I need Advice with depression/motivation

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Mar 3, 2020.

  1. Ok, so, I've been attempting NoFap for over a year now and I still can't get it. I am constantly struggling and I need some serious advice, please!

    I've had depression for probably almost 20 years now. I think PMO addiction caused it and if it didn't, it's making it way worse. I see posts of people giving advice involving routines, like the gym, meditation, work, etc. I can't do it. Even getting the simplest tasks done is difficult for me.

    Most of this experience has just been constant suffering for me. I've been pretty much "whiteknuckling it" the whole time.

    I've had very brief moments involving this endless energy and motivation I hear so much about, but it never stayed longer than a day and was always a rare experience. My longest streak was 62 days, no PMO, and even then I felt like this.

    I've cut various other addictions out of my life: alcohol, hard drugs, video games, and I'm now over a month without cigs, but it's still so damn hard. All I really want to do is smoke weed and sit around all day. I mean, I want to, but I also want to go the gym and to get a job and a gf and all that good stuff. I've tried getting off weed, too, but even after a couple weeks, I still feel lost. A couple years ago I was homeless, and I spent my 20s in rehabs and psychwards. I need help. It just feels like constant suffering.

    I feel it's worth mentioning that my depression causes me to struggle with questions about life involving purpose and meaning and why this and why that. I have no direction. I have no point, no purpose. Ever watched Rick and Morty? That episode where the Mr. Meeseeks can't fulfill their purpose and they go insane? I kinda can relate lol.

    It's so hard and I'm just gradually losing faith and giving up....
    Dexter Moran likes this.
  2. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I relate in a lot of ways. Depression, homeless as a child, 20 years as addict.

    Try to make a list of 5 positive things you can do daily and try to do them for the next 21 days. Just do them.

    Before giving up behaviors, need to have things to replace them with. They won’t be as good as the feeing of addiction, but they give you some pleasure and help pass the time.

    I do working out. I have a gym where I know everyone and have community so they know if I skip too much. Workout classes are good for that.

    I try play social video games and join leagues where I am required to show up and build community.

    I pass my time by checking this forum and trying to help others.

    I read spiritual books from religions of the world. Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita are two of my favorites. They help me explore meaning of life without spiraling into depression with minutiae of my daily life.

    I also take antidepressants. With all that I still feel similar to you some days and those days, I just have to get through. Ir sucks, but I guess this is life. But life is also the good times with friends, my wife, my parents, connecting with people, learning, and having new experiences.

    I do all this stuff sometimes and when I do it right, it helps.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  3. When you say, 5 things, how difficult of things would you choose? This actually seems worth a try.
  4. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Pick small things that are achievable that could help you feel better.

    Doing 3 max sets of pushups
    Meditating for 10 mins using a free app
    reading 10 minutes of nofap and responding to help others
    Taking a walk for 30 mins
    Calling someone you love and care about (or texting them to say you appreciate them)
    Make a gratitude list of 5 things you are grateful for each day

    just small things and do them for 21 days to help make them positive habits and then long term maybe look to grow and increase ones that help
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Hi friend,
    good to see you back. What's your diet like?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. See me back? What do you mean?

    I did an almost completely vegan diet for a while and tried keto too. Lately, I've been eating like total crap, but I'm trying to clean it up. Trying to maintain a clean diet is pretty tough for me. I feel like if I could somehow figure out how to talk myself in going to the gym, it would motivate me to eat healthier. In order to do that, though, I would have to be motivated enough to quit smoking weed.

    I would love to get back in the gym again, but it seems so hard to force myself to.
  7. I was also fasting quite frequently, too.
  8. Sorry Hermes the see you back was directed at ANewFocus. A mutual Fapstronaut I've been in contact with before.
    Fasting is good Hermes. Derek Prince has wrote an excellent book on the subject. I find fasting clears my mind and diminishes the urge to Fap.
    I envy you. I mean that in the nicest possible way. I have fibromyalgia and can't go to the gym. On the contrary Hermes you can! I would advise you to do so.
    How did you find the vegan diet? Did you lose weight? How was your energy levels?
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2020
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. The only real difference that I noticed is that I just felt "cleaner." I'm not really sure how to describe the sensation. I guess eating meat made me feel more bloated. It was interesting to try, but I missed meat too much.
  10. At least you tried. I have toyed with the idea. But my clinical depression drives me to comfort eating. Which is an explanation not an excuse!
    For your own sake Hermes stop smoking weed. It causes mental health issues. It can also lead to hard drug use. I had a close relative who engaged in 'recreational' soft drug use. I urged him to stop.
    He either could not or would not. Sadly he is now a violent paranoiac. I take no pleasure or joy being right.
    Take care and good luck.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I binged today. Been eating like crap. Working not so good. Missed recovery time for a few days and I binged today. I’m trying to “want” it more and also see how porn is bad.
  12. Excessive consumption of porn/porn addiction is a general symptom of depression, not a cause. It makes it worse when you start medicating your problems/moods by consuming it.

