Problems with girls

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. Hello guys, I hope you all are fine.

    I am 22 y.o. and yes I have never had a girlfriend, but the major problem is that no girl ever found me attractive or just cute. No one ever loved me for who I really am.

    I didn't think I was ugly but I'm starting to do think. I blame myself for my height (5'3''), my baby face (I can't really grow a real beard) and the fact I'm skinny (I'll start Gym soon)

    And then I blame girls of my age because they prefer the guy who's tall and handsome (even if I know it's not wrong) even if he is an a-hole.

    Some say it's just a mental problem. I don't think so, I'm still virgin that's a fact, that's reality. And I'm afraid of how my first time Will be, how She Will react, because if today at 22 I'm still virgin I must have a problem.

    Have you ever deal with girls in this way?
    They are all problems in my head? How to give them up and be happy even without girls?
  2. I detect a problem right here. It's always the same thing with people like you.

    People find you ugly. Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. Who cares except you my friend? You are ugly, then what? Should it prevent you from living your fucking life to its fullest? Absolutely not. Life is much more than dating girls you know. Way, way more than that, and it's a big mistake to think that having a girlfriend will make you happy, because the truth is, it's just bullshit.

    You become happy with yourself first and foremost. You build skills, you find yourself goals, you work on them, you get the thing. Being virgin and focusing on losing your virginity shouldn't be your priority at all, at least not until you have a stable and fulfilling life. See, there are plenty of dudes out there, same age as you, who have a girlfriend, a job, who get out often...etc. Do you really think they are happy? They are not. Most people aren't happy. Why? Because they lack purpose. They lack meaning. They lack passion. They chase women and get drunk to forget how shitty their lives are and how insecure they are deep inside. You can see it in their eyes. That's what society wants you to become: a body without a soul, wandering around in the journey of life in autopilot mode.

    I'm trying to make you understand that everything you think will make you happy is just an illusion. Personally, I'm tall and handsome, and yet I'm still virgin at 19 years old and will probably stay one for a couple of years. My life story is a bit weird but anyway. The point is, I don't even give a shit, cause my priorities are straight. I have goals, I know where I'm going, and I also know that once I will be successful, I will have plenty of time to experience what all those zombies out there consider "living life", whatever that means.

    I want you to do the same. Stop focusing on meangliness things, and know who you are. Build yourself up, become the best version of yourself, and then you might want a girlfriend. Not the contrary. Otherwise, it will lead you absolutely nowhere.

    Keep hope, and stay strong.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2020
    Tafi, ndotto, Jclear99 and 12 others like this.
  3. You're absolutely right fella. thank you so much for opening my eyes..!
  4. ndotto

    ndotto Fapstronaut

    do you approach women? it really doesn't matter what you look like, you can look like brad pitt if you don't make something happen nothing is ever gonna happen.

    I don't think i'm ugly and i am 6'3" but i am in the same situation as you are. Looks and height probably do help if you approach her. but as long as you don't approach her it doesn't matter. Don't think women ignore you because you are short or whatever.

    No woman is ever gonna come up to you and show interest and especially not attractive women. (Unless you are super famous)

    The way to handle this is just talk to every girl you find attractive and if they don't seem like they enjoy your presence you move on to the next one. Don't take it personal.

    I know this is so much easier said than done. I am working on my fear too.

    good luck
  5. I used to do that with tons of em. If I didn't try I'd never said this.
    I tried so many times. I tried with 20 for example, 10 of em did nothing, 8 gave me insta and they didn't follow back (so no interest), 2 gave me their number and didn't reply to my messages. And this has always been the cycle. It is not possible so I just gave up
  6. By self-love and self-respect. Both will take you far in life!
  7. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    To be honest I wouldn't want to date you myself because of how desperate and not confident you come across. + let me ask you something: would you be interested in dating a woman who is miserable and blames all men for that state? Or would you feel kind of uncomfortable around her?
  8. You're right. But desperate and not confidence is how I feel nowadays. How can you be confident if you have never been with a girl
  9. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    To tell you the truth I myself have never been with a girl as in a relationship. That doesn't really concern me though. Like I wouldn't mind having a gf but it's not like a life goal to me + most young girls are idiots (same for young men lol) so I know I could look hard and eventually find one that I would like but I also realise how much time that would potentially require so I am just not concerned with that. At least not yet. I have bigger fish to fry at the moment.

    And confidence seems to be something unconscious. Not something you can turn off and on by telling yourself: "be confident". It apparently doesn't work that way.
    Btw I used to be very shy as a teenager so I kind of have an idea how you feeling.
    It stopped when I stopped caring about these things and just accepted that oh well some people are just shy myself included so what. Then over time I was somehow becoming more and more confident. Just like that. I can't explain the process but basically I didn't do anything fancy to grow in confidence, I just got on with my life and just lived it. Eventually I became confident enough that I didn't even remember what is was like to be shy. Like I remember the things I was afraid to do, things to say etc but now that I look at it I don't really know why I wasn't doing these things (you know, talking to people casually without being scared etc.)

