Male Athelte Beats the Worlds Top Female Atheltes at the World Championships

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by onceaking, Sep 29, 2019.

  1. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    It was during the mixed 4x400m and it was scary how far ahead he was. On an equal playing field, women can't compete with the physical strength of men.
    Vendettana, kropo82, Enwar and 3 others like this.
  2. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I would add every one of the women he was up against would beat me in a 400m but as I said if I was an athlete probably not.
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  3. I'm not saying it isn't true - I'm questioning the point of discussing it knowing it's a sensible matter on a forum where women are already discredited
  4. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I was just amazed at how far ahead he was. It isn't like he was the world fastest athlete either. We keep hearing men are as strong as women and it shows it's not the case.
    Enwar likes this.
  5. I'm not sure it's what you wanted to write - but if it is, it's really amusing.
  6. Women shouldn't be discredited. They're probably doing that in an attempt to reduce their urges. They could just say, "Well another human being isn't going to solve all my problems" rather than singling out women.

    Probably no one will understand this post. Oh well.
  7. Evig Faith

    Evig Faith Fapstronaut

    This is one of the things I have issue with: ignoring biological reality.

    Men and women are not the same. Not biologically, and usually not psychologically.

    Men on average are stronger than women and perform better at sports. It’s a scientific fact. That’s why we have women’s leagues, and that’s why transwomen, who are biologically male, dominate at those sports.

    But just because men are physically stronger doesn’t mean women are inferior. Studies show that women tend to have better pain resistance than men (the required process of pushing out another human just to keep the species alive is most likely why).

    Women are different from men.

    What I find issues with concerning misogyny or sexism against either gender is unfair treatment. Dehumanizing women or anyone, like we saw regularly, shouldn’t ever be accepted, but that means we can’t ignore biological reality.
  8. But it's ridiculously obvious that women can't compete with the physical prowness of men. I'm not judging you in any way, but I fail to see how this is surprising. Did you think there was some truth to women being able to compete with men in sports?

    Why it needs to be constantly pointed out just how different the two genders are is mindblowing to me. With your pain resistance point, if I recall correctly, if a man was to go through the same amount of pain, he would literally die. People can try to ignore reality, but they cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
    Enwar, Evig Faith and brilliantidiot like this.
  9. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Do you have a link to the video of it, maybe on youtube?
    Evig Faith and Deleted Account like this.
  10. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    It was apart of Poland's tactics in the race. There were two men and two women in the race, all the teams had women on the second leg apart from them. In the end I think they came 2nd or 3rd. On the 4th leg Great Britain had a male athlete against the women but he didn't do so well.
  11. Okay.

    When I mentioned women being discredited, it was in response to what Anne-Dauphine said about the forum.
  12. I'm sorry, I indeed genuinely don't understand your post, if you're with or against me :)
  13. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Men are stronger than women, its a biological fact. Does that mean women are less intrinsically valuable then men? Not at all.

    So I'm not sure why in the world this post would be "discrediting" women.
  14. That's okay, I have a tendency to be overly concise sometimes. I'm with you, basically.
  15. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I looked but couldn't find it. They might put it up later. You might be able to see it now on the website of the channel that is broadcasting the World Athletics Championships. If you're in the US that'll be NBC. It's a new event, men and women don't have to compete against each other but they can if the teams want to.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  16. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Thanks my dude. Who won it?
  17. Ha, I never said this post actually is, maybe it's my wording or the OPs that makes you think that, in this case I apologize. And although I'm genderfluid, I agree with the fact there's biological differences, disagreeing in my opinion would be transphobic. Just saying it could be interpretated as "less intrinsically valuable then men" by some more fragile individuals on this forum, who already has a history of some people being misogynistic, which I'm trying to avoid. There's a thin line there.
    Evig Faith likes this.
  18. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    USA :emoji_slight_frown:
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  19. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    lol Great!
    need4realchg likes this.
  20. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

    Can that athelete withstand NORMAL LABOUR PAIN, we can never compare both genders upon such silly battels.
    Each one has his own strengths & weaknesses.
    Whatever the comparison, it dosen"t make sene to me.
    need4realchg likes this.