[need YOUR help] Any advices for me?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by The Free Bird, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. The Free Bird

    The Free Bird Fapstronaut

    Hi my friends,

    I already wrote a topic before, but I think I NEED some kind of help or advice. I started my NoFap journey but the maximum days that I can keep myself is 7 days...

    (English isn't my mother tongue, so sorry about any grammatical mistakes)

    Let me quickly give a total background of myself. I'm a guy, 18, Muslim, straight, student, and also virgin. I started PMO at age 11~12. I was the number one student in each year of my school without even studying one hour a week; until my 15. After that I slightly became the 2nd and 3rd in school and now I'm around 10th...
    I'm not OK with being average AT ALL. Back to the topic, I have a crazy sex drive. To be honest, I'm EXTREMELY horny :( .
    By crazy I mean, I used to masturbate one up to 6~9 times a day! I explored tons of P categories (for example from softcore to BDSM, sissy, orgy etc.). As I explained here I have to study really hard for the next 5 months...

    Not to brag, but I've been told to be a smart and creative person. I feel a great power and self-control at the very few days of my streak, but when it comes to around the day 7 it's like I loose my mind and there is not me who controls my body. My brain makes me insane by lots of P flashbacks and a voice inside of my head shouts "DO IT"...

    I know all of these sound crazy, but the very first point of P and M at the age of 12 was only curiosity.
    I hate all kinds of P that I watched until now. All of them are DISGUSTING. I've tried hundred times to quit since I can remember.
    I read about P and how it effects my brain, the reward system, and about almost anything related to quitting PMO. I'm logical the first days and after that an extremely strong feeling makes me end my streak...
    I'm so upset about it. The exam after these 5 months can change my destiny FOREVER and I'm ruining my biggest chance of success with my own hands:(.
    I wasn't like this... Seriously. Everybody used to appreciate me for things that I did. Now all of them are waiting to ask me the result of my exam after this 5 months. I don't wanna let them down. I don't wanna ruin my future. I don't wanna be average. I WANT MY PMO END FOREVER. :emoji_confounded::emoji_sob:

    If I can really quit PMO this time, I'll owe you and NoFap a lot.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  2. The Free Bird

    The Free Bird Fapstronaut

    The 5 second role is a great idea. Thanks a lot.

    Do anyone know any other tips or tricks?

    I hope a combination of these tricks help me quit easier, now It's my day 1.

    I really want to rewire my brain totally this time.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  3. 0zymandias1

    0zymandias1 New Fapstronaut

    I'm a Muslim too ..your story resembles mine a lot..the day seven always been my problem but there is a solution bro..don't miss any pray and always watch motivational videos on YouTube about quitting porn like ted ex talk ..there is a channel also called porn reboot will help you a lot..not being alone also is the best way to avoid relapse in the first three weeks try to be around people as possible and keep fighting..we can be accountability partners to each other
  4. The Free Bird

    The Free Bird Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your attention.
    As I told before, I must study so hard for 5 months, so I'm almost alone most of the day (On the One hand I don't have enough time for people; On the other hand I just want to keep my focus and thoughts on my lessons).

    I have to do something that detaches from PMO in my loneliness (is this even possible btw?).
  5. henryhill

    henryhill Fapstronaut

    Even though you might feel like you need to study hard for the next 5 months I recommend you plan your days so that you do have time to be with others to combat the loneliness. I personally found that taking breaks from studying helped me study better and more efficiently when I did study. Your brain can only retain so much while you study so you need to break it up to actually remember stuff. At least that’s what I found for myself. And spending time with others curbs my sex drive so that I don’t have the same desire to pmo.
  6. 0zymandias1

    0zymandias1 New Fapstronaut

    I'm a medical student and I have to study many hours everyday but I put ending my porn addiction my first priority now and you should do that too..don't take studying as an excuse to masturbate,in the fact quitting porn will make you more focus and finish your daily study more rapid..addiction is a serious a problem mate and our brains fight against us and make tons of excuses to relapse like studying , increased sexuality..etc
    you can do it alone but it's harder.. you should read and watch videos about the risks of porn addiction every time you found yourself relapsing..I do this myself these days and actually worked for me
    read success stories and call a friends on phone
    I dont want to be religious but quran helps a alot mate
  7. The Free Bird

    The Free Bird Fapstronaut

    Swimming and running (and also studying in library which I'll plan for it soon) are cool ideas, I'm adding them to my list, Thanks!

