Worthless post

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SaturnDaytona456, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    Can's Sleep, feeling asexual, sick of nothing ever changing, everything seems like a trick, don't know how why I struggle so much with anything sexual, Bitter toward the forum but amazed that people are listening at all; even once in a while.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  2. Rustcan45

    Rustcan45 Fapstronaut

    Explain further. That was too vague to understand anything.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  3. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    would love to help, but i dont really have much to go off. Are you saying you are in a flatline and struggling?
    WanderTruth likes this.
  4. canadianboy23

    canadianboy23 Fapstronaut

    Looks like you are 5 days in. This is your new lifestyle. This is the new you. Dont count the days. When someone starts to lift weights, their mindset isnt "im going to workout for a year, gain sum muscle, and than lose all their gains due to stopping after the year." You will experience ups and downs. Suffer now, enjoy the benefits later. Nothing worth having is attainable without taking risks nor sacrificing. Good luck.
    WanderTruth and Ogikubo like this.
  5. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    PMO is very damaging. You will need many months to fully recover.
    WanderTruth and Freeddom_Taker like this.
  6. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    I have a specific gut instinct that kicks in when I feel that someone is playing a prank on me, or when I feel hated/tormented by another person. In recent months I have had those feelings but from life in general, because EVERYTHING pleasurable seems to punish so much. (Sugar, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, porn, drugs) Relief is simply not allowed in this life, or at least it's limited to an absurd degree if you want to optimize wellness, hence my "feeling tricked". On this topic of paranoia, I won't go to a doctor as they messed me up and misdiagnosed my severe misophonia as OCD at a young age (long story but I actually hate/distrust them), this page and going sober from alcohol are the only things that have given me any general hope whatsoever. It's not so much that I don't want help, but that I know what they'll tell me, and have even told me in recent years when I visited them despite not wanting to: 1 to try some bogus ass drug that I have already tried before and never has any effect or else just puts me to sleep (prozac). Or else I imagine that they will tell me to do what I'm already doing, which is try to get a stable routine and avoid things that mess with my mood. Unfortunately for me using or avoiding porn messes with my mood either way, although I am much more productive and useful when on a good PMO avoidance streak. The core of the issue is that I simply do not believe in this world and typically go between disgust/apathy and total resentment. This is also helped by avoiding pmo, but since starting this current streak (day 5) I have had almost ZERO sexual desire which is uncommon/unheard of for me and I'm pretty sure my sex drive is just dying. I am coming off a 41 day reboot recently so that could be partially why and I think things will level out but god fucking damn does this bullshit feel bleak.

    I had a 41 day reboot that ended a couple weeks ago, relapsing a handful of (five) times seemed to put me back at square one. I don't know why it feels so difficult, and I feel "tricked" by the powers that be. I feel hated, by God perhaps. I can not think of a bigger sacrifice than giving up PMO. To be honest (and I know I'm gonna get hell for this) I don't know if I really think it's worth living without it, without ever feeling those moments of pleasure, even on occasion. I can already feel the arrogant condescending bullshit comments shredding me for not wanting to go through life without the fucking table scrap that IS a bi-weekly self induced orgasm. Yeah maybe I'm that thirsty; because life feels so bad so much of the time. For the record I DO see the power and benefit of completely avoiding PMO, but it makes me deeply resentful that to be my best, I need to voluntarily forgo every single pleasure imaginable besides music and video games, oh and then never be able to fall asleep and have occasional bouts of flatline. As of today, I don't know if anything seems worth it. I feel completely tricked like a mouse in a little maze.

    Five days this time. My recent record was 41. I haven't had chaser or flatline hence the feeling asexual comment. I'm curious what will happen perhaps my sex drive is just dead.

    Okay what will happen by day 80 that hadn't happened by day 40? Am I just training myself to reject sexuality completely? Will my social skills get better or do I eventually reach my max potential? How many weeks of my life can I expect to lose to total and complete flatline?
    WanderTruth likes this.
  7. gingeralan

    gingeralan Fapstronaut

    I feel your pain.

    the timings are totally down to you, no one can say after x days you will be cured. You need to fill your life with fun and fulfilling activities, read, exercise, meditate.

    Just doing nofap will not on it’s own chance you, you need to use your new found energy to do amazing things.

