what else should i expect?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by used19, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Been almost a year since d-day. We've been working at it intermittently - me all the time but him only occasionally, though he willingly does what I ask. I am one of the women who has to know details of what he did to figure out if I can go forward. He doesn't appear to have had a major addiction, but given that we are religious it was enough to be a problem for our marriage. But this week I caught him in a lie. He before downplayed how he accessed and thought about the women. In initial talks he said that he would quickly watch with sound off, go quickly and be done. That he knew it would make him go faster and he just wanted release. Said he only focused on the body parts, not the person. Caught him in a lie with that when I asked about fast forwarding to the good part and how he'd know - was if she was enjoying it, so that revealed sound and looking at the whole person. Then I wanted to figure out how active the desire was, because he keeps saying crap like he only wants me and has only wanted me. So I wanted to know what he fantasized about when not using porn to get off because it just seemed like he was trying to make it sound so removed from what he wanted. I wanted to know if he was actually envisioning himself screwing these women or if he was just imagining situations where it happened to women. The first time I asked months ago, he said he never put himself into it, he just thought about it or a body part. Only time he was in it was if he was replaying the two of us. Well we fought about it again last night because of things I keep reading on here that make him seem like some kind of a porn saint, and no surprise, turns out he was actually imagining doing them. And the regular was a woman who looks very much like me, just better I suppose and I think I look pretty good but I guess I'm no longer going to pull off college girl level post kids.

    I know I have very high standards for our marriage. And he may not want to meet them. But I don't think he's being fully honest yet and I need to know what I'm dealing with. If I can deal. What else to I need to press on? Ask? Push for honesty on? Please don't hold back, I need to figure out what else to grill him on. He says he's going to be transparent so I need to get it all out. What else could he have been thinking that I'm too naive to not realize?

    I can't handle how men compartmentalize this all. I'm no saint, but I just can't understand acting like this all means nothing. Like there's no real desire there.
    Sadwife2020 likes this.
  2. Real Roboin

    Real Roboin Fapstronaut

    Have him take a lie detector test! Also you have to remember his brain is on porn so it may not be what he truly desires, he is caught up in his addiction. I realize I wasted precious life on trying to figure it out. Any of it or all of it. Esp just him and our relationship.
  3. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    He repeatedly says he didn't want to be doing it and he has gone over a year now (assuming he hasn't tried to get around how I protected the devices, which I don't think he has). But I have to admit that I am really struggling to understand saying you don't want to be doing it but yet get pleasure out of doing it. I've read stuff about addiction but I just can't wrap my mind around it in a way that stops me from just wanting to die I hurt so badly.
  4. dandausa

    dandausa Fapstronaut

    Would he consider doing something like a Seven Pillars course(it's made by Pure Desire)? That has helped me so much in seeing why I act out. It sounds like he's just trying to do behavior modification and doesn't even know why he looks at it. The term being "white-knuckling". Or, maybe he's just filled with shame and doesn't want to talk about it. Or, maybe he's afraid of losing you, but also afraid of losing porn so he's just trying to keep both. Or, maybe he's a narcissist. Or, maybe he has trust issues. (I have a lot of trust issues from experiences in my childhood). I guess there's lots of reasons. Do you know what number he is on the Enneagram? For instance, if he's a 2, 3, or 4 often they tend to really struggle with shame. Or, maybe he's just really angry and it's an outlet for his anger more generally 8, 9, and 1. Or, maybe he's a very anxious person and it calms him, often 5, 6, and 7. For me, my pmo use relates a lot with my desire to be known or be desired. I want to be loved by people who know me, because as a child those who should have been kind and loving to me often were not, and there are certain genres of porn that create that illusion.

    I'm replacing this horrible thing with good things like having a sponsor, where I am known, by talking about everything every day with no shame or judgement involved. So instead of using porn to fulfill this desire, the desire being to feel loved unconditionally, I'm able to get it through authentic honest connection and still being accepted just like porn gave me. And the sad thing is I'm 28 and I've never really had this until this year.

    People have to want to change, I wish this was easier. I'll be praying for you both that his heart will change and your marriage will become a place of love and trust.

