Binging after nearly a year clean

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AtomicTango, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    A month ago, I relapsed after 322 days no PMO, but it was only the one time so I reset my counter and quickly recovered from my slip-up. As I easily got back to a month streak, I thought thats all it was, a slip-up, a simple mistake.

    Then today I binged for the first time in a year, relapsing three times in a row to porn. and not just porn, but the nasty, fetish shit I had successfully avoided for so long. I felt so ashamed and annoyed with myself afterwards that I literally had to go shower to make myself feel less dirty, but the anger I feel with myself remains.


    I'm obviously going to reset my counter and get straight back to it, nothing will stop me outright from keeping going with NoFap, but god FUCKING dammit am I pissed. NoFap was one of the things keeping me going these past few months, I was very proud of myself for doing so well and I know that I can recover from this, but right now I just feel like shit for succumbing after so long. I know its not true but it makes me feel like the last year was pointless, because its all been undone in less than an hour, for no good fucking reason either. When I relapsed last month I was extremely stressed out and I did it once and stopped, yes thats still bad but it was no binge. This time I feel like I've taken a massive running leap BACKWARDS from where I was, and its starting to feel like on some subconscious level my brain is sabotaging me, because I just dont understand what even triggered the relapse.

    If anyone has any advice of support it would be appreciated, but I mainly just wanted to vent.
  2. Stuff like this happens all the time. U not 1st and deffo not last. So what. Was the year good? Cool.
  3. Exactly. If you enjoyed those days while on nofap, then it was not time wasted. You have the memories, they will forever live with you, unlike PMO. No one has fond memories of PMO. No one is proud to admit they're doing it. It's pointless, but you've decided to step out of it. Live your life and start a new streak.
  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I know you are right, I said as much in my initial post, I just wanted to vent because of how annoyed with myself I was. I know I have the capability to get right back to it, if I've done it before I can do it again, and it will be easier this time.
    Majik, MadJackMcMad and ArduousPath like this.
  5. The measure of success ought to be proportion of good days over a year rather than streak length. You have done beautifully.
    RebootIan and Indurian like this.
  6. You reached some really great streaks. Please get back up and recover. Good luck
  7. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the kind words. At the end of the day I have relapsed less than ten times in the last year, which is still a good effort. It sucks that I ended up binging but life goes on.
    Indurian likes this.
  8. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    This is one reason why I don't think a long streak is the only measure of success. There are guys that probably developed a lot of will power and a good routine that works most of the time, but there's always those stressful times when life throws a curve ball.

    I think your instinct is right on about the subconscious, it may be time to dig deeper rather than just go longer. Instead of just hacking a habit you may embark on the journey of nothing less than hacking and mastering your own mind.
    Indurian likes this.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I will, thank you, and good luck to you too.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Pointlessaccount

    Pointlessaccount Fapstronaut

    A week ago I binged for the first time in maybe eight months or so. It really felt like crap.

    A week clean makes a big difference though. One binge, while regrettable, doesn't ruin everything.

    If you lived a really healthy lifestyle for a year, then had one really unhealthy day, it might feel shitty but it's hardly going to undo all the benefits of the healthy year.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    You may have a point here, any advice on how to get started?
  12. drbt444

    drbt444 Fapstronaut

    I identify, having relapsed 29 days ago after two PMO's: before that about 2 years porn-free.

    One question - was there anything you felt angry and resentful about (maybe unknown to yourself) before acting out?

    We begin by healing our relationship with God and ourselves - then with others.
    bluered likes this.
  13. You know you have the power to avoid it, you've already proven that to yourself. Use your pain & frustration to come back stronger and better.
  14. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    First congrats on a quick realization you've made a mistake and are prepared to continue with recovery right away. This is no small feat. Many of us have fallen in the past and stay down long, long time, before picking ourselves up again.

    Addiction is very complex thing. Abstention is a must but only one step on a long journey to recovery and self-improvement. Maybe this video can share some light coming from recovered guy with decades of buzz/drugs and compulsive behaviors abuse. It took him +3 years of very hard work to reach this stage:

    LEARNING TO LOVE YOURSELF (7 TIPS): -> if you don't learn to like yourself, you'll be miserable and may fall back into addiction

    1. watch your thoughts -> your thoughts will self-sabotage you. They'll tell you that you're a failure/useless/horrible person. Try to disregard them. They're not true.

    2. support -> you need to be mixing with like-minded positive people (online/in real life groups). Seek positivity

    3. forgive yourself -> feelings of guilt, regret… What's done is done, it's only one way you're moving now and that's forward. Mistakes you've made are part of your learning/growth. No one is perfect. You can't dwell on those otherwise it will sabotage you. We're all perfectly imperfect.

    4. self-care -> this takes three forms

    a) physical self-care (diet, exercise, getting out in the sunlight, grooming-> taking showers, neat bed...)

    b) emotional well-being (root of all addiction is pain somewhere. Maybe you'll need professional help to discover it and address it)

    c) spiritual well-being (learning to be alone, learning to pray/meditate, breathe properly)

    5. find your passion -> with passion will come life purpose

    6. stop comparing with others -> forget about what people think about you, because they don't think about you that often and it doesn't matter. You can't effect that, you can't control it. Stop looking at pictures, social media… and comparing yourself with other people. You're unique, you're you, perfectly imperfect

    7. gratitude -> look at what you do have, not what you don't have. Realize how lucky you are to have this second chance

    You're always with your-self so you might well start enjoying the company

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
    Baerle, Deleted Account and bluemax4 like this.
  15. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Well depending on how thorough you may want to get, a journal/inventory might be a good idea. I am not really into the historical moral inventory that traditional recovery seems to focus on, but since you are working on the mind it just makes sense to track it's activities. Certainly choice in media consumption would be one, but also the stuff your mind tends to dwell on by itself the rest of the time. Hmmm now I'm motivated and might do something like that!
  16. fellowBrother

    fellowBrother Fapstronaut

    Hey just a few question since you went so far. Did the urges stop for the most part or did you still have urges on a regular basis? When did your flatline happen and for how long? What were the benefits of nofap for that year?
  17. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Did you flatline after the binge?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    This is true of course but its still super aggravating, NoFap was a thing I was very proud of and I messed it up for no good reason. If the three relapses were even a day apart from each other, I likely wouldn't have been anywhere near as annoyed, but they weren't and now the next morning I'm paying the price, and I was hoping to never feel like this again.
  19. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I wont lie, these past few months have been tough, hell, the last year has been tough. I'm stuck in a bad life situation and dont know how to get out of it. Theres always that in the back of my mind but yesterday I actually felt OK, normally when I relapse its because of stress or bad feelings I feel in the moment, but this time I felt absolutely fine and binged anyway.
    arkad1 likes this.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I will!