    My advice would be that you chill and accept that you are just a shy person and be cool with that. Because in reality no one actually cares whether you are shy or not.
    I mean for instance let's say you want to chat with someone and as you start getting their attention they can clearly see that you are shy because you don't even try to hide it. So what? It's not like the earth will open up and the lightning strike you dead. It doesn't matter to anyone at the end of the day.
    Deleted Account and peglegb88 like this.
  10. That's what, I'm not shy, I'm just not confidence as the person I am. Maybe if I was taller and less child looking it could have been better. Or not. I don't know
  11. peacekeeperman

    peacekeeperman New Fapstronaut

    your problem exists only in your head, but the direct consequence of your thoughts is that people around you, especially women feel your weakness, feel that you aren't confident about yourself, so automatically they think if you don't love yourself, how can they do it?
  12. Yes but how be confident if you don't like yourself. How can you be confident if you are a Smart for two and not a Mercedes. I hate Smart for two
  13. peacekeeperman

    peacekeeperman New Fapstronaut

    tune the Smart, transform it into a Mercedes.
  14. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    You are concerned about things that don't matter, that is the problem.
    Trust me, no one cares how tall you are and also you rrrrreally don't want a beard. It needs to be shaved very often and it's not an enjoyable task tbh.
  15. TopBoys_Frontline

    TopBoys_Frontline Fapstronaut

    spontanuous advice: the only chance you (and anyone) has is to love yourself NO MATTER WHAT! it sounds strange but thats the way it works... if you dont love yourself, and somehow you find a girlfriend (and i think same for girls) you gonna suck out the energy of the other as you need constant approval and the love of the girl and you cant give nothing... thats why girls run away from that... love is to give, both should give, no one should take... you need to love yourself how you are RIGHT NOW, with all shortcomings and this love will then help you to grow and get better... of course bad looking (if you really are like that) is not helping but its not everything, more important is your mental state... girls want self confidence (because self confidence, self love will also improve your skills, your sex whatever) however you look like, and it is a good thing, we as human species wouldnt be here if our ancestors werent thinking like that.. and if you dont find a girlfriend (not now), you have your SELF RESPECT, and are not miserable and have a sense everyday.... and then again this will lead to attraction from girls... and also important that you accept the rejection, there always will be one (maybe also unjustified but its too accept)...

    man i was nearly the same mental state, but when i stopped caring, when i started accepting my weaknesses (not that i didnt work on them you know (but thats often the case when you dont accept them) but accept that they exist and dont feel bad about them) only then i got girlfriends... its counterintuitive but ask the men who are good with girls...

    succesfull people in life generally (not just one skill) work hard, yes, but DONT make their self worth dependent on their succes (if you do that you can be good in one thing, but not life in general), they are NOT DESPERATE (though if, that is also to be accepted) and then things GO EASY... then girls feels: ok this guy is in FLOW STATE...
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2020
  16. LoveIsAllWeNeed

    LoveIsAllWeNeed Fapstronaut

    You must love yourself for who you are. And that is the most difficult thing to do. In fact, no one I know really loves him- or herself completely. It is a process of discovering your judgements and letting them go.
    Reading your own opening post there are already so many self-judgements. Letting go of these ideas is what you will learn in your life. Start meditating or mindfulness, learn to see your thoughts and ideas from a distance and learn how to release them. Then you will start on your journey to self-realization.
    The girls you meet will probably be a pain in the ass for you. That's how it works. Relationships are very much about mutual pain on the spiritual level. The more you learn and become conscious of your ideas and judgements, the better your relationships will be. Good luck.
  17. TopBoys_Frontline

    TopBoys_Frontline Fapstronaut

    thats the point you need to like yourself with all your flaws, then you are confident, then you are more attractive, you are more happy, you work easier on flaws, more attraction = FLOW STATE

    you MUST NOT say: aha when i have this or that, than i like myself... because the nature of this is that youre never gonna like yourself because you are never enough (i did the same mistake often, until today)

    when you were a baby, have you been mercedes on day one? you couldnt walk, eat, but you did not (could not) hate yourself for that...than also a lot your flaws isnt your fault (family, wealth, education, things happened to you, traumas, etc) but you need to work on what you HAVE ALREADY
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2020
  18. True man,

    Dont overrate looks. I've seen really attractive girls with guys who are not that good looking (how society thinks good looking should look like anyway)

    You be more happy if you find yourself a girl you have this emotional connection with. This is so more important! Even in sex!

    If you don't feel confident about yourself work on it. Girls feel it...

    Accept who you are how you look. Put the energy in things you like to do! Don't focus too much on finding a girl and losing virginity.

    Do things that give you energy, you'll see one day you may bump into this girl unexpected?
  19. The Prisoner-335698

    The Prisoner-335698 Fapstronaut

    Hey ! 21 yo male here... and still a virgin...
    I think you're still hooked on PMO and you may need some more time away from it to get some clarity of mind and really understand that having a girlfriend is not going to bring you a happy life, having a girlfriend is a supplement to a good life.
    Women don't care about looks the trick is to just be funny to be around with, be social and don't hesitate to make a move.
    Crack jokes, make funny comments on what's happening around you etc...
    That requires self-confidence, self-confidence might sound like some unreachable goal but it really isn't.
    The only way you can acquire self-confidence is through experience, go out and experience life, do a parachute jump, work, play an instrument etc...
    Stay strong we believe in you !
  20. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    Just a minute. How can you know what girls like if you're a virgin?
    To say people don't care about looks is daydreaming lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.