    Take care of yourself! I'll pray also that you feel Jesus' love and His comfort!
  5. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    @used19, do you still want a list of behaviours to ask about? I can think if a long list of things that either I have done, or that other addicts here have done, but I'm not sure it's wise to list them out. Two questions
    1. Are you sure you want to know all the possible things?
    2. What are the activities that haunt you in your imagination, i.e. what are you worried about finding out?
  6. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    How has your life changed since dday? How has he changed? The changes should b obvious. If you feel he isn’t being honest, then he’s not being honest. For me to move forward, I made my husband take a polygraph. I mean, if they’ve lied before, why in the world would you believe he’s not lying now? I asked questions about strip clubs, real life affairs, genre of porn. However, you want them to take the polygraph when they have at least 30 days sobriety and working with a csat helps them understand how the polygraph will go. Since I too, am one who wanted to know everything. I’m couldn’t move forward without knowing it all. I also didn’t trust him to be honest about it, so hence the polygraph. For me, it was by far the most helpful thing I did.
    Sadwife2020 likes this.
  7. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Well life has gotten more stressful. We had some not related to this stress (some good, some bad) in our family including having another baby. He now works from home because of covid and it has been a relief to have him in the house so that I have room to try to process through all this crap instead of worrying about his every move (which I think all acting out was at home or on a business trip, but he promoted a good guy image before so now I feel like I have to investigate everything). He is talking more about his feelings because he's realizing how much he withheld from me and that it was a barrier to intimacy - both emotional and physical -, causing pain in me and contributing to acting out. So far all the lies (well apart from going from saying pmo was bad and he wasn't doing it, to oh yes I've it off and on the 20 years we've been together) have been where he appears to not want to hurt me more. Like going from oh he only thinks about the body parts, never put himself in it, to now with pushing admitting to pretending he was doing it and fantasies of women who look a heck of a lot like me but aren't me.

    Can I ask what you did emotionally, processing wise, etc. with the information you got? Did it turn out he was lying more?
  8. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Well after first dday ( 23 years ago) I insisted on polygraph’s whenever I asked for them. Which is ironic since 23 years ago this wasn’t even known as an addiction. But I worked in law enforcement and see too many people who lie without blinking. I just figured if he could lie to me even one time about one thing then I cannot believe anything he says. Addicts lie, then when they are caught they get better at lying. This addiction is so incredibly easy to hide. I made boundaries, even back then, he could no longer travel unless I went with him. This meant he lost out in training that could’ve advanced his career, but I didn’t care. Still, he continued to lie. I knew it, but usually couldn’t prove it, so I just began focusing on me and our kids. Fast forward 22 years I discovered a betrayal trauma Facebook group, recognized he had an addiction and showed it to him. He has been in counseling for years, but with this information he got a csat counselor and started going to sa groups 3 times a week. The changes in him are astounding. Everything is different in our marriage and even physical changes in him. The polygraph testing helps me confirm my gut. Many addicts escalate to chat rooms, sexting, escorts and worse. I wanted to know exactly what he had or had not done and if he lies about looking at porn he sure isn’t going to tell u he had a one night stand or an ongoing struggle with massage parlors. So it confirms if he is telling me the truth about everything. There were a couple things he held back, but spilled right before the polygraph, which is not uncommon. Things I never could’ve found out about without a polygraph. I’ve been seeing a csat and I love her, she has guided me on the polygraph this last time around ( before I was just on my own asking for it). Unfortunately, I would not believe any addict without a polygraph. So it helped me be sure of what he was saying. I worked vice for 2 years as a decoy, 99% of the men who solicited me were married! The biggest fear they had when we arrested them was if we were going to tell their wife, and how could they hide it?! Fortunately I handle all our money so it would be very difficult for him to hide that kind of expense. Especially since I’m old school and reconcile our account daily, lol. You have to protect yourself.

    Attached Files:

  9. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    I feel extremely naive in all of this. I mean I'm not stupid, I've seen porn before - pretty hard not to have been exposed to it. I get how it is insidious garbage that is designed to appeal and hook even if we don't want any part in it. He was just so adamant early in our relationship that he thought it was garbage, did not want to see it again, assured me he only wanted me, it wasn't in line with his faith or the Church, etc. So I feel rather stupid that I was not more vigilant about this. I always assumed, based on how against it he seemed, that I was more at risk of him paying attention to someone in real life or at work. So I paid attention to anyone potential at work, watched him closely if we were out, etc. Not that he had done anything that concerned me, but just for my own piece of mind to not end up in that position, not to be blindsided. But now I am so shocked, so deceived how this man who has seemed so good, is a good father, could have hidden this from me. I'm really struggling with trying to figure out what this means to men when they are doing it despite saying they love and want their wives - and what this in turn could mean for me. I felt like I could have a pure relationship, that I wasn't at risk of him doing what other men did that was not ok with me. Well now he clearly has acted like other men and I need to not naively figure out how far it goes. And to figure out how much of this was real desire, active wanting of these women. Was any of it compulsion without thinking or was it largely choice? I can't be in a marriage where my spouse wants to enjoy other women - even if it's "not real" be it porn or fantasy. Maybe that means I'm not actually cut out to be married to a man, I don't know. I'm sure I'm going to learn things that are really going to screw with me - what I've pulled out of him is already killing me (and compared to what acting out others are doing, clearly this is barely anything, but to me it is not). But I don't know what to ask because I feel so unaware. I don't know these universal things about what men think about these women for real, how far I need to press here - what they are thinking during it, after it, how graphic does this "being with them" get, etc. How to understand what this means for how he is with me physically. Because I'm worried, even despite the intentionally addicting nature, that he does really want other women. And if he wants other women, then he's lying about other areas of life too where this could be a problem. So I just don't know what to even press about - so I then can try to decipher what this means for me. This is just all so sticky and makes me so angry. It's not like drinking or drugs - that would have nothing to do with me. But I'm his wife - desire, longing, lust - those were supposed to be mine and I was pretty vocal about it.I feel like I'm rambling and can't quite pinpoint why I have to know.
  10. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Good. Who wants to fill their head with this kind of stuff!

