
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. Also, another point is that she consistently doesn't act like someone who is a victim of abuse.

    Tell me, if your spouse is insane and violent and abusive toward you, and you wake up and hear them throwing things around in the kitchen, would you seriously go in there and videotape them? I'm sorry, but if you are afraid of them, you would NOT do that. That would be asking for a beating.

    My husband is incredibly kind and wouldnt hurt me ever, and if I heard him throwing stuff around because he was pissed off, I would stay away until he calms down. I can't imagine intentionally walking into that situation to start an argument with a person who has supposedly been abusing you. That makes no sense.
  2. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    He wanted young and crazy. He left his wife and children to pursue young and crazy. He got young and crazy. And now he is miserable, as that is what young and crazy does to a person trying to regain youth and adventure through someone else.

    I feel for the guy. But it's not like I twist and turn in my sleep.
    LEPAGE and kropo82 like this.
  3. I think that seems kind of heartless. Would you say the same if the genders were reversed? If an older woman foolishly married a young man who physically and verbally abused her, and then he accused HER of abuse and people believed him and she lost jobs and was demonized by a ton of people for something she never did? When she was actually the victim?

    Sorry, but that just seems wrong to me. A lot of people make foolish decisions about relationships. That doesn't mean they deserve to be physically abused and have false allegations of domestic violence spread against them. I think if this was someone you knew personally, you would probably be a lot more sympathetic. Everybody makes mistakes, but they don't deserve this.
    Metis07 likes this.
  4. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I'm at a stage in my life where I just can't cry over what old foolish celebrities are doing. The same goes for women who seek out criminals and write to them in prison, or women going to Gambia to marry men that only want visas and new sneakers. It's thrill seeking behaviour that notoriously doesn't end well. Yes, I have sympathy, and I don't think what Amber was doing to him was right. It should be punished if she is tried in a court of law and proven guilty, and she should receive the same punishment a man would for that particular crime.

    There is no doubt that men are subjected to injustices and that women are perceived innocent, untouchable angels in the face of the justice system. Being a blond white woman I know all about privilege. So I don't disagree with you. But most people are familiar with cases that touches them profoundly. Some cases bring me to tears years after reading about them. This is not one of those cases.
    Metis07 likes this.
  5. Ruttigan

    Ruttigan Fapstronaut

    I heard about this, but in the context of the new Harry Potter movies. Some fans tried to get him cut from playing Grindelwald. Personally I don't know anything about this so I won't comment specifically, but I will say that as a culture we have pretty poor systems to mediate these kinds of things and until we do it's kinda hard to know what to believe.
  6. Well, I don't see him as an "old, foolish celebrity." I just see him as a person who was abused by his spouse.

    Neither of those are the same thing at all, but okay.

    I mean, it really doesn't sound like you do to me, but if you do, then good. You should.

    Alright. I wasn't really framing it as something people should be crying about for years. Just an example of a situation that needs to be considered and taken more seriously than it is.

    I think it comes down to personal responsibility. If everyone who saw stories like the video posted a few comments above, that Amber came out with years ago, and we all personally responded by saying "that video doesn't show any abuse, and we can't judge this man without knowing the context of the situation," then we would be better off.

    It makes me angry for so many reasons. The injustice on Johnny's part is the most important, but also important is the fact that women like this make it harder for women who actually have been abused to be believed. It's just all around horrible, and it's crazy to me that there are still so many people supporting her and condemning him, even after all this has come out.
    Metis07 likes this.
  7. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    For example, take a woman who writes to a man in prison (a known violent criminal); they get to be a couple, he starts abusing her. Would I feel sorry for her? Absolutely, but it wouldn't break my heart, as it would for a child or an innocent animal getting treated violently by their caretakers.

    I am aware that people are expected to fawn over him for being such a big star, but I see a mere mortal who thought it was wise to dump his wife for a 20 year younger known nut job. Does he deserve a violent marriage? Absolutely not. Does she deserve to be held accountable for every litte hair she has bent on that man's scalp? You better believe it. But I'm not going to drag my soap box out on the town square just yet. There are probably men in far worse predicaments out there, who won't ever be heard, because they are not movie stars.

    It's like when Angelina Jolie discovered she had that breast cancer gene, and "suddenly" it was like breast cancer was invented, despite ordinary women having died due to the same gene variation for hundreds of years. They even named the gene the "Angelina gene", which in my view was slightly insulting to regular cancer victims. Am I a terrible person for thinking Angelina maybe had it easier than many others, due to the fact that she has access to all the best doctors in the world, combined with enough money to buy a small country? Perhaps.

