Anyone experience restless legs during reboot

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Bake2345, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. Bake2345

    Bake2345 Fapstronaut

    8 days in and I am expericing horrible “restless leg syndrome” symptoms I never used to get , seems to happen when tired but makes it hard to sleep. Is this dopamine withdrawal? I was a daily users from like 15 years old and now 28 years old
  2. bloomz

    bloomz Fapstronaut

    Same age, same amount of years. I don’t have RLS but I can’t sleep more than 3 hours in a row. Ughhh
  3. N M

    N M Fapstronaut

    I am having that. I don't know how to name that. It is not pain, not numbness. It occurrs intermittently. I am 38 years old and on PMO for 20 years . I am on my 50 + days of nofap.
  4. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

    Yep, i got that a lot. It's part of withdrawal symptoms
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  5. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    I am feeling very tired, can't sleep at night before 5 in the morning till midday then i want to sleep more and more, the sleep episodes are accompanied with strange dreams that have nothing to do with reality. Then there is the feeling of emptyness, loneliness, like you have no Motivation at all to do anything.
    I don't know what to do
  6. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    Yes, I tended to experience restless legs during my first 5-6 weeks of the reboot. I also felt like my legs were trembling slightly when standing at my office desk (it's of the kind you can raise and lower), especially when an urge or trigger came up.
    I felt like almost swaying back and forth during the first 2-3 weeks or so. It was during this first month that I got occasional and uncontrollable sweats as well.
    Although I only stepped down from masturbating every other day to nothing (had been porn-free for nine months), I still felt some real withdrawal symptoms and can't imagine what they might feel for those who have been severely addicted for a long time.
    georgep and Mattew like this.
  7. Dopamine Junky

    Dopamine Junky Fapstronaut

    Yes me too, when I'm in bed at night trying to sleep. Most of the time it will subside after an hour or so for me. Also I've been feeling pins and needles in my legs. Restless leg is also so a symptom of anxiety as well.
    Deleted Account and georgep like this.
  8. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's a withdrawal symptom, nothing to worry about. I got bad muscle twitches during my first months of abstinence. You can help yourself by drinking 2-3 liters of fresh water per day and take lots (inside safe limits) of Zn, Ca, Mg, K minerals. Be careful not to take K in one dose as it can have adverse effects. I opted for eating 6 bananas a day instead of pill because of it.
  9. Joshhayze24

    Joshhayze24 Fapstronaut

    Day 8 here as well experiencing RLS lol. I swear it feels like a drug addiction withdrawals
    georgep and fapachino like this.
  10. Yup with you on that one! I'm on day 11 and it's been very tough. Maybe starting to lift a little now but hard to tell as I still feel pretty bad. I did a 90 day reboot 5 years ago and first 2 to 3 weeks were very tough but it does get better. It's not LIKE drug withdrawal symptoms, it IS drug withdrawal symptoms. Basically we're having to rewire our brains to deal with normal levels of reward in the same way that a drug addict has to. It's painful, but does pass and the fact that we have these withdrawals is a sign that our mind is rewiring. Stay strong, each day is one day closer to feeling better
  11. georgep

    georgep Fapstronaut

    Yes. I started having this while I started fapping like crazy during college after a breakup. I had on and offs with it while regularly fapping after that. Now that Im at almost 60 days of NoFap (first time in my life since school) I have them like crazy. They are really intense but for some reason now I don't mind. It feels like it's curing somehow. It get's worse before it gets better right? And in a strange way I kinda control it now. I found a relation. NoFap increases restless but like all withdrawal symptoms if they get worse it means you are healing. At least this is how I feel it internally in my heart.
    I know am convinced after all these years that this condition is dopamine related. 32 years old here.
  12. Muntasir04

    Muntasir04 Fapstronaut

    Hey. How are you guys now??