Endless relaps as result of wasted life?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TimetoGrowUp, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    Ok what I think is best is that we do things one step at the time...

    You have put too much information for me to comprehend and it all sounds overwhelming.

    Please keep your messages short.

    Long messages will only exhaust you.

    Firstly my background is in Financial Markets, so I am an expert in making money. I can help you with your financial circumstances.

    Next, I want to know one thing from you..
    Nothing more...please be brief.

    Question: Can you work ?...
  2. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    Ok, I am slighty perfectionist sometimes and wanted to not skip sth important.
    I have CFS as you. Btw: Ashwaganda helps me at least a bit but it has one really negative (for me) side effect - boosts libido. And the energy effect is rather short term.
    Definitely not full time job and there are days when I very exhausted. I tried mystery shopping but heve not received even the small amount of money I should. I communicate with somebody in Netherlands and it is difficult due to their lax approach.
    Toni7 likes this.
  3. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    How physical are you?
    How long can you stand up for?
    How long can you walk for?
  4. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    I manage to go to the local grocery shop and get in backpack goods max of 3 kgs of weight. Point of the question?
  5. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    I’m trying to figure out how debilitated you are so that we can work towards a plan to turn around your life..

    How long can you walk in km or miles each day?..
  6. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    Ok, my only income is disability pension. I could work mentally but really do not know for how long and how intense a day.
  7. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    Ok, I'm on a disability pension too.

    Do you have family that can help you in any way?..
  8. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    Also, please watch this video about a woman in Australia who was involved in a serious accident and became a paraplegic. Her comeback fight is inspirational. I highly recommend it.

  9. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    Family won't help me.

    Ok, I ll give a look.
  10. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut


    I also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am convinced that it is caused by PMO. Currently I'm also going through a CFS relapse - the worst in 11 years. I have definately linked it to PMO in terms of noting cause and effect over that time. However, recently I've been exhausted for no obvious reason (ie no worsening use / mis-use of PMO), so am currently worried that age is the problem.

    I am in my 40's and I've come to the conclusion that for some of us PMO can cause serious long term health problems. From reading @TimetoGrowUp description of his problems, I can see a lot of similarity with my own situation. I have found that ALL my health problems, which include muscular and cardiovascular issues as well as energy, improve drastically with long periods of abstinence, but then worsen if I binge. I really do think that if you can go hardmode for an extended period of time that everything else will improve, although from my experience it is slow and patchy - you have to look at how things have changed from one week to the next, rather than one day to the next. I would also suggest to anyone else in this situation that the sooner you get on top of the problem, the better your health will be in later life.

    I won't write more for now, but am very interested in discussing this if anyone wants to talk further.
    Asgardian36 and Feelslikezoom23 like this.
  11. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    PMO does make me weaker, but its not the cause of my cfs. I have a chronic bowel condition
  12. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    Is there anyone who could help you?..

    Do you mind if I ask why family won't help.
  13. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    Please know that God loves you.
    Feelslikezoom23 likes this.
  14. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    The video was really nice and inspirational but my situation is very different from that. The woman had great support and she did not have to live in enviroment which would does her illnesses and overall suffering worse. Also, she was under great medical care etc. and her problem was more acute than chronical in the long run etc. Neverthless, thank you. I have recognized she told about called non-attachment practise from mindfulness and yoga.

    My life is far more complicated and cannot blame just this or that. And for sure, hardmode can bring great results but there must circumstances and conditions as well.

    If there would be someone, I am not writing here.
    My family is hypocrtical and just don’t give a fuck.

    In fact, this is not helpful for me. I know the adverse side of faith. (from Christian perspective)
  15. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    What country do you live in?...

    Surely there is someone who could help you?.....

    What about doctors? A hospital? A psychologist ?

    Also try to cut back on PMO. I mean don't completely stop, but cut back. To once a week...

    I am PMO about every 10 days. I was once a day (30) a month
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  16. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    It's unfortunate that that's your experience. I hope that you can reconsider. In regards to practical advice, I suggest that you treat not watching pornography as a goal by itself, which, if achieved, is truly an accomplishment worth celebrating every single day that it's done. After a month or so (which is a relatively short time) of not watching pornography, you will start to see it as something off in the distance, which will make it much easier to stay away from; at least, this was my experience. Of course, you should work on the things that everyone else has mentioned as well.
    If you're interested, you can read this about Christianity. It's on the longer side, but that's good, I believe, because it takes up time. http://christianthinktank.com/nextseat.html
  17. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    Czechia. Seems I am alone. No, efficient medical care is costly. Trying hard but today I was "defeated" two times which results in burning sensation in my coccyx. I have achieved some succes with one subconscious program intented for regulation sex drive in partnership but is actually useful in PMO circuit. Problem is that part of me just want to experience orgasm and cannot realize what I am losing this way. (prefrontal training).
    Thank you but I am not really big fan of Christianity. I have own very bad experience with it.
  18. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    Alright. I hope the link can at least others, though.
  19. Feelslikezoom23

    Feelslikezoom23 Fapstronaut

    My friend, you need serious medical help......

    Your situation is serious. Please go back to your family, beg to them for help. KEEP BEGGING THEM.

    You need serious medical attention. You cannot live this way.

    What about friends, a cousin, a grand parent, and aunt...... EVEN A PRIEST in a church.

    SOMEONE MUST HELP YOU. No one is ever All alone.

    If there are dying children in Africa being helped, SOMEONE will help you where live.

    GO BACK and try again...

    You cannot fight this alone. You need someone..... MAKE IT HAPPEN !!
    PeterGrip likes this.
  20. TimetoGrowUp

    TimetoGrowUp Fapstronaut

    I have tried already... about half year ago.
    My father stood in the entrance a said I have to try somewhere else. I hate them. I will never ask them again. It was so humiliating.
    My friends have their own families but helped with taking food from grocery store or lent me money. There is huge corruptuon and I waited almost for 3 months to get reply from townhall. Negative altough I documented medical appraisal about my poor health - so there is a really need for standard, no-harming housing.