    My study field is mathematics and physics but it includes other things like chemistry.

    I decided to reduce my phone usage in order to decrease the chance of PMO, so I might prefer reading some books (but I just watched some good series of effects of PMO addiction on brain and it helped a lot).

    Yeah Quran really calms me down.
  8. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    As-salamu alaykum @The Free Bird

    what helps, from my personal experience (you may find some other stuff what helps you):
    1. Pray and ask for help
    2. Get knowledge about this addiction (nofap, yourbrainonporn, etc.), scientific stuff and others experience
    3. Do sports you like
    (I would recommend something like boxing classes (or anything what you may like where you do sports and interact with people) over swimming or running, but it's up to you)
    4. Try to eat healthy (less sweets, etc.)
    5. Have a daily routine and schedule, when you go to bed, when you get up
    6. Take cold showers (not straight away, little by little, but aiming at complete cold shower for like 5-10 minutes, REALLY worth it)
    7. Mindfulness exercises and meditation
    8. Fasting (once a week for example)
    9. Lower your gaze (don’t gaze women, look for ‘beautiful’ pictures in internet, etc.) and don't use P-subs (no Instagram, social media, Youtube music videos, IF you use them (and unfortunately almost every time people use them) as a P-sub (to see some beautiful girls). Even a little slip (‘ok I want to check up this beautiful actress’) will create a tension and easily lead to PMO.
    10. In case of relapse (it's bad, but it happens, no need to feel too much ashamed and feel too much self-pity) analyze what have brought you to viewing P (boredom, loneliness, fear or other negative emotions, etc.) and pattern of your actions just before viewing P (Youtube music videos, Instagram, etc.), adjust your Nofap strategy and get back on track.
    11. In case of a relapse you can make a vow to yourself to do something (like to do additional prayers or to pay some money for charity (not a big sum, but not a little), something not too hard, but not too easy either.

    Also, from what you told about yourself, I think stress and anxiety because of your upcoming exam create problems leading to PMO addiction. It's OK to be stressed, but try to diminish it and to cope with it in some healthy way (like releasing stress by doing sports). Also try to imagine the worst outcome for you - like you won't pass this exam and imagine what will happen next (I don't think that for you it will be the end of your life), so accept the possibility of it. It is much better to be motivated by your desire (you want to pass this exam because you want to be an engineer in this company for example), not by your fear, so do what you can and leave the rest (results) to God.
    Good luck!
  9. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    I love the idea of switching to a higher drive:
    It is much better to be motivated by your desire (you want to pass this exam because you want to be an engineer in this company for example), not by your fear
    And wanted to jump on that band wagon since desire is only a little higher than fear, they're actually really close to each other though it is true that desire is better than fear there is a lot more above that. For instance joy can be the replacement. To the active addict the idea of being happy sober is an oxymoron but my experience is it is much more hopeful to say thanks but no thanks to pm+, I would have done it a decade or two ago but I didn't have the power to do so. And if I had I wouldn't have thought it was a good idea, the best way I know to say it is that my life was a wasteland and sex (watching others have SEX in porn, SEX with my self, deviant SEXual behaviors, it's all selfish sex) was the bright spot in the wasteland. Take that away and you have a worse wasteland was how it really seemed to me. But I got to move to a place that isn't a wasteland, I never considered leaving the wasteland for a better place! Or maybe a better way to say that one is "when the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence... Start watering my own lawn" :). Not from a self will, self improvement perspective because the most that gets me is pridefulness, not joy or peace. Even when we can't imagine joy as a motive for doing whatever it takes to be sober pm+ addicts we can act as if if the results if there addiction have gotten bad enough that there's no better choice than to give it up. And we can not easily imagine joy as the force behind studying, all endeavors include boring and unpleasant parts but that is part of how we know it's worthwhile so we can take pleasure in our our growth through the difficulties and gratefulness for the self who doesn't want to slog through the boring parts because he takes joy in the overall endeavor and in solving problems. It's part if growing up which I am still actively undergoing (a diction was my unconscious way of stopping that process, they say "I stopped maturing as a human being and started manuring as one" :) )
    Anyways, to the op, if your pm+ is just a habit these things will work, if it's real addiction you'll know eventually after hundreds more slips and increased extremeness of what you watch think and do and a lack of results from normal reasonable interventions, which are good to try first. If what I just described happens come talk to me, maybe it would be better a year and four to see that pattern if it emerges, and I can help with that.
  10. Welcome to NoFap @The Free Bird
    It is a big step if you can understand what is triggering your urges, because this will allow you to be awake and kill those urges as soon as they appear.

