Legal prostitute to fix PIED

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by ironmaing, Jul 14, 2019.

Can sex with prostitute help rewire PIED brain?

  1. Yes, as it will be with a real person.

  2. No, prostitution is artificial and too easy.

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  1. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Porn consumption increases the risk of having erectile dysfunction dramatically. There are several scientific studies that confirm this.

    Most men obviously do not know this when they start to use pornography, so I doubt that women in general blame them for this side effect. In some years, it will be common knowledge and hopefully taught in schools.
  2. No.

    Sounds like a terrible idea to me. Sounds like your brain is trying to escalate a porn addiction into a sex addiction. Sounds like you're asking the forum to enable that. Not an accusation. I just think your brain is playing a trick on you.

    Really you shouldn't be asking us, you should be talking to your wife. So many dudes on this site think they need to have all the confidence themselves and then bring that to their families. Try showing some vulnerability and ask for your wife for support.

    Most PIED issues are solved with patience, a quality an addict has in very short supply. Want to stop being an addict, learn to have patience and learn to be vulnerable with the people you are close to in your life.

    I hope this helps.

    ironmaing and Lilla_My like this.
  3. This.

    Can't have good sex without good communication. And nothing releases the pressure on performance than understanding and patience between a couple. Going to a prostitute builds none of that. You're trying to solve a problem with your penis when you should be focusing on the problem between the two of you. Yes, your porn addiction was and is a problem between the two of you. It is blocking the space between.

    Yes, maybe she is being demanding and yes maybe she is losing patience. Let me ask you. How many years were you a porn addict keeping a secret from her? Was it more time than the time you've been in recovery and that she's known about it? Do you think it is reasonable that now that you're suddenly a good boy that she should just automatically treat you like one and forgive/forget? Own your addiction, not just your PIED. Do the hard work. Don't look for shortcuts just to get your penis working again. That's not the problem between the two of you.

    And, yes, it does sound to me, at least from what you've said that she needs a little professional help of her own in her recovery, or a support group or joining here to the relationship group.

    Go over there and read the spouse's journals. Try to develop some empathy for what they are going through.

    Maybe, in the end, you have an unworkable relationship, I don't know. I could not tell you. But "dump that bitch" is not good advice. There's no empathy or perspective taking in it whatsoever and if that were to become your view as others have suggested, you wouldn't learn anything about how to have an intimate relationship in the future.

    I hope this helps.

    need4realchg, ironmaing and Lilla_My like this.
  4. Keeping the moral issues aside you still don't want STIs that spread irrespective of protection.

    The likes of Herpes Simplex Virus, Molluscum Contagiosum, Human Papilloma Virus ans Syphillis only require skin to skin contact in order to spread. HSV and HPV are incurable. HSV can cause chronic burning in urethra and elsewhere which doctors simply cannot cure. HSV also facilitates for quicker entry of HIV. Molluscum Contagiosum causes many itchy red bumps that spread on your private organ. You need liquid nitrogen and needles stuck in your private organ in order to prevent further spread of Molluscum Contagiosum. HPV causes hideous warts and some strains cause cancer.

    Think about the pain and financial loss caused by treatment of these diseases. If you don't treat them the infection keeps spreading.

    Condoms do not provide complete protection against Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. If left untreated these two infections can cause serious complications.

    So much for your prostitutes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2019
    TheMightyQuinn likes this.
  5. beat432

    beat432 Fapstronaut

    Shorts answer: No. Is just your mind tricking you. Allá is the same sh.. the only thing that help is stopping P. And get a real girl friend.
    I suffered from PIED...
  6. ironmaing

    ironmaing Fapstronaut

    How long was your reboot. Do you have any tips with the rewiring with the gf?
  7. Helpmeout123

    Helpmeout123 Fapstronaut

    Get rid of your girl. She should support you. Would you tell her to sleep with other men if she had issues. Bro wtf
  8. ironmaing

    ironmaing Fapstronaut

    Think she was testing me, I understand she is frustrated. She hasn't mentioned that again and actually says she appreciates me more and more as days go past. She often says stuff she doesn't necessarily mean, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. I agree with you that what she said isn't cool.
  9. beat432

    beat432 Fapstronaut

    I'm still dealing with my adiction, but i was able to perform well in 90 days, it depends on your PMO habits... With your GF Focus on your sensations, smells, respiration, try to not visualize or imaginé stuff, like P. Stuff. Just be in the moment, and don't worry about "finishing" if is going to happen it will happen. But if you don't finish don't get frustation, Also you can tell her that you want to change a position or get another kind of stimulation.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  10. You are still in a toxic relationship and in severe danger of psychological damage.
    need4realchg likes this.
  11. AThinkingGuy

    AThinkingGuy Fapstronaut

    Listen, they want this forum to be a place where everyone can communicate regardless of gender. With that said, please leave your feminist beliefs somewhere else. You constantly shamed men, who are struggling with addiction and in some cases abuses. Please leave if you are going to continue this. There are men on this forum that are suicidal, that blame themselves enough, kicking them when they are down, or telling them to stay in an abusive relationship is terrible. This forum clearly panders to a lot of feminist drivil and its that kind of crap that prevents men from healing and being honest. If you plan to keep shaming men, and blaming men, then please go away. Anywhere else, you would have been banned already.
  12. This forum suggests men that it is a good place to be vulnerable. It isn't. Weak men lose the respect of the other sex and attacking them is natural female behavior (going unchecked here for some reason).

