion head on while knowing you will most likely lose because you're being too prideful or over confident, then you're going to mess up big time and pull a St. Peter in the courtyard and deny God 3 times regardless of how noble your intentions were for being in that courtyard. Remember Peter before falling told Christ he would never deny Him and that he would die for Him. This was prideful because Peter wasn't strong enough for that and he knew that, but he went anyway and in the end it was a maidservant who got Him to deny Christ. Not torture, not some big ass soldier, but a little maidservant. Don't underestimate small things and do not be overconfident in your abilities.

    Knowing your weakness is strength!
  8. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    It's pretty simple: (1) Avoid the avoidable triggers. If surfing Instagram is an old trigger of yours, then avoid it. (2) Learn to deal with the unavoidable triggers. This is a matter of training your brain to put some space between impulse and action. Yes, you see that triggering image, but you learn to let it pass. I have found mindfulness meditation very useful in creating this space, but there are other ways.
  9. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    No way, rather just seeing slightly erotic pictures of hot girls and trying not to visit any sites.

    Visiting P sites would count as watching P for me, therefore would be a reset - I realise it's P addiction I'm fighting, not mO addiction. Watching P is enough of excitement in itself to reinforce the addiction, plus it's too likely to lead to PMO to be worth doing.
  10. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut


    Yes, what you did sounds like what I was doing/would do, I think it can work.

    I can't agree with the food analogy though. Yeah, it WOULD make cravings worse if you saw that food everyday, but eventually it wouldn't make you crave at all, I mean it's hard to imagine seeing a food everyday for a year and still having cravings for it as bad as they were. NOT seing the food for a year, and then craving it after seeing is something I can imagine though.

    But maybe it's just very different than that. 90 days is a lot of time, and you still get cravings when triggered. That would mean encountering triggers on purpose might not work. Either that or it takes way more than 90 days.

    Either way, I don't think I should look for triggers anymore.

    By the way, greetings fellow League man.
  11. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut


    Knowing your waekness and trying to confront it/accepting it are different things. Other than that, I have to agree with everything you said. It may very well be true that I should not put myself in a triggering environment yet, because of how affected my brain is.
  12. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    I don't really have avoidable triggers (like browsing instagram), that's actually something I thought I should start doing to learn to reject any further cravings. But I don't think I'll do it now.

    I'll start meditating, too. Is mindfulness meditation when you focus on your breath etc? Or something more advanced?
  13. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    A good question. By mindfulness meditation, I mean vipassana meditation. It starts with focusing on the breath, but that is the vehicle by which you learn to focus on and be aware of every moment. I could recommend a couple of good books if you're interested.
  14. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    I'm not that much into it (yet at least), but why not.

    As for now, I would use a video or an article (like an instructional one I mean) if you could recommend any.
  15. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    Here's a good website to start with.

    I'd also highly recommend "Mindfulness in Plain English" by Bhante Gunaratana and "Wherever You Go, There You Are" by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
  16. Keymash

    Keymash Fapstronaut

    I went to the big city nearby recently downtown to clear my head. It worked really well BTW

    Anyhow I saw this insanely hot girl. I thought about how I'd like to fap to her but I had no urgent drive or need to do it. It was a purely rational reaction as opposed to instict, my brain not my penis.

    I was on the computer and there was this face shot of some random girl with have her face covered. For a few moments I had the urge to go.

    I know this isn't exactly what the OP was asking about but I'd thought I'd share.

    I wouldn't seek out triggers though. Why play with fire. Anyhow there are enough triggers in day to day life and in media.
  17. BeginningOfNewLife

    BeginningOfNewLife Fapstronaut

    I think to avoid trigger is to never give a shit about it. I have experienced that whenever I saw a half naked girl image anywhere on the internet (Triggered...!!). I look further onto it and start searching for more. At last I end up at p**n website or M. So try not to think about the trigger and try to devote your mind in some another more interesting activity. Control over "One last time" is also a good thing. e.g. One last hot image etc..!!
  18. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Appreciate it.
  19. V for Victory

    V for Victory Fapstronaut

    To Keymash, The Ace and BegginingOfNewLife: the original idea was to seek triggers because, when doing it consciously, it's much easier to have full control. Then you'd "learn" how not to see them as triggers anymore.

    Now on the other hand, I'm not so sure if it would work. I'm confident in my ability not to relapse when watching otherwise triggering material on purpose, since I'm detached from it when conscious (yet it still has risk). However, I'm not sure if that would actually give me the results that I thought it would anymore. I don't know if it would make you immune to triggers when unaware of yourself. Might be worth a try, but not now at least.
  20. writer239

    writer239 Fapstronaut

    Nope. Don't do this route. Unless you have a will of iron, it leads most people to relapse. It starts off with pictures. Alright, you think, the pictures aren't so bad. I can check out some videos. Then, once the videos start and you realize you can't fap it makes you want to more. You start rationalizing - I'll just edge for a minute, not finish. That turns to you deciding to get close but not finish, to you finishing since you think you can just start over later.

    Trust me, this is coming from a guy who's longest streak is only 4 days because I tried this method. It doesn't work, just makes things worse and makes you feel like crap. There's no way you can fully avoid triggers, but actively seeking them out is like a sex addict seeking out a friend to lounge around naked with just because they're going to see someone naked. It'll lead to something, and that's something you don't want.