    People say that it is important to be quitting for yourself, not just for your wife. The personal aspect of my own recovery that has had the most impact on me is that I am not a hypocrite anymore. That feels fantastic.

    This crops up occasionally and I am not sure if I am out of kilter with everyone or what, but it seems obvious to me that fantasising about something and wanting it are two different things.

    I've used cars as an analogy. @used19 what is your fantasy car? Mine's a Mark II Land Rover.


    I love how this car looks, that wonderful 'form follows function' solid no-nonsense look, but more than that I love to fantasize that I am the kind of man who has one of these. That kind of man lives in a very remote part of the countryside, works the land, and is mechanically minded. These cars do not even have a synchromesh! So I enjoy fantasizing about owning one. But if you bought me one as a gift what would I do? I'd refuse the gift or immediately sell it. Why? Because although I enjoy the fantasy I recognise that the reality just is not me: I am not mechanically minded, I enjoy living near the cultural events of a city too much to move to the middle of nowhere, and I like a modern car that works. I have no problem recognising that an enjoyable fantasy is not the same as something I want in real life.

    @Psalm27:1my light has mentioned a few things (porn genres,chat rooms, sexting, escorts, and massage parlours). I'll write out a list and direct message it to your inbox.

    Nonsense: you will either find a man who feels the same way as you, or you will stay with your current husband while he does the work required to be all he can be, the version of himself he projected in public. It is hard work, but once he gets going the rewards will hook him.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  11. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    I sort of get what you are saying, about it not being as "bad" as how it is for some partners on here who choose to stay even despite all this. But honestly, it still hurts a ton. Their pain does not negate your pain. I obsess over this too much and I find I think about it far more than he does. The idea of a new device instantly sets off terror in me, and it takes a whole for him to even realize it could be an issue.
    MountainInMyWay and kropo82 like this.
  12. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    True. I just sometimes feel like I'm being ridiculous being so upset when it could be so much worse. Though we did a more formal disclosure this past weekend and while the activity/content did not get worse, the number of times a week and years had been minimized. So now I'm back in major trauma mode again. I hate this.

    And I get the devices. Though we are about to get him a new phone (he has to have it, his work literally is writing apps) because we both want a device in the home that he has not acted out on. I will continue to put all the filtering, screentime, etc. on it to protect him, myself and our kids. The only positive to all of this is that we are realizing how seriously we're going to have to lock down and monitor devices to prevent our children (especially our sons) from being exposed.
    ihatepornsomuch likes this.
  13. Just me

    Just me Fapstronaut

    My husband is currently almost 4 years from his last relapse. For HIM one of the main things was.... He did not want access to his reports. That way he could not test for "loopholes". I hope that makes sense. We currently don't have any filters and have 2 sons, aged 10 and 7. I have told them when they use the computer I can see everything they do, as well as an old phone they use for Google calling and audio books. Normally, I feel much better about our situation, and I've learned a lot about locking down devices because my husband is extraordinarily tech savvy. Our system has been successful but I am currently feeling overwhelmed by this issue... Even though I am relatively certain he isn't using right now.
  14. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I realize if my husband really wanted to, he could get around it. I mean he could write and app himself to do all this crap if he wanted to. But he says he does not want to ever again after seeing how destroyed I am and hopefully the filters and codes in place will at least give him pause to think if tempted. I hope. Not going to be naive, just hopeful. He went 10 years between the first period of use and the second period of use. So this could be a long battle. Putting on the filters (even at the router level) at least gives me hope that I can keep the kids from seeing stuff so maybe I can get them to be old enough to have real discussions when they are ready to help strengthen them in this porn saturated world.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  15. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    I had to know everything too. EVERYTHING. It nearly did me in, but I dug and dug and dug. There are things I know that he has no idea I know because he doesn't even remember them. That's how far back some of it goes. Some things were so shocking I literally couldn't eat or sleep for days. I questioned who this man was that i married. It really shook me to my core. But I sti had to know. My advice is to be 100% sure you want to know it all, it can be devastating.
    hope4healing, used19 and kropo82 like this.
  16. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    How did you find all that stuff out.?
    And what kinda things did you find out?
    I only ask because I feel the stuff I’ve found out is the most awful. I judge myself for staying in this. ...... but you know......... it’s not that simple to just “leave”
    And more importantly, how do you make your mind stop thinking of the things?

    your sharing would be so helpful.
    At least we feel we are not alone