    The idea of really open up the conversation about male victims of abuse or why not the staggering number of male depression (hidden) and suicide speaks to me far more. It gets very narrow and shallow when one person of interest is singled out and intensely focused on. Take Greta Thunberg. The general public talk more about her than climate change itself, and it's frankly ridiculous.

    I don't think I have sympathy enough for your liking, that's correct. We are all passionate about different things in life and isn't that a hell of a luck?
  8. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Maybe you should enlighten us on how she was a known nut job then?

    I can understand this argument. Sometimes focusing too much on a specific person can lead to people forgetting about the bigger picture and I too have seen that happening with Thunberg. However at other times focusing on a specific case of certain type of injustice can work as a conversation starter about a wider issue. To me it seems like the abuse towards men and the fact that male abuse victims are rarely taken seriously are issues that no one used to really talk about. Now it has been getting more coverage thanks to Johnny's case.
    Lilla_My and Metis07 like this.
  9. Again, that's not the same thing. Amber isn't a prisoner. She was a seemingly normal person when they got together, I would assume. So I don't see how that is the same. But I don't want to argue back and forth about it. You can have your opinion, I just disagree with it.

    Why do you keep saying stuff like this? Nobody here is doing that, and it's completely irrelevant. You're literally just minimizing his victimhood because he's famous. That's really unfair. I couldn't give two craps about him being famous. I would care about this if it was about some random dude off the street.

    Sorry, but I just think this is a really stupid take. Talking about this issue, and getting justice for Johnny, is not just about him. You just said there are probably many other men in worse predicaments than him who will never be heard. Yes. Exactly. That's exactly what this is about. Every case like this needs to be taken seriously, so men will be heard.

    I just really don't understand why you need to make it so clear that he did a bunch of stuff wrong too, and that you don't have as much sympathy for him as other victims of other crimes. Why is that even worth saying? I don't mean to keep harping on gender, but I honestly don't think you would be speaking the same way if the genders were reversed, or if this was someone you knew.

    Your line of thinking sounds a lot like people who don't care when prostitutes are raped, because they were "asking for it." You're doing a whole lot of victim blaming here, and it's baffling to me that you don't see that. But I don't know how fruitful it is to keep going back and forth if that's how you feel. I will just have to disagree.

    No. But you would be a pretty bad person if you seemed "meh" about the fact that she might get breast cancer, which is kind of how you're coming across about this. You keep saying you have sympathy for Johnny for being abused and having false allegations ruin his name, but then you continuously victim blame him and say "but I don't care about this as much as other people." That's just wrong to me.

    It's wrong to have an idolatry for celebrities, but to me it seems as if you have too much of a bias against them or something. They're people too. If you would care about your neighbor being in this situation, then you should equally care about Johnny being in this situation.

    That's literally what this situation is doing, though. How can you not see that? The reason it can be a good thing when situations like this come out about celebrities is that it's sooo public. Personally, I think it's kind of a good thing that people can actually listen to a woman employing the same domestic abuse tactics that we always hear about men doing. Because for some stupid reason, far too many people think women are incapable of that.

    This case is highly publicized, and how it is handled will set a precedent to the rest of the world. If Johnny doesn't get justice, that will tell all the regular male victims out there that "geez, if Johnny Depp can't even be taken seriously, who the hell is gonna listen to me?"

    It's one case, yes, but you're totally missing the bigger picture here. This has started a conversation about a lot of really important issues, and as I said, what the courts decide will set a precedent. Judges know that. That's why they sometimes choose to make an example out of someone, because they know the world is watching, and they need to make it clear the things they will and will not tolerate.

    No, you definitely don't, which I think is unfortunate. It's unfortunate to me to watch a woman victim blame a man for being in an abusive relationship, and have little sympathy for him because he made some poor choices. I thought we were moving past that in our society.
    Metis07 likes this.
  10. Yeah. Exactly. We know nothing about their relationship. To so boldly declare that he knew she was a nut job before he started dating her, is rather ridiculous.

    Not to mention the fact that even if he did, that obviously doesn't negate the fact that abuse is wrong and we shouldn't be so damn focused on what the victim did wrong in the situation. Geez louise, it's no different than asking a woman what she was wearing when she got raped.