    Really pay attention to you, this time of social distancing is a great excuse to do this, see exactly what you are feeling on a given moment, if you decide to give into an urge, really pay attention to what goes on both physically and mentally, it may give you some insight into your habit.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  8. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    You will have to find by yourself because it depends on each person. You can read journals and success stories on this site if you want to get an idea.
  9. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    First of all, it is clear to me that you are stuck in a cycle of feeling bad/down and relapsing to make yourself feel better. I understand the feeling of never thinking you will be free of this addiction. The thing you have to remember is you are not alone in this and there are others who have gone through similar in this journey. A big part of this is your attitude going in. I see big red flags as to why you keep stumbling and your victim mentality and anger towards the world is what can cause massive problems for yourself. I would advise working on how you view the world as a start. Unfortunately there is no point in saying 'why me'. There is no point in being angry at yourself or others. What you can do now is focus on your recovery.

    What you are describing now is probably a flatline and with it can come mood swings, depression, loss of libido etc. Ive been going through a flatline for 7 and a half months now so believe me, you have not got it the worst (230+ days pmo free).

    Quit blaming others and the world around you and start asking what you can do to improve your live and your views. No one is out to get you my friend and we all need some help in one way or another.
  10. Sorry, man. But I cannot help but get the impression that you need to get some priorities straight. Like, what do you feel is your first priority at the moment? What can you do to help yourself get there? I see a lot of blame for others in your posts. And, like @Ezpz stated - no one is out to get you.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  11. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    My top priority is to get through this mega rut while doing as little damage to myself or others as possible.

    I realize that (in THIS moment) I am not looking to make things work, and I am indeed flinging the blame. You are not wrong in saying that. When I go around believing that it's too late, as I do now, I stop being productive and start looking for revenge by my own admittedly flawed nature. While I am not planning on taking that route long term, (!VENTING!) the appeal is too immense to ignore. I am just sick to death of people. I am sick of the stupid shit they told me and the stupid shit they continue to say. I will accept the blame for so many of my own missteps, but I will not carry it alone. This world is too wrong or else I am simply too disgusted and am delusional. Everything action feels like a trick. I exist for the convenience of others. After all this I STILL FEEL LIKE THE BAD GUY. It's probably not healthy to dwell on it much further, just know that you can't bring me down a peg so don't bother trying. I have been as accountable as I am willing to be. I am an addict in hell. Porn is the least of my concerns because I don't think I can even look at people, deep flatline. I'm sure that demon will come knocking any day now.
    WanderTruth likes this.
  12. WanderTruth

    WanderTruth Fapstronaut

    I can see that you are really good at writing. You really are.
    Btw, Do you have any friends? Family members? Hang out with them if you feel depressed. Lonely make things worse than they really are
    Sometimes, we dont need an answer for the meaning of life. Just do it. Often, i find me in situation like you, i dont know if it is the right choice. But i find that even i dont get the intense level of pleasure as i used to have with P, i find PEACE! i know some people that are, i can say, mediocre-not rich, single, no smart; but they seem to be happy or at least satisfied with their life. Not because they are philosophers, just because they dont PMO (i know because i am living with them, btw not my family).
    This advice is what I give to anyone, check out youtube channel: The school of life. They have tons of videos and some may suit you.
    And do whatever you want instead of P (not something illegal :v ). I think that you have other pastime right.l? Travel or movies, whatever
    Hope it helps
    SaturnDaytona456 likes this.
  13. No one here wants to bring you down, okay? I believe you actually expected answers such as this and the above because it is clear you are no dummy.
    Churchill said something like this (I may have this wrong): "Never waste a good crisis."
    So, it is easy for me to say you need to use your great energy to turn this around, but I really believe it. I do not believe it will be slow or easy, but I honestly believe it.
    We are all flawed. Let's not pretend one regular guy is more flawed than the next guy.
    No, I wouldn't worry too much about the porn now. Maybe this isn't the time to try a full stop.
    I won't reach out again if you don't want me to, that's your right. But when all is said and done your disgust & anger is not helping you. You honestly just seem tired and bitter at the moment. Maybe forget about the terrible world for a bit and think about what you can do for yourself.
    Again, not looking to bring you down here. Not looking to insult you or anger you. Cheers.
    SaturnDaytona456 and WanderTruth like this.
  14. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    You are right in saying that the world can be wrong and it can be unfair and hard. I am right there with you on that one. But the world can also be a beautiful place and we can all work together to do our part in improving it. Just remember the many people in struggling countries that don't even have access to clean drinking water. Sometimes we just have to make the best out of a shitty situation.