    Your problems/depression are the cause of the things you've been through whether you grow up or if the problems happen in the spur of the moment.

    A lot of people don't know their purpose, they don't know what direction they're in or what direction to take, it's just how life is. Some people find their purpose early, some people find it late, some find it with the next thing they invest their time into, life is unpredictable.

    Your diet influences the way you think and how your body performs. Having a shitty diet will obviously have a toll on your body negatively and can create problems later on, but it also has an influence on the way we think. A lot of people have noticed that the way they think has become much more positive and better ever since they shifted from a bad diet to a good one because, obviously, you're starting to feed your body real proper food instead of processed bullshit.

    Exercise also helps a lot with depression. As humans our bodies are designed to move, we're not designed to sit there for 9 hours at a time and become sedentary. When you get a routine in and get yourself used to it, you'll realize how much you can do with your time in a day and just what your mind and body can do when you're focusing on making yourself healthy.

    Sitting around, smoking weed (people say it's not as bad as cigarettes but in all honesty, you're smoking a charred plant) really isn't going to make things better. I understand that we can sometimes feel like and say "ah it's hard, i don't want to do this, i don't want to do that, man it's so bothersome" but at the end of the day you can either tell yourself that you've had enough of being this way and actually tell yourself "I am going to fight this and I am going to become healthy in the mind and in the body" or you can give into your thoughts and become a defeatist and not do anything in life. There's really no other way to explain it because a lot of people like to moan and complain about how "this" happened and "that" but they don't think about the fact that you can actually move past it and rise above it as a stronger person and as a much healthier person.

    Doing does more for a person than saying ever will, actions count, not words.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    This is so true. It’s taken me to realize I need to acknowledge many things and then just move on.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Donijuan

    Donijuan Fapstronaut

    Hi, i can relate too, it takes depressed one to understand depression
    Believe me, i'm starting to healing by doing positive habits that you can check on my post that explain the power of habit.

    but i must say that i'm astounded by your will to cut cigs, alcohol, and drugs at once, it takes damn will power but i also know it drains your willpower and make you stressed, for once i recommended one at a time until you can cope up with one addiction that drain less willpower.

    Hope this help you!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Thanks, man! :)
    I hope you get over this too! If you ever need someone to talk to, let me know.
    Technically speaking though, I quit drugs and alcohol last year and just got off the cigs.
  16. To update: I stopped weed for two days and went for like 5 walks. It's been pretty tough. I can't be alone with my thoughts without weed for very long before it gets to be too much and I have to go walk. It's chaos up there lol. I was planning on going to lift weights yesterday and then again today, but I just don't feel like I can do it. I don't really think I'm ready yet. I'm hoping I will get more energy and motivation from everything that I'm doing, but if that never happens, I have no choice but to force myself....ugh.
  17. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    It takes more time than one year to recover. I would say, maybe even the rest of your life. Giving up on things is hard, but it is even harder to create new unknown activities a habbit! Maybe you could try to focus on that. Walking is a good one, try to walk one time a day outside. That is possible for almost everyone. Next, try to eat 2 fruits everyday? Get a minium of 8 hours of sleep. Next: Cold shower? Go from hot to cold, a little bid every 30 seconds.

    What i am trying to say: invole new habbits in your life one by one, and perform them everyday. I also tried the gym, but kicked it out of my habbits because it demotivated my motivation for my other habbits. Instead i looked for new ones, like running outside. It fits more by my personality so sometimes it is also a good thing to kick out habbits that just does not work for you. Good luck with it!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. This is your problem right here. The truth is life has no specific meaning, It's all about what your meaning is. Mike Tyson's meaning was to be the heavyweight champion of the world, Sigmund Freud's meaning was to deepen humanity's knowledge about psychology, Henry Ford's meaning was to supply reliable, all American automobiles to the world, The Dude's (From The Big Lebowski lol i know it's fictional) meaning was to just be an absolute dude amongst the righteous community of dudes. These guys weren't born with these purposes and meanings, they chose it themselves and they stuck with it. I'm not saying you have to become a fuckin' heavyweight champion or a multi-billionaire, I'm just saying that your destiny and fate is completely up to you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Wow. Now thats an interesting idea! Creating my own philosophy/purpose... or I could always just steal dudeism lol
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. yeah i fucking love the idea of dudeism
    Deleted Account likes this.