    Yes, exactly. This is exactly what's happening. Tons of people are talking about this.

    I just find this argument really strange, because I feel like if we were talking about something different, we wouldn't be having it. For example, the #MeToo movement.

    When celebrities speak out about their experiences with sexual assault or harassment, it emboldens those who admire them to feel confident to tell their own stories. (Don't get me wrong, I think the Me Too movement has a lot of issues, but this particular part of it is s good thing, I think.)

    When Terry Crews spoke out about being groped and violated, it gave a voice to other men who believe the stupid lie that they would be weak or cowardly to speak out about their own abuse. This situation with Johnny Depp is no different.

    Johnny Depp is a pretty tough dude. For men to see a guy like him being open about the fact that he was domestically abused by his wife, and that he deserves justice for that just as much as a female victim would, it speaks volumes! It tells other male victims that their pain matters and that if Johnny Depp can do it, so can they. And that wouldn't happen if he wasn't a celebrity.

    This might even save men who don't even know they're being abused from those unhealthy relationships. They might listen to that audio and think "wow, this is exactly the kind of gaslighting my girlfriend does. Maybe this isn't a good relationship."

    Women have so many examples of these situations, and there are so many shelters, conferences, educated counselors, speeches, etc to educate women on what an abusive relationship looks like, so they can avoid it. I don't think men have gotten the same, which is very unfortunate, considering men statistically are victims of domestic violence pretty much just as much as women are. But we never see the examples of women gaslighting and victim blaming and making their victims feel as if somehow it's their fault that their partner is hitting them. This audio from Amber shows all of that, and I think it's so important for the world to see.

    I wish Johnny didn't have to go through this, but at the same time, I also think this whole thing has the potential to do a lot of good toward helping male victims.
    Metis07 likes this.
  11. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    I want to add that the fact that he has divorced his wife and married Amber (I personally think he had all the right to do so, but it’s his personal business) has NOTHING to do with what is discussed here.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Literally the whole point of my entire post is about lifting the importance of men getting heard in the justice system. That there is a massive inequality going on, favouring women (and those who can pay). Victims of domestic abuse should get the same amount of protection whether they are male or female. One thing that particularly upsets me is that female violent offenders gets off very easily. It makes me absolutely fuming with disgust. A famous case a while back saw a young female medical student from the UK stabbing her boyfriend with a bread knife. The judge felt that her "potential" (=feminity) as a young professional was so important that she shouldn't really be punished, and she wasn't. Cases like that makes me puke in my mouth.

    I've pointed out so many times that it's of utmost importance that females and males get the same punishment, and yet you go on and on about me saying the opposite. It's really not worth writing in this thread if you just refuse to acknowledge what others say. If you really want to argue that bad, it's better that you pick something I actually said and something I actually disagree with you on.

    No, you literally maximize the importance of one particular incident of domestic abuse because he is famous. If it was my thread, it would be called #JusticeForMaleVictimsOfDomesticAbuse, but I do understand that it doesn't have the same allure. For me it doesnt matter if someone is famous or not, but i can bet my left arm that you will respond with accusing me for having some kind of hatred against pirates or movie stars or something equally ridiculous.

    I personally don't need a celebrity to know there are injustices in the world, I see that in the newspaper every day. I don't need Greta Thunberg to understand that we can't fill the oceans with plastics, or Angelina Jolie to know the importance of mammograms. Populism doesn't speak to me in the same way as it does to some people. With that being said, if the Johnny Depp case or Terry Crews (isn't he such a good role model, by the way?) can open up further discussions or make an example that makes people think and react, that would be absolutely brilliant and I couldn't agree with you more in that particular point.
  13. Completely agree. I personally don't believe in divorce, aside from cases of abuse or infidelity, but that has nothing to do with anything. My personal opinion about Johnny Depp's life choices have nothing to do with him being abused and that being wrong.
    Metis07 likes this.
  14. Okay, we agree on that. I guess I'm just confused why you keep continuously talking about how little sympathy you have for Johnny Depp, talking about all the things he's done wrong, etc if that's the point of what you're trying to say. It seems counter productive.

    I'm sorry, but you have said so many contradictory things here. So it's hard to follow what your point is. Someone who comes in basically saying "sure, this is bad, but I'm not losing any sleep over it," doesn't really seem like someone who believes all the things you're saying now.