    I recommend you to create your own "Emergency Toolbox" with readings that can be handy to read when you start feeling urges to screw up.
    I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:

    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:

    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.
    To get more focus and feel happier with life I recommend you to start doing meditation.. I have been using an App called Headspace for the last two months which is great if you have never meditated before. The first 10 sessions are free if you want to give a try. I used to feel a bit depressed or feeling without energy to start new projects in my life, and meditation has helped me a lot with this.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take new e-course that Mark Queppet launched in his new website, called: " REFORGED MAN: Quit porn and Master Yourself-Be a Man you Admire", it is the updated version of the e-course he used to have in NoFap Academy. It is not cheap ($200) but it is totally worth it because he gives great toold to fight PMO.You can find it here:
    You can also join his website called Patreon, where he posts great stuff for free every week, and also you can join the pay area to be part of his weekly video calls where you can chat with them in real life, get coaching and listen to other guys's stories and problems too. You can find it here:
    You can also use this Excel table to track your reboot. If you did not watch P or MO'd you leave it in 0 and it will show gree, if you did it you fill in in the column (PMO or MO) with the amount of times, if it was 1 it will show in yellow, 2 or more in red. In the left column you can add how strong the urges were each day.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/uvwg7ot0h69dcyu/Counter template.xlsx?dl=0

    Counter template.xlsx
    Shared with Dropbox

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.
    Let's keep on fighting

  11. wrdd

    wrdd Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hi, try with instaling porn blocker on your mobile phone.

    I'm paying one, around 8$ per month. There's options "accountability partner" - when you want to disable app. or anything else, you have to type code that goes to partner's email.

    Also from my expirience, firstly I installed and then found other ways to find porn, but then I added more and more word to "block list". It takes time. I'm free from porn since 01.01.2020. but not from images and MO.

    Good luck to us from catholic brother! We got this!
  12. Get out of the closed place where you are, go to a crowded place and stay there until it passes. Then go to the mosque, talk to your reference imam. Thanks for your testimony.
  13. The Free Bird

    The Free Bird Fapstronaut

    I took note of your useful tips, Thanks.

    Thanks for the idea, I installed a P blocker.

    Being In a crowded place when urges come is a great way of making them disappear. Added to my list!

    Just want to say thank you my friends for your support, contacting with people who were once at my place and now are free makes me so motivated.

    Thanks to @FoamRoller , @0zymandias1 , @henryhill , @Metis07 , @Randy Andy , @wrdd , @sigfridox , and specially @fercho29

    I'll publish my customized list of urge-killers after I've rewired my brain.

    Also welcome to new suggestions
  14. Found your first post! :)
    | Nico | likes this.
  15. Thanks to you, friend fapastronaut
    | Nico | likes this.