Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by TronPie, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    I’m tired because I can’t control myself anymore. I’ve lost my strength and I can’t even pull myself out of this misery of porn addiction. Some days I’m in control of myself and other days I lose myself. I noticed whenever I stay off marijuana, I have lesser interest in watching porn. I’m very concerned because I don’t think I’m strong enough, I think I need therapy or some coping mechanism, just something to help me quit this habit. I feel so ashamed & my escalation has gotten a bit worse, I have recently found myself viewing sissy P
    (Including drawings). I wish I can have more friends here on NoFap I can just always talk to or maybe I’ll just stop using a smartphone because I need HELP
  2. Trans p is one of the worst. Because i know many stories of people go to trans when they are heterosexual, but think they re bisexual due to trans p. Pay attention it can become worst than just watching a video. I suggest you to do research on the mechanism of p in general and trans p
  3. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut


    Thanks I’m going to research on this. Its destroying my mind and setting me aback on achieving my goals. I’m fluctuating streaks & my relapse only becomes worse after streak
  4. lildn666

    lildn666 Fapstronaut

    Brother you need to stay strong.Never watch it again.Its like a trap but you can get out.Please never watch again and you will be okay soon.
    Asdor22 and TronPie like this.
  5. Ngl, I used to watch it a lot, I even had an erotic dream of it this morning but it passed.
  6. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    I will, thanks a lot. I don’t know if I will be strong enough for 90 DAYS PMO. I really wish I can be
    Asdor22 likes this.
  7. Honey_Singh_420

    Honey_Singh_420 Fapstronaut

    I won't try sounding politically correct.
    With all due respect to LGBT community, all kind of act involved in an intercourse other than those which are essential to reproduction (i.e. ejaculation) are deviations from normal behavior. The foreplay evolved as evolutionary need for procreation, making intercourse more fun so that species may be attracted on to it. But even that has a limit. Then, if any of those go beyond a limit they are mere PERVERSIONS. So be aware that you're dealing with one. But don't panic you're not the only one dealing with the crap. On this forum, every one has deviated from normalcy in their own style and obviously the key perpetrator has been - various kinds of stimulants. This is lock-down time, distance yourself from all things that may stimulate you - be it hoardings on street, magazines ( even so-called news/business magazine are filled with stuff that's intentionally placed to excite you), crappy shows on TV, use mobile phone & laptop only when necessary.
    Be aware that you been consuming absolute bullshit. The day you find no excitement to watch those stuff, no enjoyment in scrolling down through that is the day you are free.
  8. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    I used to have flashes of trans p in my dreams during my 50/54 days streak but I’ve falling even deeper ever since. How did you overcome the urge to view trans p totally?
  9. Well, I just told myself that it's wrong to do so and honestly when I relapse, I go back to a similar genre to it but other than that, I mostly liked straight stuff. Because I told myself that it's wrong to think of these things and this morning wasn't that much of a challenge thankfully, I started creating a tolerance on myself and became stronger as a person. Trying to do the right thing, most of all. This isn't really helpful and I'm sorry about that but it works for me.
    Chris_Cactusblossom and TronPie like this.
  10. Also, I took a shower after I woke up because I had to go pray real quick. So basically, quick actions and being busy in them, stops your focus on these things and helps you overcome them.
  11. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    I will be free, I know I will. I’m really ashamed of this behavior because there are times I would rather watch trans p than play some board Games with family
  12. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    It doesn’t matter, I still value Your contribution, thanks okay. I really appreciate it
    TheStranger likes this.
  13. Anytime bro. Good luck overcoming your addiction.
    TronPie likes this.
  14. Honey_Singh_420

    Honey_Singh_420 Fapstronaut

    No my friend no point of being ashamed. Just accept things as they are. When you cultivate something be it poison or nectar it just pays back what you sowed. No point of getting guilt-trapped or remorseful, just ask few question DEEPLY, VERY DEEPLY -
    1. Is it important for me to get back to same old habits?
    2. Why do i feel bad after i ejaculate? A celebrity once said - "As soon as i cum, i come back to my senses". So ask why am i in tension in the first place?
    3. Will there harm it would be if i don't ejaculate or is it only my feelings that push me?
    TronPie likes this.
  15. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    You can't survive for too long like this. It's better you stop soon. Feel free to message me if you need any help. And for that phone issue, make sure before you pick your phone to use, you should jave a purpose in mind as to why are you using it. Try hard and stay strong.
    LouBee and TronPie like this.
  16. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    Thank you a lot! It’s warming that you’d choose to help and a vice me without really without knowing me. Thank you a lot
  17. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    Yes I’ve tried quitting but my streaks are always on and off. I want to quit for good and never relapse to P
  18. I would recommend you to use meditation as a tool to go within yourself and observe all the sensations that you are going through. Understand, that what you are feeling with your body is completely natural, how could it be not natural if it exists in the nature? Stop fighting it, because fighting it would mean to fight the nature of yourself. Accept it, accept it as it is, a sensation, that's all. Remember, that nobody can harm your soul and mind unless you let it within yourself, meditate on these thoughts and don't let bodily sensations get control of your soul. Your reality is your own perception, your mind is stronger than you think it is.
    lonely_1 and TronPie like this.
  19. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    I love your advice. What are suggestions of meditation practices you can tell me? I’ve been sucked into P for too long & im only realizing how negative and unhealthy it is & I can’t continue to let it be a part of my life. I want to change and be free of it
  20. I'm also a novice on meditation and this enlightenment of mine came to me this morning after reading Marcus Aurelius - Meditations and wanted to share these ideas with you. To my understanding there are several ways you can use this:

    - You can sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and try to observe everything that is happening within yourself. The important thing is to observe and not attach yourself to those feelings. Then ask questions to yourself, why do feel that way, is it important to you. Then with the self observation will come clarity and with clarity you will be free.
    - Second way you can use this is visualization. Whenever you feel the urge, you should close your eyes and visualize the whole process of your relapse and how it makes you feel afterwards, visualize how it would make people who are close to you feel if they knew you do this. Then, shift those thoughts to the positive ones, to your future best version of yourself, to your future self who beat all of his addictions and got his life in order. Feel the success of that potential, feel how it would make other people around you fell, feel how much good in the world you could do.

    I would still recommend to do your own research on meditation, because it is a wide topic, but you could start with these tips :)
    lonely_1, skylark and TronPie like this.