    Sorry if I've misunderstood, but I don't think you've been very clear. If you care so much about this issue, then I don't understand why you would say so much negative stuff about the victim in the situation. Like I said, it seems very counterproductive.

    Uh, no. I haven't done that at all. Just because I'm talking about this specific case does not mean I'm maximizing it above others. This is just the specific case that is currently going on and being discussed.

    I don't want to argue. Twice in my previous comment I mentioned that it probably isn't worth arguing about. I don't enjoy arguing.

    Geez louise, what a nitpicky thing to complain about. There is literally a hashtag going around on Twitter about this issue. That's why I titled the thread that. I didn't create this story, and I didn't create the hashtag. I'm just discussing it. And again, I am not maximizing anything. I'm using it as a jumping off point for further discussion. I don't know why you can't see that, but whatever. If you want to focus in on such a tiny detail as what I titled the thread, rather than focusing on the actual message I'm trying to discuss, go for it I guess.

    Again, you're being so needlessly negative. I was absolutely not going to respond that way at all. I don't know why you think I'm the one who is making this into an argument....

    Neither do I. Geez, again, so needlessly negative and insulting. I merely heard about a story, saw pretty compelling evidence, and thought I would share it to start a conversation.

    I hear about stories like this all the time. I do not, however, always have this much publicly shared evidence to discuss such an issue. So I thought I would talk about it. You're making all kinds of implications that I don't care about other victims, or that I need it to be someone famous in order to even hear about it or want to talk about it? That's so ridiculous. I just posted a damn thread about a story I heard.

    My gosh, I don't know why this has devolved into this, but I'm kind of done with it. If you agree with the basic premise that this is an important issue that should be discussed, great! That's all I'm trying to do. So... let's leave it at that.

    Lol seriously? Are you serious? Then what the heck have you been arguing about this whole time? I seriously don't understand this at all. I have no idea what your problem is with anything I've posted. You say you agree with me, but then you respond negatively to everything. It makes no sense to me. But whatevs. You do you, I guess.
    Metis07 likes this.
  15. I'm really super done arguing about pointless nonsense, like whether or not I should have used a different title for my thread, or how we should discuss things in general instead of a specific case, etc. If you agree with the actually points I'm talking about, there's zero reason to be picking a fight over dumb stuff like this. I won't be responding to anything more unless you want to talk about the actual subject, instead of nitpicking tiny details and semantics.
    Metis07 likes this.
  16. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I do have sympathy for him. I think he has made foolish choices. Those two opinions can co exist. In fact, they often do. But for you to say that I believe that it's right for him to be abused is just... a horrendously flawed interpretation. Like I said, everyone feels more or less in various cases. I get far more personally upset over other cases I've read that touch me more profoundly. A lot of what has happened to Johnny Depp was predicted. It's not the same thing as it being right.
    I haven't really said much negative things about him at all.
    That I didn't know. I'm sorry.
    No, as I said, my view is the opposite. I want to put more focus into the issue and less into this particular person.
    Don't apologise for your opinion. If you feel it is contradictory, you can just ask me to clarify what I mean and I gladly do so.
    I haven't really seen Mean Girls, but I assume this must be some quote from there, like "talk to the hand" or something.
    Glad it amuses you. As virtually always, I agree with you on a lot of things. If you read my posts more carefully and don't fill them in with far fetched interpretations, you will see that more clearly. All I said was that I don't loose any sleep over this particular case, because I, like so many others, saw it coming. Again, for the seventh time or so, that doesn't make it right for her to abuse him.

    I believe the justice system should take care of Amber Heard in a manner where her gender won't be a factor for her conviction or sentencing. That's all that matters. If I'm hysterically upset over this or not is of lesser importance. Some people donate money to ALS charities. That doesn't mean they hate people with Huntingtons disease and think they should die.
    Yes, I'm very serious.
  17. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Okay, but still though, how was this predictable? I'm seriously curious.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    It was predictable because
    Am I right?

    Again, please leave the fact that he divorced his wife and married Amber alone, it was his right, it is not relevant. I think people who are saying that he deserved it are either envious men or women with their own insecurities.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    There was some talk about her being unstable before, during, and after dating JD.
    Who are these people that keep on saying that? Me personally don't think he deserved to be abused even 1%.
  20. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    This your statement for me looks like ‘he deserved it’ and you gave exact reason for what.
    Deleted Account likes this.