Don´t know what to say...but today I start

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by uchubaco, May 24, 2019.

  1. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    Hello guys...I think that today I finally became aware that I need to stop with my old habits (masturbation and porn addiction).
    Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I´ve been watching porn and masturbating since I was 13 years old, now nearing my 30, trying to keep a healthy sex life but the need and urge to masturbate has been always there. I have tried to stop it up, managed to last four months cold turkey but relapsed again, this was four years ago...nowadays I can last a week the most.
    Anyways, since I changed homes I have been having issues to have solo time to watch porn and stuff, so I am sneaking to workplace earlier (I run a gym), using that space to masturbate and watch porn...the thing is that I know that I could end up having a problem by either someone coming into when I am in the middle of such activities or something, making me realize that I could end up losing everything just because of I relapsed again and did the same thing that I talked you about and made me think that I was an idiot...I know that going cold turkey sometimes is not the best thing to do, but knowing myself it is the only way, in other words, today I start. Will try to keep updates on what happens and at least try to surpass the four months that I have previously achieved, thanks guys and sorry for the long read, thank you!!
    Ogikubo and Carls like this.
  2. Carls

    Carls Fapstronaut

    Animo hermano , si se puede
  3. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    Going on a week now guys...been really hard, but managed to keep it up. I will update next week
    Ogikubo and Kiz Whalifa like this.
  4. Congrats on almost a week. Having an AP or three might be really helpful to you. It would also be wise to cut off your source of P, no matter what it takes. There will be a cost to quitting; that cost will always be less than the cost if you do not. It's up to you to decide when you are ready to take some radical steps.

    I am cheering you on!
    SirErnest likes this.
  5. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    I cut on everything that led me to start masturbating...the only thing that I didn´t cut was having sex because I have a partner, but appart from that, I am going cold turkey like I go on everything. It is hard, really HARD, but I am managing it as best as I can, thanks a lot for your kind and supportive words also!!
    Tao Jones likes this.
  6. Well done, I'm wishing you all the best with your new life! Freedom is our most precious thing. If our minds aren't free, then you're never free, no matter how much fame and fortune you'll acquire in your life.
  7. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    Update...nearly 12 days since I started and I am tempted of breaking down, will keep up posted on what happens, wish me luck!!
    Ogikubo and Tao Jones like this.
  8. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    I survived...watched porn, tried to masturbate but stopped as soon as I knew that things were going down the shitter, balls are in pain (probably have blue balls), but will keep on going forward
  9. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    I relapsed again...been dealing with a lot of anxiety, stress and depression lately, so I gave in again. I don´t feel ashamed, I feel like I failed, will get back on track again...
  10. You lost the battle, but you didn't lose the war. You'll get back up in no time. It's a lifelong change. Good luck on your journey!
    Tao Jones likes this.
  11. wheelgauge

    wheelgauge Fapstronaut

    Good luck, man! You can do it. Relapses are part of NoFap, so stand up and keep going!
  12. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    I am back after a while...relapsed a ton of times, now going 10 days and strong!!
    Tao Jones likes this.
  13. Glad to see you have returned, back on the path, and moving forward again!
  14. Do not give up!
    And don't be alone at work if you are only going to masturbate.
    Don't even look at a mild image - even simple nonsexual pictures can be a trigger.
    Keep checking in and be accountable.
  15. Just learn to tell yourself STOP.

    Command yourself to STOP whenever you have a sexual thought or behave in a sexual or creepy way.
    (with repetition you will program your mind not to have sexual thoughts, or check out girls, or act like a creep)

    just tell yourself NO. how disgusted would you be if someone offered you heroin, you would be right because it would ruin your life, so does pmo you should be disgusted when you get an urge, tell yourself fuck no!!! take control of your life earn your own respect
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    I am back…everytime I post here I relapse maybe a day or two after, now I am 15 days and going strong, yesterday had a HUGE urge to masturbate, nearly did it but controlled myself…next week will be updating
  17. uchubaco

    uchubaco Fapstronaut

    Update...relapsed a few days ago and after thinking a lot about it, I told my significant other that I had an issue with masturbation, at first she did not understand what I was talking about, but after telling her a little bit about what happened, she managed to understand and be with me during this struggle. I am not telling her anything that I did in the past regarding my addiction, but it helps to know that I have someone next to me when I am down.
    Also, I am hypersalivating A LOT...I read that one of the things that could probably lead to this is the excessive masturbation, is that right guys??