    @ironmaing long lost the respect of his girl and due to his mate choices it ended in abuse for him. Of course, there are nicer girls to be around, who still lose their respect and only leave their man as a result. While somewhere in-between the cheating happens - this forum has all the examples.

    This forum also has a lot of men complaining about loneliness, who don't realize that their situation is for their own protection. They don't get any female attention, because they aren't even pre-selected by an abusive SO.

    I talk with my male counselor about my addiction. I would never consider telling a date (regardless of the terms) about struggling with addiction. It's something the ladies simply can't handle. And if one struggles with ED (PIED is still a unproven theory), it only shows that he isn't made for casual sex like displayed in pornography.
    AThinkingGuy likes this.
  13. ironmaing

    ironmaing Fapstronaut

    Congratulations wwtl. You win the ‘least constructive reply’ on any forum I have seen so far. Not sure why you think showing vulnerability is such a bad thing, weak and worthy of losing respect. It’s that mindset that leaves so many men not seeking help for their problems.

    Men aren’t perfect and that’s ok. Life is a long journey of self improvement and it’s human to want to help each other in becoming the best versions of ourselves.

    You’re likely wasting a lot of money on a counsellor where you could get better support in this forum by people who are going through the same problems in getting rid of this addiction that was imposed on us when we were too young to know better. Even better, you have men who have beaten their addiction. The icing on be cake is that you have the most amazing women that have come on here to find answers to help their SO because they want to help after they were told about the addiction. Women get frustrated at this situation to and can relay that frustration to us. Its normal and personally I don’t blame my gf for that. I’m impressed she’s hung around and have shared some unforgettable moments. When I get my PIED fixed, I hope to create some more of those moments in the bedroom to make her happy (and myself of course :) ).

    Door is open for you to be on these invaluable forums and express things as they are even if they make you vulnerable. People don’t judge, they want to help their fellow brothers as addictions by definition are out their control. Also it’s anonymous, so be a man and be comfortable with your weaknesses.
  14. AThinkingGuy

    AThinkingGuy Fapstronaut

    You missed his entire point. He was not saying that male vulnerability is wrong, he was explaining how women view it, and treat it. You seem to think that men and women think the same, this is incorrect. I am insulting women in any way, rather I am pointing out, that the way men and women think and select partners is different. If you cannot handle this feedback, then you really shouldn't be in a relationship. You've also developed a terrible habit of devaluing yourself which can put you in some really tough places. Additionally, you seem to now be developing a codependency with your abuser.

    Take women off the moral pedestal that you have them on. Your SO is not your mother, the women on this forum are not your big sisters, and you are not a child. You need to focus more on yourself, and less on others. I honestly think you need to leave your SO, and then do some soul searching and self development on your own, before you're ready for another relationship.
    Deleted Account and ironmaing like this.
  15. 110% agree
    That could be why you’re struggling with getting it up as well. Your so is putting too much pressure on you and you can pick it up man. The more comforting she is the better it will help you.
    AThinkingGuy and ironmaing like this.
  16. ironmaing

    ironmaing Fapstronaut

    Well, I drew my conclusion on this, "This forum suggests men that it is a good place to be vulnerable. It isn't. Weak men lose the respect of the other sex and attacking them is natural female behavior (going unchecked here for some reason)."

    I am comfortable in my own self to be vulnerable if I can fix my issues that have haunted me since I came across a VHS with porn on it that belonged to my father. I think I was like 10 or 11. That really messed me up and have grown up with porn, as a result I have had PIED all my life. ED pills have helped me have sex with many women but I struggle with the only one woman who I felt truly happy with, my current SO.

    I agree with you that I have put her on a pedestal. I'm working on that. But I've met many women in my life, and none has such a profound effect on me as she does. I have found that when you truly love someone, it is when you are the most vulnerable. Otherwise, you don't fully care about her (in my experience).

    Life can suck, and most of the time it does as it is one unfair and hard place to survive. However, I have found that sharing it with someone you truly care about makes it that much better. She's definitely not perfect and sometimes says hurtful things when she's frustrated (and she's working on it). But I've got some issues of my own, so I'm working on them too. When we're both living in the moment, I feel that we are the only people in the universe and nothing can defeat us. Its almost poetic.

    Whats your relationship like?
  17. As a man who divorced because he was an abused spouse, I'd say you don't know me very well.

    Peace to you,
    PeterJL likes this.
  18. Rehab101

    Rehab101 Fapstronaut

    Yep, a lot of feminist idealist in this forum. One gotta be strong and wise enough to choose what advice to listen here. Thos forum is a double edge sword sometimes.
    Rene75 and AThinkingGuy like this.
  19. PeterJL

    PeterJL Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Perhaps, but the particular post in question was not an example of that at all.
    I too would appreciate it if we could refrain from language like b^&^ and c&%^t. That is simple decency, not feminism.
  20. EightDalla

    EightDalla Fapstronaut

    nah - there's too much pressure, time etc.. You should keep going on your PMO abstention.. and with your girlfriend yeah find other ways to please her. While you're doing you're reboot... or better (if possible spend less low quality sexual time with her) and build up some anticipation :)
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019