    We are not out to get you my friend because frankly, i dont have the time. Im here on this forum to support others and to learn from others. You are not a bad guy, you are just in a bad place. No matter where we are in our journey in life we can always improve. I have been on this journey for over 3 years now and i have been addicted for a further 7 beyond that. I have hit rock bottom multiple times and i am telling you that holding that bitterness towards others only makes your situation worse and will inevitably lead you down the rabbit hole further.
    SaturnDaytona456 and Ogikubo like this.
  15. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    I understand the way you are feeling. All of those “pleasures” you mentioned don’t give true pleasure. They are vices, and ya you have to avoid them to feel and be your best. Anything worth having requires sacrifice. And 40 days is not nearly enough time. No where near enough. I’m not sure how long you have been pmo, but yes day 80 is a big difference from day 40. But it’s going to take longer than that as well. For me, things only started to look up after about 4 months, that’s 120 days. And then in total cumulative, about over 1 year of nofap. You have to persevere

    There’s a huge huge difference btwn 40 days and 150 days for instance. The time line people say is sadly not really true. They say after 90 days, everything will be better. It’s more like after around 120 days, you will start getting better, and the progress goes up and up and after more like 300 days then you will be feeling awesome. But the time line is different for everyone depending on how much you abused yourself in the past

    “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because having stood the test he will receive the crown of life the Lord has promised to those who love him”. You must endure, no matter what it takes

    Yes you must have self control and not watch porn or masturbate ever again. And once you do that, you can get married and have sex. But until then, the only answer is self control. I know it seems painful and impossible but you will be rewarded. Yes if you abstain long enough..

    your social skills will come back and you will be able to be yourself. Yes you can reach max potential

    No one knows how long you will flatline but expect it to come and go in waves and gradually get less and less. For me flatline happens some weeks and other weeks goes away. For example days 40-50 i had flatline. Then i felt fine, then days 70-85 i had flatline then felt great after.

    How do i know this? I’ve experienced myself multiple 90+ day streaks
    SaturnDaytona456 likes this.
  16. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    It’s not too late. It’s not over for you. your profile says you are 31. Look at @Angus McGyver profile. He is around your age and he is definite proof he’s not too late. If you can turn around your life and change like him, you can change your entire life and start over
  17. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Of course it is not too late!! It is indeed never too late unless you say so yourself!
    It only is too late for those who actually believe so, accept that faith and decide to give up on life alltogether.
    But I'm not going to lie since it is a quite gradual process that require perseverance, effort and belief over time but the rewards are huge. It took me over one year, just to get myself out of the worst dread, gloom and misery (the year when I didn't P but MO:ed) and another 13-14 months of NoFap-hardmode before I started to really get over the remaining underlying anxiety, neediness and emptiness that 14-15 years of PMO had left me with.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  18. SaturnDaytona456

    SaturnDaytona456 Fapstronaut

    I'm angry/can't sleep and these words NEED TO GO SOMEWHERE, or at least I feel they do. OKAY. I realize that I am in a hellish cycle: I'm angry because I want sex, and I have trouble getting sex because I'm angry. I know that it doesn't help to be angry and that women don't find it attractive. At least I'm starting to recognize that part of things but it's not even my focus right now because I'm probably flatlined. I am an intense person by nature. I am intense. I can't sleep again. I will probably be asleep by six or seven AM and awake by 2PM for work. I jogged 2.7 miles yesterday (today) and the day before. I am past the worst nicotine withdrawals and have been two days with zero sugars. Despite everything I have profoundly deep resentment tonight, and have for the past day or two, especially toward my family. I understand that I need to be grateful for the good life I've had but my bitterness is explosive at this time. I am absolutely sick with hatred and blame. I can't forget some of the disgusting and traumatic examples my older sister set for me. I am ashamed to have lost my younger years when everyone acted so much more naturally, before alcohol was the center of every social event. I am ashamed of this disgusting digital world that I no longer recognize, that I struggle to value, and that feels like a trick and a trap at every turn. I don't know what will be left of me even if I do everything right.
    goodnice 3.0 likes this.
  19. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    a better man in every way
  20. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    did you become an alcoholic? Tell me about your past and what you are bitter about exactly